MP3 Victor M. Font Jr. - Only Trust Him
Old time gospel instrumental hymns featuring the Banjo and Guitar. This is very pretty, easy listening music. It will make you smile and bring a soothing sense of peace to your spirit.
17 MP3 Songs
GOSPEL: Traditional Gospel, FOLK: Gentle
Victor Font is a born-again Christian who loves the Lord and purposes to honor and glorify God with his life. He was saved in May 1976 after going through a windshield in a near death car accident. After breaking two teeth and receiving over 200 stitches in his face, mostly in his right cheek, he opened the Bible for the first time. The very first Scripture verse he ever read is Psalm 3:7 which reads:
"Arise, O LORD; save me, O my God: for thou hast smitten all mine enemies upon the cheek bone; thou hast broken the teeth of the ungodly."
God got Victor''s attention that night and after reading a gospel tract, Victor asked Jesus into his heart to save him.
He now attends Community Baptist Church in Groton, CT. Over the years since his salvation, he has served in various lay capacities in the ministry but derives the most satisfaction out of playing music, preaching, and teaching Bible classes. His music is peaceful and serene. He plays and sings from his heart. While he''s played guitar for over 40 years, remarkably, he picked up the banjo for the first time in September, 2005. When you listen to his music, you''ll believe he''s played for many years. The Lord is certainly blessing the talent of his hands.
Victor desires for the Lord to touch your heart so you too can know the peace that comes from being saved. So as you decide to buy this CD, also take the time to consider this important question: If you were to die today, are you 100% certain you''ll be in Heaven? To be certain, you need to Only Trust Him.