MP3 FOOTPRINTS - Open The Door
Hip Hop
14 MP3 Songs
The group FootPrints is Taquan and Foundation, Two artist that have a lot of ambition to place them selfs and Twelve Rounds Of Music amongst other artist and labels that is successful with Hip Hop music. Taquan does the production and prefer to make his own original music than sampling.
The album Open The Door, the title that manifest its own meaning. Twelve Rounds Of music is the company, FootPrints is the group. As we embark on our journey we have much to give. Weather it was banging on the lunch room table freestyling to producing our own music in the studio, Hip Hop is an art that we always love.
Remembering being at jams and watching others perform was inspirational. Listening to the various groups and artist such as Kool Moe Dee, L L Cool J, Run DMC, Juice Crew, Boogie Down Production and the list can go on. We want to be remembered as artist, Performers, Great song writers and people of fun. When we look back and listen to others we would love to hear our group, our name FootPrints.