New 2010 Dealing With Stress Naturally (MRR)
Are Anxiety, Tension and Stress Preventing You From Living Your Life?
Are you tired of just "getting through" each day, hour by hour and minute by minute just to get it over with because you are so anxious, tense and stressed out?
Are you always calling in sick because you woke up with yet another stress or anxiety related complaint such a headache, nausea or exhaustion from insomnia?
Are you just struggling to get through life and just barely surviving rather than thriving, having fun and achieving your aims because you feel overwhelmed by anxiety, tension and stress?
Do you want to throw away those expensive addictive prescriptions and over the counter medications that doctors prescribe for anxiety, tension and stress?
Then you need to read-
Dealing With Stress Naturally
You do not have to take over-the-counter or drugs with terrible side effects to manage nervous conditions such as anxiety, tension and stress!
Learn long term strategies, new perspectives on life and every day healthful practices that can help you transcend these insidious threats to your health and sanity to become a happy, healthy proactive individual once again!
Dear Friend -
Let's face it.
Experiencing anxiety, tension and stress are immutable facts of life in this day and age. The pace of modern life picks up more and more each week. Many of us become overwhelmed because it becomes increasingly difficult to find time to relax or take it easy every now and then.
Few of us are able to "take time out to smell the flowers" nowadays, especially since the world wide recession hit and affected all of our lives. Many of us are working more than one job to make ends meet and rarely have time for healthy, emotional fulfilling activities that could allay our feelings of tension, anxiety and stress.
Even though stress is a recognized killer that contributes to all kinds of potentially lethal conditions including strokes and heart attacks it is an inevitable fact of life for just about everyone.
In fact many people are thrown for a loop at least once again and feel overwhelmed by a mountain of work. It is hard to stay physically or emotionally stable when you feel squished by financial troubles, needy people and rigid societal structures that make us feel exasperated and frustrated.
Feeling like life is just too much to bear is a fairly routine occurrence for most people and rather than be knocked down by circumstances many people find some kind of "crutch" to get them through the day.
Some people self-medicate by using alcohol, food or street drugs to relieve stress and anxiety and others take themselves to a doctor's office to get a prescription for something that will calm them down, perk them up or cheer them up.
Of course all of these things will only bring you a temporary respite from the stress and in fact the escapist nature of these "treatments" - self administered or not - often rebounds in the form of hangovers, unmet deadlines and getting even more behind which of course results in even more stress.
Getting stressed out every day is normal but for some individuals stress and anxiety becomes so bad that they have to call in sick, cancel social obligations and avoid living their life!
They simply have no time but to do anything else but handle their stress and emotional pain and the difficult, broken machine that has now become their mind!
Is managing your stress becoming your new full time job! You might need help with that!
The problem with experiencing too much stress is that it eventually leads to chronic anxiety or a depression that is too much for you to handle. Many people have nervous breakdowns or need to be treated for addiction.
At one point I thought I was Superwoman and in order to be all things to all people I stretched myself to the limit. I made absolutely not time for me and made every minute of my day about pleasing others.
The result was a lack of self-care that led to chronic attacks of anxiety which eventually left me depressed.
I was such a mess that other people just simply stopped including me in their plans because I was such a downer to be with. I became depressed and isolated which in turn increased my anxiety and stress about trying to "act normal" even though I did not feel quite right at all.
To top it off my doctors were prescribing me antidepressants that caused me to bloat up and gain weight and want to do nothing else but eat and lie on the couch.
By the time I was done taking all of these medications I was a real mess and I had gained a lot of weight! It took me about a year to discover the natural solutions and therapies that would eventually give me the confidence to reduce my dependency on eating too much, drinking alcohol and taking antidepressants in order to manage my burnt out psyche.
I wrote this eBook after I successfully found ways to wrestle control of my life back from the beasts known as anxiety stress and depression and stop getting depressed when things were not perfect!
Part of my problem was that I did not realize that stress was at the root cause of all of my problems. I was so busy running the treadmill in the rat race that I just could not see the way I was behaving, how I was constantly reacting rather than taking charge of my life and succumbing to the ravages of stress.
My first step when researching this book was to find out all I could about stress, anxiety and tension and what causes these conditions to manifest in our lives as a chronic, harmful problem.
In Dealing With Stress Naturally you will be become familiar with the basics about these psychologically and physically damaging conditions including --
A discussion of the many definitions of stress and how medical professionals have typically defined it
How irritability often manifests as a front line symptom of stress
The symptoms of stress overload that can affect your ability to concentrate or focus on the task at hand
The difference between "good" and "bad" stress
The situations where it appropriate to seek out stress on purpose
Why you are more prone to terrible accidents when you are stressed
How the constant nurturing of negative emotions can lead to our stress levels
What "feeling in control" of your live has to do with helping you manage stress
How the "fight or flight" mechanism serves us in some situations and makes us chronically ill in others
The biological evolution of the defense mechanisms that cause us to overreact to too much stimuli in the first place
How chronic illness can cause terrible anxiety and tension as a sideline secondary symptom
The role that dysfunctional families and relationships can play in increasing your stress levels
Why doing the wrong type of work can be so unhealthy for you and cause your stress and anxiety levels to skyrocket
How the Holmes-Rahe Social Readjustment Scale is used for measuring the impact of stress that is attached to various events in life with Death of a Spouse scoring a top 100 score
The statistics regarding the number of stress related ailments that warrant millions of visits to the doctor every year
The severe health consequences that can be the result of not being able to handle stress very well.
How your mind and body are affected by stress
How to recognize the warning signs that your stress levels are getting too high
How to develop effective stress management strategies and techniques
When to see professional advice for your anxiety, tension or stress
A comprehensive list of all of the antidepressant drugs that are prescribed for anxiety and depression plus a discussion of all of their side effects
How being prescribed antidepressants like Prozac or Effexor can cause problems such as blurred vision, sleep disruption, weight gain, abnormal bleeding, abdominal pain, sexual problems and gastrointestinal disturbance
...and a lot more information about tension, anxiety and stress that is practical and allows you to see your condition in the same light as a medical professional.
Did you know that if you do not take care of your emotional stress that you are five times more likely to die within seven years!
Start Managing Your Stress Rather Than Let It Manage You!
Of course each individual reacts to stress in different ways so the symptoms of stress of one individual are not concurrent with those of the next!
Some people suffer from both emotional and physical symptoms and some just manifest the stress in their body while still being outwardly cheerful. Yet others can't stop crying or sleeping while otherwise enjoying perfect health!
It is also true that people react to stress in different ways and are also vulnerable to many different types of triggers.
In Dealing With Stress Naturally I go over the various scenarios, symptoms and triggers that are part of suffering from tension, anxiety or stress including -
How going to the bathroom frequently may not be symptomatic of a bladder infection but actually of being subjected to too much stress
How sustained stress levels can cause headaches, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea
Why a dry mouth signifies that a person is under too much stress
How changes in the way you feel on an emotional level can signify that you are under too much stress
How alterations in the way you are behaving physically can indicate that you are under too much stress
How your basic character might to relate to how much you might be predisposed to suffering from stress related ailments
The top three occupations in contemporary life that court stress related ailments ... are you in these fields?
How being persistently angry, irritable and snappy can indicate that you are under too much stress
How mysterious physical aches and pains can indicate high levels of depression
How dizziness and lightheadness can indicate depression and not an inner ear problem!
How to know when fatigue and a constant feeling of being tired is part of a depression caused by stress
Why people who are stressed find it harder to concentrate
How a lack of both short term and long term memory can indicate that you are under too much stress
How an increase in the use of vices such as smoking and drinking can be related to experiencing too much stress
How stress serves to weaken your immune system and make it difficult for you to fight off infections and diseases
How stress increases blood pressure and therefore becomes a contributing factor to heart attacks and strokes
How stress can often bring on an attack of asthma
How stress can lead to a decrease in sexual desire and a lowered ability to perform
How you can learn to recognize the difference between perceived and real stress and learn to recognize false alarms that can get your adrenalin levels skyrocketing for no reason
...There are many more problems can be caused by stress and as is obvious, many of these conditions are killers.
Is the Cure For Stress Causing You Even More Stress?
You Have the Power to Take Care of Your Stress Levels So That They Become a Source of Personal Power and Not Fatigue!
In Dealing With Stress Naturally I discuss all of the ways that you can learn how to manage your stress, anxiety and stress including -
What to tell yourself mentally to turn off the alarm bells that trigger that "fight or flight response"
How to breathe properly so that stress is not able to get it's foot into our emotional door
The "stand back and count to ten" method of dealing with stress
A very special way, based on the Pavlovian method of training dogs that can teach you how to train your stress reactions so you are not hurt by them
How to prevent your muscles from tensing up so that the severity of your stress is reduced
An exercise to completely relax your entire body so you are less vulnerable to the uncomfortable consequences of experiencing too much stress
How to use visualizations to relieve yourself of stress
Ways to call up your visualization skills whenever you feel "hot under the collar" or that you might overreact due to stress
How to practice Raja Yoga to achieve a state of radiant calm and peace
How to use the basics of cognitive psychology to train yourself not to overreact in stressful situations
How changing your thoughts can change the feelings that cause stress
How feelings of low self-esteem or worthlessness can contribute to an inability to handle stress
How training your mind to look for solutions rather than focusing on the disaster itself can help you fight off stress
How to prioritize what you worry about and fight battles that are worth fighting
How to use positive thinking to combat tension and anxiety
How taking up a hobby like gardening, painting or photography can help you combat stress
How becoming too self-centered and too self-absorbed can elevate your levels of stress
How to use biofeedback, a non-medical process by which you learn what your body is doing to relieve stress
Why having a good sense of humor is a great weapon against stress
The role that St. John's Wort can play in relieving tension and anxiety and a breakdown of the sometimes dangerous side effects that are associated with taking this herb
How to use Passionflower to combat anxiety and insomnia
The safest way to take Valerian which is a heavily sedating herb that can help stressed out insomniacs get to sleep
The role that calcium and magnesium can play in calming your muscles, nerves and brain chemistry so that you are not stressed out
A list of essential oils that can be added to your bath to increase your capacity for relaxation and serenity
...As well as a lot more information about how to combat tension, stress and anxiety.
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