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MP3 Circus Of Dead Squirrels - Indoor Recess
Their music has been described as Industrial Metal Mayhem that Sounds like KMFDM hired Ren and Stimpy, Trent Reznor with a sense of humor or the soundtrack to the Muppet''s remake of "The Texas Chainsaw Massacre."
10 MP3 Songs
ELECTRONIC: Industrial, METAL: Industrial Metal
We have so few copies of our album left that no more cds will be sold here for what will likely be a very long time. But you can still download the album at places like iTunes and Napster. Thanks for making this a sucessful release guys, the second album is on the way and due out later this year.
Damn! These guys are f*%#in'' amazing! They remind me of one of my favorite bands from New York & that''s BILE! This is the debut CD release of this Industrial Metal act out of Ct. The music has a ton of energy pouring out everywhere. I was hooked right from the start. They have a Metal sound, but it is covered with tons of Industrial music. I loved the adrenaline that drives through all their songs. The music is extremely tight & fast, with tons of Industrial grooves, beats & breakdowns. These guys are just down right amazing! The vocals are done in a mid ranged Industrial style & a low end Death growl. This is one of the best new bands I''ve heard in a long time. Fans of BILE & HELL ON EARTH will love this band!!! I know I did!!!
Review from Beowolf Productions
Check out the remixes at
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This file is sold by music, an independent seller on Tradebit.