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Article Marketing Made Easy Video + Master Resale Rights

How Would You Like to Start Attracting Targeted Traffic To Your Website and Get Top Search Engine Rankings?

Learn Step by Step How Easy It Can Be To Launch A Successful Article Marketing Campaign!

You may know you need to get into Article Marketing, but you may not know the best way to get started with it. In this video series, youll learn how to do just that. Using Articles to promote your own products or promote affiliate products will help fatten your wallet.

This is the edge youll need...

In this video series, youll learn the shortcuts you need to get started producing articles that will drive traffic to your website fast! The videos are easy to follow and straight to the point because no one wants to listen to long videos that are filled with fluff; and end up wasting your time!

Here is exactly what youll learn from these 6 powerful videos:

* Getting Started - What is Article Marketing

Before you get started with anything, its a good habit to know what its about. So in this video, youll learn just that and how Article Marketing can boost your Search Engine Rank and save you time in the long run. Article Marketing is such a great way to get exposure for your product, an affiliate product, or to build your list!

* What tools you need to get started with Article Marketing

Before you get started, you will need to know what topic you will be writing on as well as where and how you will find the content for the articles. You may be one of those people who suffer from a case of writers block and it may keep you from getting started. You may find yourself sitting and staring at the computer, trying to decide what to write. But, that wont be a problem anymore because youll learn some tips that will allow you to get past this by using private label articles and where to find them. Youll also learn what you need to find profitable affiliate programs.

* How to rewrite Private Label Rights articles.

As I mentioned earlier, PLR Articles give you a foundation to get over the writers block. Finding private label articles isnt hard, however taking the usual factual, dull articles and adding spice to them is more of a challenge.

You see there is a trick to re-writing PLR articles correctly, because while you want to re-use these articles, you will want to write them in a way that it reflects you as the writer as well...but dont worry, youll learn more about that in the video. Learning to write an exciting article will provide you with a great pre-selling tool! .

* Finding Profitable Affiliate Programs to promote

By now, youve come to realize that a good article can be used as a effective pre-selling tool. Youll want to use the article to gain the trust of the reader. If you can find profitable affiliate programs to promote that deal with the topic of the article, then you can increase the conversion rates of the reader and get them to buy the product. In this video, youll learn a several step process to doing just that, along with a few tricks and shortcuts that can keep you ahead of your competition.

* Creating a Resource Box

After reading the article, the reader will want more! Youve gained their trust by giving them something valuable that will solve their problems. But now they will want to know about you, the writer. Creating a resource box that is short and sweet will allow you to build your credibility as well as drive traffic to your site, your free report, free video, and more. This is where you get the one way back links or traffic to your website. So dont forget to add this part in!

* Marketing Your Articles

While a lot of your time should be spent on the marketing end, it doesnt need to be a time consuming project. Submitting your articles to article directories can be very time consuming and there are many sites out there that take articles so youll want to choose the ones that are most effective. Well talk about Article Marketer, EzineArticles, ArticleDashboard, and much more.

You will find that some sites allow you to have direct links to affiliates products, but there are some that dont allow this. Knowing all of this beforehand will allow you to be equipped with the knowledge you need to choose the right ones.

Grab this Article Marketing Made Easy Video course today and access it immediately after your purchase. No waiting in lines and even if it is 4am in the morning, youll have instant access to these step by step Article Marketing Videos!

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You will receive:
* Videos: 6 part in SWF and MP4 format;
* Master Resale Right Licence;
* Reseller Site (ready to use).
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