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MP3 John David Thomas - Early Songs and Jazz of John David Thomas

Original fantastic rock songs, love songs and jazz rock instrumental music of composer,musical producer, pianist, synthesist, arranger, vocalist, and songwriter John David Thomas (John Thomas), his originals of 1970 - 1983 and his recordings in Indiana an

19 MP3 Songs
ROCK: Progressive Rock, JAZZ: Jazz Fusion

This special anthology of my most important STUDIO recordings of my own ROCK songs, JAZZ ROCK music and love songs of 1970-1983 plus my solo piano recordings (2)in Scottsdale, Arizona, USA in 1987 at Cereus Recording Studio (formerly owned by A. J. Siniaho and two others), this is a DOUBLE ALBUM CD of mine with 19 tracks and about one hour and fifteen minutes in length...a SUPER DEAL for all music lovers of rock music, excting high energy jazz rock, and beautiful love songs and also all DISCO DANCE ROCK lovers...(includes my two "famous" disco songs of "Chrissy" and "In Your Heart" of 1979 and 1983)...there is something here for EVERYBODY...from young kids who love great rock music to middle age and college students and evey the old folks will love Lamentations III, my solo piano piece I composed in 1982 in Indianapolis, Indiana, USA. My WILD EXCITING music originals here include my AWARD WINNING jazz rock composition, played on world famous rock radio station in Indianapolis, Indiana called WFBQ-FM (Q 95 rock station) is called: "NIGHT VISIONS"...features Tom Padgett on lead guitar (his fantastic wild solo in the mid section) and Larry Hall on lead trumpet (L.A. session pro musician on movie soundtracks now) and myself, as always, on piano and synthesizer, all of the rock and jazz songs include brother Paul Thomas (2 years younger than me) on drums, and many others, listed on the album credits of the CD. This music is SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO GOOD! A few tracks, maybe three or so, have some "tape hiss" on them, due to the age of the original master tapes and recordings (about 30 years ago or so), but other than that, these are incredible songs and music recordings...anyone who loves "great melodies and great music" will love these songs and compositions, unless you are ultra conservative, and only like "quiet music". But if you want a CD that you will want to collect and want to play over and over again for years, this is a great one for that! I am a member of ASCAP, NARAS (Grammy Awards organization), A F of M Local 47 in Hollywood, CA (pro musicians union in the AFL CIO), RMALA (Recording Musicians Association of L.A.), and I will rejoin Mensa soon too. Am featured in famous reference books, see my official biography and detailed chronicle of my entire music career and my background, as published and written by Marquis Publishers on the east coast of USA in New Jersey...this bio is on THEIR website at: https://www.tradebit.com For my other music websites to listen to much of my music online, go to: https://www.tradebit.com also go to: https://www.tradebit.com and https://www.tradebit.com (that contact info is not up to date)...my phones for you to reach me, if you are a fan of mine or a new fan or if you are a pretty woman or nice girl who wants to correspond with me, is: (317) 3326645 (317) 9716666 and (317) 8443161 my private emails are: johndavidthomas1@https://www.tradebit.com thejdtgroup@https://www.tradebit.com sexycomposer@https://www.tradebit.com moderncomposer@https://www.tradebit.com johndavidthomas@https://www.tradebit.com composerandartsman@https://www.tradebit.com moderncompos@https://www.tradebit.com moderncomposer@https://www.tradebit.com sexyjohn97@https://www.tradebit.com see my official MARQUIS WHOS WHO bio profile below, as printed on their website, given above here...thanks! -John Thomas (John David Thomas), aka John D Thomas in USA, 2704 Central Court, Indianapolis, IN 46280-1930

John David Thomas
is a subject of biographical record in
Marquis Who''s Who Publications
inclusion in which is limited to individuals who have demonstrated outstanding
achievement in their own fields of endeavor and who have, thereby,
contributed significantly to contemporary society

John David Thomas
Occupation: composer, musician, photographer, sound recording engineer
Born: Muncie, Ind., March 30, 1951

Student, Purdue University, 1971
Student, Jordan College of Music, Indianapolis, 1965
BS in Music Theory and Composition, Ball State University, 1976
Musician, composer, 1955-; cellist The Howe String Quartet (with Ann Pinney, Mary Ann Tilford, Anne Wuster), Indianapolis, 1967-68; keyboardist, vocalist, cellist Fire and The Rebel Kind rock bands, 1967-69, Good Conduct rock band, Muncie, 1972-73; pianist The Pavillion at Olde Towne, Los Gatos, California, 1969; radio announcer John David''s Late Night Rock Show WCCR-AM, West Lafayette, Ind., 1969-70; photographer Indianapolis, 1964-1984, 1991-2000; budget analyst Office of Comptroller USAFAC, 1976-84; co-leader, keyboardist, composer, arranger, vocalist, sound technician Jetstream band, Carmel, Indianapolis, Kokomo, Columbus, Bloomington, 1979-83; co-leader, keyboardist, vocalist, sound technician The Thomas Brothers, King''s Crown Inn, Kokomo, 1979; sound/audio visual technician Valley Cathedral Church, Phoenix, 1987; CEO/owner, digital and film photographer, graphic designer Have Camera Will Travel, 2003-
Career Related
Pianist, synthesist Paul Thomas and Night and Day, The Tim Barnett Band, Indianapolis Museum Art, 1992, Radisson Hotel and Broadmoor Country Club, Indianapolis, 1991, Highland Country Club, Indianapolis, The Ritz Charles Hotel and Summertrace, Carmel, Ind., Stonehenge Resort, Bedford, Ind., 1991; solo pianist Terranova Mansion, Paradise Valley, Arizona, 1987, Wrigley Mansion, Phoenix, 1988, Boulders Resort, Carefree, Arizona, 1987, Clarion Inn/McCormick''s Ranch Resort, Scottsdale, Arizona, 1986, China Gate, Phoenix, 1988, Victor''s, Phoenix, 1988, Cascade Club, Everett, Washington, 1990; keyboardist, synthesist, key bassist, The Gulch Gang, Pinnacle Peak Patio, Scottsdale, 1984, Dee Dee Ryan, The Longhorn Saloon, Apache Junction, Arizona, 1984-86, The Last Straw Band, Country City saloon, Mesa, Arizona, 1986; keyboardist, pianist, vocalist with Peter, Paul and John, Anderson (Ind.) College, 1977; CEO, owner, composer, photographer, arranger, producer, musician, engineer, graphic designer, computer operator, John David Thomas Productions, Indianapolis, 1993-; CEO, owner JD Thomas Music Co., 1999-, Monolith Records, 1999-2001, JDT Records, 2001-, Serious Bizness Music Co., 2002-, Global Concept Music Co., 2002-, Silky Rd. Music Co., 2002-, Spirit Realm Music Co., 2002-, Mega Modern Music Co., 2002-; recording artist Civil Defense label https://www.tradebit.com., 2000-2004, Civil Defense label https://www.tradebit.com, Europe, 2002-, JDT Records, 2001-.
Creative Works
Composer, lyricist of over 350 classical, religious, commercial, rock, jazz, popular and avante garde/futuristic compositions, including Infinity, 1970-71, Death of Rock and Roll, 1970, Night Visions, 1972, First Things First, 1972, Two Nudes and a Fire Hydrant, 1972-73, Chant for Orchestra, 1972, 2001, Love Theme in D, 1972, 98, Zeitgeist: The Spirit of the Time, 1974, The Little Prince, 1973, 2001, When We Dead Awaken, 1973, Pray, 1972, Apogee, 1974, Chinese Baby, 1973, Alabama DA (Top Forty recording), 1973, Angel, 1974, Music for French Horn, Cello, and Piano, 1976, Cruising Beyond, 1979, Jetstream Theme, 1979, Chrissy, 1979, Love Theme in B Minor, 1979, In Your Heart, 1983, Future Music, 1987, The Recurrent New Millenium Orchestral Olympic Disco Festival Dance, 1989, Jubilee in F, 1989, Praise Him, The King Liveth, 1989, Love Flowers: Reflections and Meditations on Beauty and Truth, 1990, Sheena''s Theme, 1992, I Want You Forever You''re My Miracle, 1992, My Pseudo-Erotic, Sensual, Exotic Musical Fantasy and Romance for Our Heavenly Nocturnal Starry-Skied Carpet Ride to Paradise in Istanbul and Constantinople, 1992, I''m in Love with Someone Beautiful, 1992, Improvisations for Sheena, 1992, Musical Essences, 1994, 2002, Mystery World #1, 1994, Mystery World #2, 1994, Orient, 1994, Orchestral #17, 1994, Drums and Percussion Music, 1994, My Renaissance Brass Music, 1994, Postlude, 1994, Music for Baritone Vocal and String Orchestra, 1995, Meditations for Pipe Organ and Male Choir, 1996, Trumpet Voluntary in F, 1996, Pathway to Love, 1996, Majestic Brass Music in F#, 1997, J.D.''s Theme, 1998, The Road to Tomorrow, 1999, Let Me Be the One, 2000, God and the Everlasting, 2000, Sunshine, 2000, Love Theme, 2000, Dreaming, 2000, Together, 2000, Love You, 2000, The Road of Life, 2000, Desires of the Heart, 2000, The Open Sky, 2000, Just Me and You, 2000, In the Spirit of Mozart, 2001, God and the Everlasting, 2001, From Me to You, 2001, Ostinato for Double Reeds, 2001, God 1, 2001, God 2, 2001, Randy''s Theme, 2002, Music for Suzy, 2003, Music for Beautiful Women, 2003, over 140 short piano compositions, 1999-2003; (albums) The Journey of Life, Destiny''s Calling: Improvisations, 1994, 2002; (cd''s) The Journey of Life, 1994, 2002, Musical Essences, 1994, 2002, Music for Bethany, 2002, The Avant-Garde of John David Thomas, 2002, From Me to You, 2002, Desires of the Heart, 2002, Spirit Music, 2002, The Seen and the Unseen, 2000, John David Thomas at the Piano, 2005, Romantic Abstract for the Modern Woman in Love with this Composer, 2005, Pathway to Love, 2005, Desires of the Heart, 2005, Early Songs and Jazz of John David Thomas: 1970-1987, 2005, Potpourri: Music for the World, 2000, Music for the World, vol. 2, 2000, (broadcast) Hometown Hour, Station WFBQ-FM, Indianapolis, 1979-80, Music for Kelly, Judy, Karyn, and Stacey, 2003; performed orginal composition, Someday, WFBM-TV, Indianapolis, 1969; designer automotive concepts and popular fashions; recordings of over 120 original songs and compositions including Love Theme in D, 1972, 98, Majestic Brass Music in F# for Bethany and Mark, 1997, J.D.''s Theme, 1998; plus over 90 recordings on CD''s; author numerous poems.
GM scholar Purdue University, 1969-70, Hoosier scholar, 1969, Palmer Memorial Music scholar Ball State University, 1971-74; named to Ind. All-State Orchestra (cellist), 1968; recipient 1st place award (cellist) Ind. State Music Contest, 1968, God and Country award, 1965, Outstanding Musician award Irvington Music Club, Indianapolis, 1969, Purdue University Symphonette, 1970, Hometown Hour award WFBQ-FM Radio Station, Indianapolis, 1979.
Musician, vocalist, composer Downey Ave. Christian Church, Indianapolis, 1961-69, Univ. Presbyterian Church, West Lafayette, Ind., 1969-71, Castleview Baptist Church, Indianapolis, 1974-84, Valley Cathedral Church, Phoenix, 1986-87, Edmonds (Washington) Christian Church, 1988-90, Edmonds United Methodist Church, 1989-90; page to speaker House of Reps. Ind. State Legislature, 1963; active All Souls Unitarian Church, Indianapolis, 1994-96.
Member American Society of Composers, National Academy of Recording Arts and Sciences, Audio Engineering Society, Recording Musicians Association LA, Mensa.
son of John Charles and Phyllis Lorraine (Wear) T.; married Rosalie Faith Baldwin, July 27, 1974 (div. 1990); children: Bethany Carol, Mark David.
Hobbies and Special Interests
Reading, computers, listening to music, dining, photography
John David Thomas''s biography appeared in the following books:
Who''s Who in America, 59th Edition
Who''s Who in America, 58th Edition
Who''s Who in America, 57th Edition
Who''s Who in America, 56th Edition
Who''s Who in America, 55th Edition
Who''s Who in America, 54th Edition
Who''s Who in America, 53rd Edition
Who''s Who in America, 52nd Edition
Who''s Who in America, 51st Edition
Who''s Who in Entertainment, 2nd Edition
Who''s Who in the Midwest, 26th Edition
Who''s Who in the Midwest, 25th Edition
Who''s Who in the Midwest, 24th Edition
Who''s Who in the West, 23rd Edition
Who''s Who in the West, 22nd Edition
Who''s Who in the World, 22nd Edition
Who''s Who in the World, 21st Edition
Who''s Who in the World, 20th Edition
Who''s Who in the World, 19th Edition
Who''s Who in the World, 18th Edition
Who''s Who in the World, 17th Edition
Who''s Who in the World, 16th Edition
Who''s Who in the World, 14th Edition
Who''s Who in the World, 13th Edition
Who''s Who in the World, 12th Edition
Who''s Who in the World, 11th Edition
Who''s Who in the World, 10th Edition
Who''s Who of Emerging Leaders in America, 4th Edition

® Marquis Who''s Who LLC

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