MP3 Jerry Wilde - Tools of the Trade
60% Blues + 30% Rock + 10% Booze = 100% BOOGIE...
10 MP3 Songs
BLUES: Electric Blues, BLUES: Guitar Blues
Who is this ''Jerry Wilde'' dude, anyway?
The only way to honestly answer that question is to understand that many of us are forced to lead double lives. My regular life is that of a husband, father of two, and Sunday school teacher. But in my heart, I''m a BLUES MAN!
I grew up listening to rock music and was first exposed to blues after reading an article about AC/DC in which Angus Young said he rarely listened to rock music and that he preferred Muddy Waters. I thought, "Muddy Waters. Who''s that?" In 1979 I picked up a copy of "Hard Again" and I can honestly say my life has never been the same.
In my teens and twenty''s I played in numerous bands, but the music was still rock, not blues. When I got married and started raising a family I thought I had put music in my past. I knew I would always play guitar, blow the harp, and sing on the porch but I thought I was done with the serious pursuit of music. I didn''t count on one simple fact...the music wasn''t done with me.
The result is "Tools of the Trade," a collection of original songs that pays homage to my heroes like Rory Gallagher and Johnny Winter. I handle all the vocals and music on this CD. There is a "guest appearance" on "Father and Son" by my seven-year-old son, "Jawbone" Jack Wilde, a budding bluesman in his own right.
This project has truly been a labor of love and if you have half as much fun listening to it as I did writing, playing, and producing it, then I''ll be satisfied. If you''re still wondering, "Who is this Jerry Wilde dude?" I think I can answer it using the lyrics to the song "Bed, Beer, and T.V. (Everyman''s Blues)."
I want a bed, my wife in it,
I want some beer and television,
I like baseball and fishing,
No I don''t care what I''ve been missing,
I''m just trying to get by,
Living the everyman''s blues!
That pretty much sums it up. Thanks for checking out my tunes!