MP3 Ike - I Want You
This long awaited solo project from Ike brings out his musical genius. His music is for everyone. Message driven, storytelling songs with unstoppable grooves. This is a MUST HAVE.
12 MP3 Songs
URBAN/R&B: Contemporary urban, BLUES: Funky Blues
My name is Ike, I was born Vincent Lamont Ellison to two wonderful parents, Clinton and Ola May Ellison. I was born in a small mid western town that clang’s to the boarder of Pennsylvania, separated by miles of flat lands and the some what greener pastures and smooth roads that leads to the city of Youngstown Ohio. My parents knew that my sibling’s and I were a special group of kid''s, when we expressed an early interest in music. Our urge to play music was so great, that we would make guitars out of bed slats, soap powder boxes and rubber bands. Once my folks realized that we were serious about playing music, my father went out and purchased real instrument for us. I played the bass guitar for the family band known as "Electric Waters". After a few years of preparation we were ready. My father was the bands manager and he exposed us to the public as often as possible. I remember one summer a Gentleman by the name of Michael Stokes came to Youngstown, because he heard about us through a mutual friend. I remember being particularly nervous playing for this man because we were told that he was the right hand man of music mogul Mr. Barry Gordy. Mr. Stokes came into the living room and took a seat on the sofa in front of us. My father gave the signal and we begin to play, after we played about five song’s he said that he had heard enough. My father told us to stop and leave the room. As my father and Mr. Stokes talked business, we stood outside trying to act normal, but my emotions were racing in all different directions. That was a lot of pressure for an eight year old to handle. After Mr. Stokes left my father told us that he would be in touch, at that point our rehearsals increased. Our schedule for that summer went as follows. Up at 7:00 breakfast and chores done by 8:00 rehearsal started 8:00 to 12:00, lunch from 12:00 to 1:00 rehearse from 1:00 to 3:00, diner from 3:00 to 4:00 rehearse from 4:00 to 8:00 pm. That is a hard schedule for an adult not to mention an eight year old child. But all of this was for not, at that time the music industry was experiencing some set backs, and Mr. Gordy decided to invest his time and efforts into his existing artist‘s. I was devastated, but I moved on. As I grow older I realized that playing the bass guitar in a band was not fulfilling, so I quit the band and begin working on my singing skills. While I was in the band my two brother''s did all of the lead vocals and I was just a background singer. When they heard that I was going to try to make a career out of singing they ridiculed me and told me that I did not possess a lead singer’s vocals. That hurt me, but it did not discourage me. In fact the more they tried to break me down the harder I work at my craft. It had gotten so bad at home, I stopped singing at home and would only sing at school. After my skill''s and confidence were built up, I assembled an R&B quartet called "Top Secret", and we went to work. This group was so strong vocally I think "Boys II Men" would have feared for there spot in the lime light had they heard "Top Secret". After dealing with the attitudes and ego’s that comes with singer''s, I decided to take my career in yet another direction. This time I would go solo, and all I would have to deal with was the attitudes of my musicians. As my vocals evolved I new that I would have to leave Youngstown, if I were to have a chance at stardom. So I packed up a few of my belonging''s and set out in search of my life long dream. My first stop was England, I got gig’s at a few of the local whole in the wall bar’s, I''d stayed for two week’s and moved on. My next stop was Ben dorm Spain, were I worked the night club strip, my premier spot was the "White Horse Bar and Grill". The management felt that I was so good for business, he offered me double what he was paying if I would stay, but I had to move on. I spent the next six months jumping from county to county. When I tired of Europe I moved on to Asia. I spent three year''s touring all over Japan, and Korea. The best spot I have ever played was Australia, I could not believe how well they embraced me. I spent eight months in Australia performing under the stage name of Ike, this name stuck and I have been using it ever since. While touring in Japan, I had the opportunity to build an impressive list of credits. I was given the opportunity to perform as the open act for musical greats such as “Cool and The Gang“, “The Dazz Band” and “Peabo Bryson“. I have just recently added a new name to my list of credits. On November 18th 2005, I had the privilege of performing in Reno Nevada at the Reno Event Center, before a soled out crowed with comedy great Dave Chappelle. The show received rave reviews from the Reno Journal Gazette. In the year 2006, I will be performing in cities all over the United States. So keep your eye’s and ear’s open, I may be performing in a city near you.