MP3 Tha 925az - God Turns His Eyes
Hyphy Bay Area slap with a full universal sound. Reppin tha 925 home of many other rappaz that don''t rep it.
17 MP3 Songs
HIP HOP/RAP: West Coast Rap, URBAN/R&B: R&B Rap mix
After releasing the first 925az underground album in THA BAY AREA and up and down da West Coast. The stand outs of the previous project bring you some more of what you love.
The 925az are a Hyphy/Rap/Hip Hop/R and B group rooted in the deep East Bay. They posess a sound that is full, universal, and has the potential to reach and touch millions! With subjects that range from struggle, abandonment,trife hardship and pain. To Achievment, overcoming tremendous obstacles, positivity,rehabilitation, fun and love. Alot of times with a witty and comedic punch to it.
Why this name?
415+510=925 "Its not just tha code, yadameen" Teak Ortiz says " its a mentality of unity for all of us around here. This area has its heroes, but its almost like cats think they gotta rep cities up the road to feel legitimate, like they ashamed of the town they from, a few infamous pittsburg cats say they rep the town then sleep out here, I dont get it, 925''s a factor when we do these shows out here bayside, no matter where we go theres more 925a cats on stage, in the audience, and dj''n feelin us all the way"
This explosive group came together towards the end of 2002. At Las Medanos College in Pittsburg Caliifornia. Where Kwamdocious born (Kwame Nelson) who was attending classes on a pelgrant, shortly after being released from a 2 year stint in prison (Who had little music background) . Met Teak Ortiz (born Micheal Benjimen Ortiz ) who had recently picked up his pieces from being homeless in Santa Barbra and completing a year in rehabilitation towards righteousness (With a budding knack to compose measures) met in an entry level music composition class).
After a mild challenge over who could compose the best 4 measure loop. (That Kwamdocious lost miserably) The two made a connection. Teak let Kwamdocious take a couple of beats home and come up with some concepts then invited him to PZP''s lab in Discovery Bay, California.
It was then they recorded their first track "100% Gangsta" In a little over an hr. It was established at that moment that the three had a good chemistry and work ethic(Teak,Kwamdocious and PZP). The track never made it on cd but, was a favorite of their underground crowd. They continued to kick it and make tracks together with intentions of "blowin up" but, without much aim or goals to shoot at.
Next semester Teak and Kwamdocious skipped the next course in music composition and went to the highest level that Los Medanos had to offer. Directed by the brilliant proffesor dr. Kyle Chua. The objective was to put out a cd in stores compiled of music by students in the class from every genre under the sun. To raise money for mastering, duplication, etc. the class had to come up with ideas. Dr. Chua threw the class one gift: last semesters cd, to sell. Among the ideas, were a raffel, T-Shirts and a the 925az first opportunity to perform together...........a show. The "Underground Sound" show was headed to be coordinated by Star Diva and some forgot about DJ. Teak had an idea to put together a cd that could be sold during and after the show. The Underground Sound CD that he designed a cover for and got a cd sticker stamper to put the labels on the cd with. The cd was compiled of the songs to be performed that night.
The morning of the show there was a phone call informing the 925az that the venue fell through the day of the show, because the owner of the venue was going on vacation. Kwamdocious took it upon hisself to step in. Being known for his platinum mouthpiece and ability to pursuae others he felt he could have some influence on the situation. He made the phone call and learned that she (the owner) just didn''t trust anybody to watch over things while she was gone. Kwamdocious assured her that he would have security present and that he would personally make sure everything was under contol. Also that she would get at least $500 from the door. The lady even wanted a signed contract faxed to her before we could obtain the keys. Once that was out of the way it was time to prepare for the show. It was about 3pm when they finally arrived to the spot. Show time was scheduled at around 8pm. The location wasn''t the greatest. A seedy area just outside of downtown Pittsburg. A junkyard next door and a rundown motel across the street, where someone was murdered just a week or so prior to the show.
When the 925az arrived at this venue. It was a beat down raggedy indoor junkyard lookin wherehouse space. "This b@#! wants five hunned fa this?" Said Kwamdocious. She was as good as burnt. They ended up building a stage with flat wood boards, bricks, paint buckets, and a tarp! Just dumb grimey but, they pulled it off and made it work. It was then when it was revealed who tha standouts were gonna be by the Hyphyness of Kwamdocious and Teak while the rest of the click choked and stood stiff in their shoes while they attempted to prestent they spits.
In present day. Tha showz are just dumb HYPHY they have amazing live performance. With stage presence that is rarely seen from Rap artist who tend to be lazy or that are "too tough" to move on stage. And with the addition of the "925 bombodynaughtyz" with international models and hood hottiez it brings even more exitement to the showz!
The click has previously been know for almost giving a venue owner in Oregon a heart attack when strippers started to get a lil to risque'' during one of their vintage strip club hits. "Put ya clothes on the floor!" Then there''s the time they a slight struggle with security at "Mingles" in Oakland which is known for being one of the grittiest spots in the town; when they had a 925 mami takin her shirt off on stage. DJ''s and the crowd loved it. So while security was tryin to shut it down and the dj was being non-compliant the fans kept screaming for more!
Teak and Kwamdocius have performed with a host of Cali Legends and Underground artist such as. E-40,B-Legit, Rick Lee, Yuckmouth and Numskull (of tha Luniz) Dead Pres, Ras Kass, Messy Marv, San Quinn, The Done Deal Family,Forty Glock, Ricky Gordon, Digital Underground, Kev Kelly, J. Dandridge, Cellski, Harvey, the Snake Mandell, OTG, Harold and The Knights, Sic Nick Against the Grain, the SPAZ, DJ Classic, The Latin Bosses, One Shangrali, Lady Thug, Spiegal, Double O, H-Nut, Black Friday, Ohm Powah, The Keltic Tribe, The Mermen, Solider Forever Creepin, Gas, Sharon Knight.
The click was far too talented to be sittin on all of this heat that was being dropped in the studio so along came the idea of putting together a cd to put on shelves. It was around the end of 2002. When they started to decide on which tracks should be dropped, creating a buzz and workin hard in the booth on new tracks. Soon Teak met up with Rikcki Gordon of Cali Fresh Music and he had managment and insight to offer on the project to be. "Ricky did a lot as far as intoducin us to the industry and some big cats out here in the yay and L.A." says Kwamdocious.
Teak and Kwamdocious were invited to Hollywood to Money B''s movie release party for Sex in the Studio and featured on HBO''s documentary A Rose that Grew From Concrete. With Yuckmouth and Numbskull (Tha Luniz), https://www.tradebit.comnce, Dru Down, David Banner, Ron Jeremy and a sleu porn star girls where they networked and promoted anticipated albulm.
Mr. Gordon set it up a meeting with Mike Bass, Envious Clothing and a couple other entities that will remain nameless in this Bio to set up to drop the bomb on the bay. Tha 925az were to open up for E-40 the whole summer and have him feature on the album, for the bay anthem "Aint No Fuckin With The Bay"
The night before the meeting that would''ve changed their lives fate had other things in mind. T and K were out late promoting at a host of East Bay venues, then they hit up a freestyle session with Spook in the Tri-Valley. At around 4am on the way home they were pulled over by an edgy, aggresive, narrow minded rookie cop just lookin to arrest his way to top cop. After having guns drawn, on them being choked and dragged out of the car because of an awkward smell in the vehicle it was evident they wouldn''t make it to the meeting 12. The fact that Teak had a 48 inch sword concealed as a cane and Kwamdocious was already on parole just added insult to injury. With Mr.Docioius facing a violation and Teak staring at Felony concealed weapons charges the two were booked in at Santa Rita, Alameda County Jail. A bed with no sleep numbers awaited them where they would lay for a while.
Teak was realeased earlier than Kwamz due to the fact that Kwamdocious was on parole and with the State being over budget spending 2 billion on Parolees in California the system was backed up to say the least. But Teak worked dilligently to keep the project moving. He encouraged Kwamdocious to remain calm and stay outta trouble while he was serving his time. "Your job is easy.......all you gotta do is kick back in there. When you get out you''ll be a rap star" said Teak. Even more so he did everything he could to help his boy get out. He served as a witness against the cop that built a case of lies held together by his Dublin Brass. Mr. Ortiz also served as a character witness in his Parole hearing. He even went as far as to stay on the State who tended to be slow in processing. When paperwork was taking too long getting to it''s destination. Kwamdocious would send it to Teak and he would expedite it in a timely manner. At the the threat of being arrested for impersonating a parole officer and being hauled in for harrassing Kwamdadas Parole officer. Teak was told he would be arrested if he EVER called the parole office again. Still the when the day came of Docious'' release out of his love for pissing people off he called again and said "HE''S HEREEEEEE!!!" No charges were filed.
The disk was already in duplication and because of interstate parole transfer would no longer allow Kwamdocious to live California, he had to finish out his Parole in Oregon.
The project was finally pressed up and several units were sold in stores and undergrowund up and down the west coast. A nice size following was developed in Oregon and there is where the first of some of the paid shows began. The 32 track double disk was an undergound hit. But, could''ve been better if some of the weaker links were deleted from the click.
Still there were fruits of this. They continued to try to establish themselves as a force in the Bay Area. They kept pressing forward and working towards getting bigger. They began collaberations with Bay legends like King Gorge and Rappin Forte''. They helped put on a show for the Mission/Geneva troubled youth when J.T. Tha Bigga Figga donated money for an after school music program. "Oh yeah mayng eventhough we missed out on a lot from losin that meeting we kept thangz poppin when we dropped that disk"
Teak and Kwamdocious knew for a long time they were the standouts and were anxious to release a disk minus a lot of the garbage that accompanied them on the first album. The Gods smiled on Teak and Kwamdocious when PZP was kicked out of his home in Discovery Bay and had no where to put equipment. Teak gladly gave the boof a home and now the 2 could record their album without any distractions from former members. They got it done quick. When the project was completed they were''nt sure which would be the title track, so they flipped a coin. Heads "God Turns His Eyes". Tails "Long Shot". You do the math.
Along with expanding his horizons with the "God Turns His Eyes" release, Teak is attending Expression Digital College, majoring in audio engineering. Along with another 925az release planned for the future he''s contemplating his solo project. A triple disk set "What it is, What it was and What it will be". Which will be a defining commentary on what he calls the "sorry state of oversaturation".
Kwamdocious is putting his time and efforts into promoting and booking more shows to blow "God Turns His Eyes" up. And along with planning for the next 925az drop. He''s working on a project called, "Kwamdada Daboss presents, The 925 Nation" A collaboration project with Teak, Dank Mobb, High Speed, B-Lane, $antiago,J-Bully and PZP.
Written by Dizell Yalbled.