MP3 Nick D'Amico - Evolution II
A happy collection of original Latin Jazz music, written and performed by the composer in four languages, featuring Flute, Sax, Piano, Marimba, Guitar and Trumpet solos.
14 MP3 Songs in this album (71:54) !
Related styles: Jazz: Latin Jazz, World: Mediterranean, Solo Male Artist
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From the Composer:
At the age of 15, I became a union musician with Local 47 in Hollywood. Recording seemed to be a better platform for creativity than live music because when you''re young and have original material to record, you either get signed to a major label or you do your own thing, if you''ve got the money to back yourself. I always had a dream of having my own studio so I wouldn''t have to worry about "the clock" and how much money I was spending. After years of work as a studio musician, that dream became a reality. I visualized this coming to be. It seems we must be very careful what we visualize because visualization is the power that makes things happen. I have a hanging mural in my home that says "Be careful what dreams you dream for dreams come true".
I love recording! I love the studio. It''s truly the final sanctuary of musical thoughts. When I write a song, the simple message is the most important piece that must be preserved. Elaborating on the original concept should mean that, through a process of evolution, it becomes a work of beauty. Capturing definitive performances on a recording is what I strive for when I produce music to share with the world. Live performance is gone in an instant, where a recording is like a painting that has been captured forever. Many times I''ve come to the end of a recording session, not thinking that I''ve done anything special. Then, the next day, I play it back and hear interesting places my mind was going and realize that there was a lot of deep thoughts that I had to step back from to appreciate.
I wanted this recording to be about happy times and happy places. Most of the music expresses how much I enjoy being alive. When I made the decision to produce music full time, it gave me an opportunity to love my work more than ever, regardless of how much I was paid. To do my own work is not at all about the money and the work I accomplish in the studio is its own reward.
Share your music.....
It''s important to share your music. When somebody hears your song, it becomes a part of their life because they experienced it and will take it with them for the rest of their life. Making that contribution is vitally important as an artist and I have to stress that people should not keep their gift to themselves. I hope to continue sharing my music with others because it gives my life a greater meaning. We''re all blessed to have each other to share it all with. When your music makes people feel better, you''ve improved their life.