MP3 Hubert Temba - Songs From The Driver's Seat
Pop-oriented, world beat, reggae, sometimes middle of the road rock and british pop, mixture of rock and roll and heavy metal, sounding like jimi hendrix on guitar in some songs.
10 MP3 Songs
WORLD: World Fusion, WORLD: World Beat
"One of the greatest guitarists of the modern era.."
Check out his other website in the making with the name of "" There are some things cooking in the oven there!!
Hubert Temba is a very prolific writer/songwriter, composer, artist, writer, author and producer, and of course a musician since childhood.
Born on the slopes of Mt Kilimanjaro (the 9th highest mountain on earth -- 19,340 feet above sea level), Hubert began playing musical instruments at the age of six.
He is a guitarist, synthesist, record and video (DVD) producer, writer, recording engineer and producer.
Hubert is also a Winner of the Fulbright Award, one of the most elite academic awards in the USA.
He received this award because he did changes to so many people, styles and things in journalism and mass commmunication.
He is a top journalism graduate from the University of Nairobi''s School of Journalism, (in Kenya) where he did many wonders, including being a news correspondent to a news weekly that covers the whole of Eastern Africa.
He was also a news reporter to several newspapers when he was going to college.
He has a total of three college degrees DSJ, BA, MS.
Hubert''s degrees include (DSJ or Diploma of the School of Jurnalism, University of Nairobi, Kenya), (BA, English and Writing) from the University of Minneasota, Minnesota, and (MS or Master of Science, Journalism and Mass Communication) Iowa State University in Ames, Iowa.
He has visited Fleet Street headquarters in London.
He has turned down an offer to write syndicated feature articles or columns for Reuters News Agency -- a London based news agency, for the whole world to see...
He has seen the green summer grass of Austria and Germany.
He has set foot on 14 European cities that include Hamburg, Munich, Bonn, Cologne, Berlin, Salzburg, Insburg, Linz, London, Birmingham and Bristol.
He has also visited Zambia, Somalia (Mogadishu), Egypt, and Kenya.
He has also been to New York City; Ames,Iowa; Omaha, Nebraska; Kansas City, Missouri; Otho, Iowa for recording purposes; Des Moines, Iowa for recording purposes too..
He has visited the house where Amadeus Mozart used to live, saw his preserved piano and samples of his hair.
He has seen copies of Shakespeare''s handwriting (preserved), saw the seat where Shakerspeare used to sit when wooing his wife. Has been in the chapel where Shakespeare is buried and saw the words/curse the poet wrote inscribed on the surface of his tomb.
Hubert Temba is a writer, composer and poet since birth, maybe since he was in his mother''s womb or when he was in God''s Mind.
This is because his poetry, his multi-genre specialities, his genius of creating things out of nothing, have surprised people right from the beginning of his earthly life.
Hubert is a poet (influenced by poets like T.S. Elliot, Ezra Pound, William Shakespeare, W.H. Auden, Walt Whitman, Christopher Okigbo among top notch writers), a lyricist
He is a dreamer of a better world, one full of love and happiness. His mantra is "...We Should All Work Together For Our Beautiful World."
Joe Chicarelli, a Hollywood record producer(who worked for Natalie Cole and Michael Jackson etc).. said Hubert "..has the potential of becoming a superior songwriter.."
Marty Cohn, once with Warner Brothers Records for seven years (and who helped in the signing of Christopher Cross, Tower of Power etc).. said Hubert "..can easily top the charts in Europe."
Ron Carlson of the "Shakin'' Katies" and who once played bass guitar for the HUBERT TEMBA BAND said "playing with Hubert was like being in the HUBERT TEMBA EXPERIENCE..."
Terry Feldott a well versed US musician once said Hubert can do the blues like B B King, (after listening to a blues composition by Hubert entitled "IT AIN''T FAIR").
Will Hermes, a KUOM radio personality and a Minneapolis music critic, said Hubert "is STING meets BOB MARLEY...."
Hollywood record producers have even said he sounds like Mark Knopfler of "Dire Straits" ("MONEY FOR NOTHING, CHICKS FOR FREE", "SULTANS OF SWING".
On the rock and roll musical side, his guitar playing can be classified with that of legendary Jimi Hendrix.
Check out the guitar chops and works on "BABY THANKS TO YOUR", "LET ME STAY", "THAT''S THE WAY OF LIFE", "KIND AS LOVE" and "LOVE AT FIRST LIGHT OF YOUR SMILE."
He creates, writes, plays, records, engineers and produces all the songs of his that you hear, (unless otherwise specified).