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Internet Marketing is like Plate Spinning

Who wants a map to success?

"Running Online Businesses
Is Like Spinning Plates On Wooden Dowels"

It's Not As Simple As Some People Like To Make Out

Dear Internet Marketer,

Are you sick of all the hype? All the get rich quick promises from the so called guru's?

Because I am! I've personally struggled to make a success of myself on the net following this process.

It worked, but then again I worked to make it work! Now I have something I can be proud off!

You can do it too if you are serious, because running businesses online truly is like spinning plates. You will have to keep at it, even if you "crack a few" or make mistakes.

Then You'll Have Something You Can Take Pride In!

In many aspects, to be successful you need to keep a child' s mindset - "Hey, if they can do it, I can do it"!

You need to push down so called rational adult voices that chip away at your resolve.

Whether that be your own inner voice or the voice of friends and family.

Don't let anyone tell you that you can't.

Because You can!

Picture if you can on a dark stage, one man dressed from head to toe in a glitter covered be-dazzling silk jump suit, music pumping, sweat pouring off his face as he feverishly maneuvers to manipulate rows of vibrating sticks. Each stick balancing a single bone white porcelain plate. And after his big finale, 24 plates spinning at once, the applause ensues then he lets them go smashing to floor, the applause erupting.

He had proved without a shadow of a doubt, that what he had been doing was in fact the real deal.

I was hooked! Ten years old, the applause, the smashing!

You may think my parents were crazy but really when you think about it, even with all the damage I caused it cost much less than a Nintendo Wii game does today.

That's right when I was about ten...I did learn how to spin plates, thanks to a mother who's yard sale didn't do very well and a father who had small wood working shop.

It's amazing how far delusions of grander can actually take you when you keep trying at something and you don't have anyone who tells you you can't.

I never got farther than three plates that summer before I lost interest. At the time, I blamed it on not having the snazzy jumpsuit but truthfully I was running dangerously low on plates and the glass sliver in my dads foot, didn't help matters.

Oh, how I longed for a sequined lovely assistant in a feathered head dress to sweep up the driveway when I was done.

The point is the memories of my minor successes that summer carry me through...

They taught me some valuable lessons about how to get what I wanted and what it would take to get it.

In the analogies of spinning plates is the secret of successful online entrepreneurship.

Q. But, why use Analogy's?

A. Analogies are one of the best ways to interpret complicated ideas and recall valuable information.

Understanding ideas and recalling valuable information is true knowledge and knowledge is power: Power to succeed!

Why are you not succeeding as well as you like?

It could be that you don't understand the steps you need to take well enough that it becomes natural.

In this case, perhaps learning things another way may be more beneficial, truly absorbing the information to the point it becomes so much a part of you that you begin to succeed instinctually.

Test Your Understanding...
Do Analogies Really Help?

Ask any electrician if he truly understands electricity and he will most likely answer that it's like water flowing though a pipe.

That analogy may not be exactly correct but it keeps our electrician from glowing and his hair and gloves from smoking.

If I asked you what the RAM in your computer is, you might say that it is "what the computer is thinking about right now as opposed to the hard drive which is the permanent memory of your computer."

I may argue with you that your computer is not actually thinking right now but as analogies go I'm sure Spock would say, "it is logical."

Here is another analogy...

How much is the national debt? Almost 12 trillion dollars. How much is that? Well if you went back in time only one trillion seconds... tick tick you would go back 31,709 years.

Okay, sorry that one doesn't help very much. I still can't wrap my mind around that number but you can see what we are getting at.

Analogies not only make it easier to comprehend complicated facts and ideas they make the job of learning more fun!
That's why I'm sure you'll find it much easier to understand and profit from Internet marketing, when you learn or re-learn them from this wonderful new instructional ebook which uses the Plate Spinning Analogy to drive home the key points and steps to your personal success!

Let me introduce to you the all new brain-friendly...

Internet Marketing is “Plate Spinning”

Own It Yourself!

Internet Marketing is "Plate Spinning"

Understanding The "Becoming" of an Internet Marketing Professional

You will learn through brain-friendly analogies just exactly what it takes to make it today on the Internet's grand stage.

Not a get-rich-quick ebook but a...
Get info in your brain quick so you can use it quick ebook!

Before we're done you'll understand...
What it really takes to be a hard core success story

Building an unshakable foundation

The hungry market

Place for research on your plate

Matching your product to the market place

Duplicating success

Getting assistance

and you'll just have to read the book to find out...

Never before has anyone ever put these important concepts into a language this easy for a brain to grab hold of !

"Truly a one of a kind manual... the best manual to success yet offered!"

Own it today... People are saying that after reading this ebook they instantly understanding concepts they struggled over for years!

Internet Marketing is
"Plate Spinning"

Understanding The "Becoming" of an
Internet Marketing Professional

P.S. Learning keeps you young. Learning about how to become rich will eventually make you rich and rich people live longer. It's one of those win win kinda things.

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