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EXE Brander with Private Label Rights

EXE Brander with Private Label Rights

EXEbrander is a tool that allows you to transform any piece of software into viral marketing machine!

You just come-up with a software tool your customers want, get a programmer to create it, and you can now easily add HTML advertisements for any website in your new tool!

You can then build gigantic lists of subscribers and get free traffic from your users of your software for years come!

Heres The Full Range of Benefits You Get:


Skyrocket your traffic without paying a fortune in advertising costs! You can now place ads to promote all of your offers inside your software.

Generate gigantic affiliate commissions for others products by inserting ads with your affiliate links inside! You dont even have to have your own products to make a bundle!

Increase affiliate sales for your existing products by giving away software branded with affiliates links. Its a great way to boost your sales generated by affiliates and get them excited about promoting you!

Stay in front of your customers and prospects every time your software is opened! Unlike an ebook that is read once and never looked at again, software generates traffic from the same visitor for years to come!

Create software bonuses for your customers to get them buying more of your existing products! Remember, those that have bought from you are much more likely to buy from you again! This means you need to take advantage of every opportunity possible to get in front of them!

Have wild success because software products have high-perceived value! This means people are more likely to use it and want to pass it on to others!

Burst into new market with ease by building a huge opt-in list with software! This is the perfect way to quickly dominate any market when youre starting from scratch!

Take full advantage of any freeware software that you distribute to the dozens of software directories around the web! Youre going to convert far more people that download trial versions of your paid software into buyers!

Turn any .EXE file into a massive promotion machine - for any product your choose! Theres an amazing opportunity to create interactive viral reports, tutorials, and fully monetize your content!

Plus, much more!

Private Label Distribution Rights:

YES Sell Private Label Rights
YES Sell Master Resale Rights
YES Edit/Alter the Sales Materials
YES Added to Paid Membership Sites
YES Added to Free Membership Sites
YES Can be Packaged with Other Products (2 max)
YES Sell at Auction Sites
YES Offered as Free Bonus
YES Given Away for Free
File Data

This file is sold by topresellrights, an independent seller on Tradebit.

File Size 2 megabytes
File Type ZIP
Customer Rating
Rated 3 out of 05, based on 2 review(s)
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