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Christmas Shopping Guid_ Plr
Thrifty Parent’s Holiday Shopping Guide
It happens every year: You set a budget for holiday gifts, but quickly realize it’s just not enough. The only thing worse than the insane crowds of shoppers, which descend daily on the mall, is trying to wrap a tight budget around all the gifts you feel you need to buy. So between the crowds, the disappointment of being broke, and the stress of trying to make this holiday the best ever it’s no wonder that the joy of Christmas becomes the hassle of the holidays.
This year, Thrifty Parent wants to help eliminate all the stress by giving you, dear reader, our free holiday shopping guide. The guide will give you some general holiday shopping tips and ways to save money and stretch your dollar. Plus we’ll highlight some of this year’s “it” toys and toys that are popular every year. Like everything else from Thrifty Parent, you can expect common sense advice that will help you save money, time, and your sanity.
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