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Internet Marketing Minisites Pro Pak MRR

If You Cant Design a Graphic To Save Your Life, and Your Sales Pages and Minisites Look Like
a 5 Year Old Designed It, Youre In Luck!

Read on and Ill tell you why.....

From the Desks of: Craig Kaiser and YOUR NAME

Pulling your hair out cause you cant find decent sales page templates and graphics for your projects and you cant afford those high graphic designer fees?

Banging your head against the wall because your graphic designing looks like you have 5 thumbs on each hand?

Look, you have enough to do and enough hats to wear as an Internet Marketer, without having to be a web designer and graphic designer too.

You dont have to worry about any of that. Not anymore.

Create Your Own Great Looking Minisites and Sales Pages, Quickly and Easily - Right Now!

Thats where my brand new minisites templates package comes in. These minisite templates are designed to be easy to edit, great looking and help you get a professional looking page up and running in no time.

You can use these templates for sales pages, minisites, squeeze pages and more!

Introducing : IM Minisites Pro Pak

A package of 50 professionally designed minisite templates, specifically designed to be easy to use and edit, versatile (adaptable to countless projects) and give your projects a nice professionally designed look.

Easy to use, quick to set up, with minimal (but really easy) graphic editing, or no graphic editing at all.

But, hey, enough of this small talk. You need to see what Im offering you here. So, lets get right down to it, shall we?

Take a Look at What Youll Get
In This Powerful Package :

The Templates

Examples of the templates can be seen here:

Think these templates will help you quickly build minisites that will impress your visitors and potential customers? Sure they will.

These templates are professionally designed, and ready for you to edit in your favorite html editor.

Just open up the templates in your favorite html editor and replace the demo text with your own content.

But, wait a minute! What if your market speaks a language other than English, or you want to change the text graphics? What do you do now?

Relax, Ive taken care of that too. Ive provided blank .png versions of the headers and footers of the relevant templates, plus, Ive included Photoshop .psd files as well, so you can change the text graphics to anything you want!

Is this a great package, or what?

As The Man Says...Hold on! Thats Not All!

Im also giving you these 2 COOL BONUSES....

Bonus #1........

5 More Niche Minisites

These templates also comes with a blank .png file for the headers and footers, so you can open it in your favorite graphics editor and fully customize the text on the graphics!

Ive also provided .psd files for Photoshop users.

Bonus #2........

5 Animated .GIF Order Buttons!

You get 5 animated .gif buy buttons, which you can use on your sales pages. Heres a sample of what they look like :

Animated Buy Button #1

Animated Buy Button #4

You get 3 Click Here To Order and 2 BUY IT NOW! animated order buttons you can use to draw extra attention and get your customers to order NOW.

So lets wrap this up. Heres my complete, awesome offer in a nutshell :

25 Rounded Corner, Niche Graphic
Minisite Templates

5 different designs, in 5 colors each.

Pre-formatted for easy editing. Includes testimonial box and Buy Button. Ive also included .psd and blank .png header and footer files, so you can easily edit the headers and footers with your own text!

5 Rounded Corner, Graphic
Minisite Templates

Pre-formatted for easy editing. Includes testimonial box and Buy Button.

10 Square Corner, Fixed Background
Minisite Templates

Pre-formatted for easy editing. Includes testimonial box and Buy Button. These templates feature fixed, non-scrolling backgrounds, courtesy of some simple css code. Only the content area scrolls.

10 Square Corner, Standard
Minisite Templates

Pre-formatted for easy editing. Includes testimonial box and Buy Button. These templates are the standard type. Both background and content area scrolls.

AND....... 2 Great Bonuses!

5 Bonus Generic Niche Minisite Templates

5 more, distinctively designed minisite templates you can add to your marketing arsenal. Easy to edit templates, with a clean, professionally designed look.

5 Animated Order Buttons

These animated .gif buttons will help to motivate your buyers to BUY NOW!.

Whew! Thats a load of goodies! 50 professionally designed minisites, complete with pre-formatted sample content (just replace with your real text), testimonial box and order button. Then you get 2 bonuses...5 more minisite templates and 5 animated .gif order buttons! Wow! I think I overdid it this time, but thats okay, because YOU get the benefit!

Oh, and dont forget, you can edit the text graphics for the niche templates by using the blank .png and .psd files that Ive also included!

Now you know everything about the package Im offering, except for one last thing - the price.

Okay, let me take a deep breath here (I cant believe Im going to do this). Because I want to get this into the hands of as many marketers as possible, because I know it will make creating sales pages and other pages much easier, Im going to give you a stupid, amazing deal.

You can have this entire package, bonuses and all, for only........


Yeah. You read right. But you better hurry, because Im not sure how long Ill dare leave these at this stupidly low price! Grab em NOW!

Hey! What are you doing down here? You missed the Buy Button!

You dont want to miss out on this great deal!!
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This file is sold by topresellrights, an independent seller on Tradebit.

File Size 10 megabytes
File Type ZIP
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