MP3 Transceive - Intrigue
This is an album of powerful melodic Electronic music with similarities to Early 80''s Tangerine Dream, Jean Michel Jarre & Mark Shreeve (with a touch of Ultravox, Propaganda & Depeche Mode!) This is a professionally produced compact disc (not a CDR).
9 MP3 Songs in this album (67:43) !
Related styles: Electronic: Soundscapes, Electronic: Electronica, Type: Instrumental
People who are interested in Jean Mich Jarre Tangerine Dream Ultravox should consider this download.
Now, how many of you have always wanted to hear an album by a new musician that actually, genuinely, no-word-of-a-lie, mixes classic Mark Shreeve with early 80’s Tangerine Dream – Be honest; it’s most of you, isn’t it? Well, now you can drool with expectation at the prospect of just that with this album, and be astounded at the actual product itself, for this is a remarkable work from start to finish. Before I go on, I would like to point out that the ideal track running order for this album, in my humble opinion, is: 4-1-5-2-6-3-7-8-9. OK – got that – good! You only need to know that, with soaring lead melodies and sky-high synth soundscapes mixed with fantastic sequencer–driven rhythms, rich layers of dreamy keyboard textures and powerfully solid electro-percussive additions, this album is already giving you what you’ve pleaded for! As it plays on you quickly realise that most of the album is going to be as powerful and tasty as the opening tracks, and that you are in for one of the best treats you could imagine. The music perfectly avoids the retro-tag by being pure early 80’s fare, and thus sounds as clear and fresh as a cool summer’s morning. But it’s so powerful, too, with rhythmic bases that set the adrenaline flowing and searing melodies that get the blood racing, while all the time the spirits of Tangerine Dream and Mark Shreeve are tapping on your shoulder and threatening to slap you in the face. It’s just one sensational track after another (played in the order I fancied), and the final three tracks are of such a high standard that they will leave you both open-mouthed and dumbstruck! We’ve had the original 80’s stars like Shreeve, Dyson and Boddy, and then came the second wave that started all the ‘retro-seventies’ stuff led by RMI and Air Sculpture. This is the start of the ‘third coming of UK synth musicians’ – A new breed telling us that there’s more out there than 70’s retro - There’s tunes, melodies, new atmospheres, simplicity, power and more – and some of the most explosive is on this album. Andy G - Compact Disc Services
The label described this as a cross between Mark Shreeve and T Bass UK. I know what they mean in that the production is extremely good and the emphasis is on excitement and power over subtlety- in other words just how I like it. The opener ''Bygone Daze'' for instance begins with what sounds like a spaceship beginning to land then we get swirling atmospherics and effects. It takes just over a minute before a superb cracking sequence and heavy rhythmic flourishes pound forth. Things develop into a highly infectious rockin'' groove. With a minute to go the music subsides a little allowing a really nice melodic motif to be heard. It had been there before but I was too busy air drumming to hear it.
''Intrigue'' initially utilizes some delightful soft pads and an exquisite delicate rhythm- then blast! In enters a simply fantastic rhythmic / sequencer combination with high hat splashes. Again the production is spot on. This track isn''t all bludgeoning power however, the melodies are extremely well done- infectious even, both in the lead line and sequencer departments. Things rarely stay still as we take one extremely exciting turn after another. We drift into the next track ''Emor Femus''. A piano melody can be heard- all rather nice it is too. A quick jaunty sequence soon starts up accompanied by a great rumbling rhythm. Some sighing pads act like a soft mist above a raging tempest but by the three minute mark another bass laden rhythm is tossed in scattering the mist but in response back comes the piano melody somehow sounding just right amongst the mayhem, sort of beauty and violence living side by side- Awesome!
''Tera''s Secret'' begins with a slow loping beat over a twangy melodic loop then up steps another superb sequence, detail being provided by a slightly Eastern sounding melody. Its another brilliant track the swirling pulsations and rhythms taking you to places way beyond those reachable through taking any iffy substance. ''Internal Inferno'' takes off with a rapid high register sequence, thick melodic pads slowly wafting over the top- then POW! A ball breaking rhythmic loop thunders forward like some crazed robot destroying everything in its path. The rhythm changes but if anything is of even more earthquake proportions. The original rhythm comes back but unbelievably is even more intense than before. Its as if we are just above a futuristic raging battle - pretty no - exciting YES!
''Resume'' follows straight on. It is a very short track and has a much lighter mood to it, necessary I would imagine just to get some composure back. ''Extremes'' has a rather dark eerie beginning- strange clanging noises and thick pads create a very sinister environment out of which a metallic sequence forms. Then a really nice melodic lead line starts up contrasting well with the increasingly powerful backing. The sequence now changes to a swirling rota blade type and the piano melody returns. It reminded me rather of music for the beginning of an epic film (Almost James Bondish but without the vocals). At times it did get a little twee for my tastes but then that''s probably just me, there is no doubting that its an extremely accomplished piece of music.
Some excellent sampled vocals and the tolling of a bell give ''Beneath The Lake'' a very sinister introduction. Deep bass string pads again giving it a rather film music feeling. The sound of thunder announces the start of a metallic sequence and combined with the lead line the picture music feeling is enhanced still further. The sound is so descriptive however that no accompanying visuals are needed, your mind will conjure up all the images you need. The last track ''Intrigued'' is a reworking of the second and finishes this superb album in storming fashion. If you get the impression from this review that I really like the album you would be spot on. Actually ''like'' doesn''t come close- its brilliant. Steve Nelson the man behind Transceive is a very talented man. Dave Law - (SMD)
Steve Nelson''s stunning debut is definitely one for those who fondly remember that EM style known as "Brit Synthrock" as purveyed by the likes of Mark Shreeve et al. The difference being that in this case someone has had the good sense to get it released, that someone being Ash Prema, under whose Champagne Lake label this saw the light of day. The music of Transcieve has been likened to both Mark Shreeve & https://www.tradebit.coms UK although I was also reminded of the German label Shamall, as Transceive, for the most part avoid the rock influences that pervade the UK artists'' works & instead goes for a more measured, less direct, sometimes slightly symphonic approach.
Witness the slow booming drums that carry the opening "Bygone Daze" with all the unstoppable relentlessness of a Chieftain tank while the searing synth leads that mark the latter sections of the track make for an intense but satisfying experience. Whilst it takes a while for this track to realize it''s full dynamic potential the same cannot be said for the title track which follows. After a quiet opening some Synthetik-like rhythms play host to a most infectious & immediately catchy leads.
As the album progresses the tracks really begin to roll with the awesomely powerful "Internal Inferno" sounding every bit as scorching as the title suggests & this is one totally euphoric sonic rampage that you''ll want to submit to time & time again. Furthermore, the haunting mood conjured up during "Resume" proves that Nelson is also a dab hand at laying down some wonderful melodies to compliment the power rhythms, something that "Beneath The Lake" demonstrates even more graphically, relying on swathes of synth chords backed by spoken female voice in a combination that has strong soundtrack possibilities, this is an undeniably epic sound. Some recognizable EM sequencing backed by another superbly haunting melody takes center stage before long & this short section comes closest to most to the styles of most modern EM releases. The symphonic motifs that make up the final section of the track are a prime example of dynamically emotive music, a feeling that is further embellished by the gorgeous piano solo backed by the sound of a storm in full fury.
But directly before this comes the masterpiece that is "Extremes" & I''m sure that, like me, you''ll be completely blown away by the combination of powerhouse rhythms, rampant bass sequencing & hair raising melodies which just soar with unbelievable vitality & unleashed emotion. And talking of a powerhouse don''t miss the closing "Intrigued" which does finally bear some Shreeve similarities (and why not,eh?) with touches of Synthetik thrown in for good measure. Weighing in at just a little under 5 minutes it''s a short but furious onslaught of the nicest kind.
In an EM scene that is retro this teutonic that & Berlin School the other thank god for people like Steve Nelson who are keeping rhythmic EM alive & producing an utterly stunning album in the process.
2003. Carl Jenkinson (Sequences)
Intrigue is the first release from the budding UK synth maestro Steve Nelson under the nom de plume of Transceive, and a fine first effort it is too.
There are 9 tracks here ranging from around 3 to 13 mins recorded over a 3-year period between 1997 and 2000, partly due to Steve having programmed most of the sounds from scratch. Finally released via Ashok Prema’s own Champagne Lake label in 2002, Steve’s debut is a well-rounded production comprising classic synth themes, surging beats, tasteful sequencer runs, and spacey atmospheric passages. Nods to 80’s Tangerine Dream, Schulze, and latter-day Mark Shreeve styles inevitably abound, but Steve’s music creates enough original style and dynamism of its own to raise a few pulse beats. There’s a nice arty sleeve too, which matches track titles with mysterious images, hinting perhaps at tales of intrigue?
Bygone Daze starts us off in spacey Schulzian territory before delving into a tense metronomic sequencer line a la Thief-era
T. Dream, alongside pounding martial beats not unlike some demented Laibach industrial forge.
The title track Intrigue is the longest here at almost 13mins. A mournful start leads into a repeating lyrical theme reminiscent of a 70s TV detective show, which then breaks into an infectious thundering sledgehammer rhythm and sequencer break, a la Legion-era Shreeve, or even touching on later Kraftwerk and Synthetik (https://www.tradebit.comhnology) territories. Undulating sequencers carry the middle theme nicely recalling Logos period T. Dream, reaching a well-executed pacey rhythmic finale.
A tranquil piano theme introduces Emor Femus, offering respite from Intrigue’s frenzy, blending slower rhythmic structures with wordless female voices. Tera’s Secret introduces a bouncing Boddy-ish sequencer rhythm underpinning a sensual Arabic melody, and conjures up the ghost of Thief’s Scrap Yard nicely with a tense finish. Internal Inferno continues the upbeat sequencer and bombastic rhythm structures found earlier, complemented with soaring lead lines; this Inferno is burning with igneous fury indeed. Internal Inferno segues seamlessly into Resume with a nice chugging mechanical rhythm and jagged melody line.
Moving apace to the last three tracks: Extremes’ intro begins in abstract ethereal Schulzian realms, but soon takes off without any let-up, blending mock orchestral tones over more rhythmic Shreeve beats. This could almost be an imaginary film or TV soundtrack? Beneath The Lake is a darker dramatic piece, with moody chords and spooky female voices, closing effectively with another reflective piano section (complete with storm effects). The closing track Intrigued revisits the earlier longer piece Intrigue, but without the intro and sounds more trimmed down, serving up the sequencers right from the start, with harpsichord melodies, and those attacking rhythms joining in to bring the album to a powerful close.
In summary Intrigue certainly raises the pulse with a stylish and professional sounding synth debut. Steve Nelson has created a well-rounded music, which should appeal to most fans of the genre liking up-tempo rhythmic and spacier styles. Roll on the next! Recommended without reservation! For more on Steve’s background history see, with distribution via
Cameron Macaulay (Audion)