Sold by ppowell on Tradebit The world's largest download marketplace 3,278,568 satisfied buyers
Genealogy Resource Package (with MRR)
Genealogy Resource Package is a must for tracing or compiling your family history! Use it for Fun and Profit!
Genealogy Resource Package provides everything you need to complete your genealogy. Including tools to organize and document your search. Data to help you locate your ancestors. You gain expert guidance to make research a breeze through the many learning resource tools we provide you with. This package has it all and is for both beginners and the experienced.
That's right! You get MORE...
* All the product as described in this sales letter
* Professionaly Designed 8x11 Sales Flyer Camera/Ready ($150 value).
* Professionaly Designed Sales Min Web Site ($150 value)
* Full Color Software Box Cover Art/Graphic ($99 value)
* Full Color Web Site Banner Ad ($169 value)
* Full Color Splash Ad ($169 value)
* Master Resale Licenses for all marketing materials ($395 value)
* CD Duplication License for both product and marketing materials ($150 value)
Genealogy Resource Package also doubles as a Ready-To-Go Instant Business Package too!
File Data
This file is sold by ppowell, an independent seller on Tradebit.