Article Marketing Lifeline - Huge Article Marketing Package
UPDATE - Selling On Clickbank For $67 But Warriors Only Pay $17
Warriors, You No Longer Have To Experience Failure With Article Marketing!
Finally, The Best-Kept Secrets To Profiting From Article Marketing!
Im Revealing The Answers To The Article Marketing Questions On Everyones Mind...
Introducing Article Marketing Lifeline
Dear Warriors,
Lets face it, Profiting From Article Marketing is tough! If youre like a lot of frustrated marketers that I know, then youve probably had a tough time making those big bucks that the gurus promise you can make using article marketing, huh?
Whats the real Secrets to Making Money and Profiting from Article Marketing?
Well, read on and Ill give you several proven products that will increase the profits from your article marketing campaigns!
If you’ve been struggling with profiting from article marketing and want to know how to really make it, and send your online profits soaring - then this is definitely the most important letter you will read today!
Here’s why:
At one point early in my Internet Marketing career, I to was struggling as I tried to figure out how to leverage my own article marketing campaigns all by myself and it seemed to me like I would never get it right...
All the information from the Gurus only confused me more and more, until I finally decided to quit doing the wrong things and only focus on the things that really worked!
What Ive discovered is the techniques that really work, and nothing more...
Ask yourself this question, How much is learning how to profit from your article marketing campaigns worth to your online business?
Could you imagine what it would be like if all your article marketing efforts really produced the results youve been hoping for?
Sounds too good to be true?
Well, it isnt if you know how - and Ill tell you exactly how in this package...
And its not like any other product youve ever purchased on profiting from article marketing...
Well, for three reasons actually...
First, its not just a series of reports, it also includes some very powerful videos and exclusive help directly from me for an unlimited time period after your purchase.
Second, because everything in this no-fluff series of powerful reports and videos has been tried in real life and really works, period.
Third, every month a new Article Marketing Lifeline question and answer module will be available for all buyers of this product without requiring any additional cost. Thats right, monthly Article Marketing Lifeline updates without a monthly fee!!
Nothing could be easier!
Here is a quick list of what you will receive with this amazing offer:
My Highly Acclaimed Article Marketing Answers Product
This massive product answers over 174 of the most often asked article marketing questions covering keywords, mass submissions, article spinning, and It contains 5 modules and 1 additional bonus module with a combined total of over 144 pages of article marketing information.
If by chance, there is an article marketing question you may have that is not answered in this portion of the product than I personally guarantee you will love what the next feature of this product the next bullet to see what I mean!
Lifetime Support To Ask Me Any Article Marketing Related Question Via Private Email
Every buyer of this product will receive a special unlimited Buyers Only email address that can be used to send me any article marketing question or questions they may have for life.
Every question will be personally answered by me and all questions and answers will be compiled into a bonus report(s) which will be sent out to all buyers of this product.
My Total Article Marketing Domination Report
This amazing report is 57 pages of pure article marketing gold broken down into 6 easy to read sections.
It covers how to conduct keyword research using, how to dominate Yahoo! Answers with article marketing, how to dominate Squidoo with article marketing, how to dominate Forums with article marketing, how to dominate Hubpages with article marketing and how to dominate YouTube with article marketing.
Monthly Article Marketing Question and Answer Modules
Every month a new Article Marketing Lifeline Question and Answers Module will be released providing answers to the most requested article marketing questions.
This monthly report will be provided to all buyers of the product on the Article Marketing Lifeline members only download page. There is no ongoing fee for this portion of the product, its simply called good customer service!
The May Module (35 pages long) has already been released and contained the following information:
Section 1 - Featured Article - How to Write an Article Title That Attracts Viewers
Section 2 - Featured Article Marketing Directory - Info Barrel
Section 3 - Niche Dissection
Section 4 - Article Marketing Questions and Answers
Section 5 - Article Marketing Post of the Month - Covers resource box click-through rates
The June Module (46 pages long) was released on released on 17 June 2010 and contains the following information:
Section 1 - Featured Article - Using Article Marketing for Backlinks
Section 2 - Featured Article Marketing Directory - Buzzle
Section 3 - Article Marketing Questions and Answers (8 questions answered)
Section 4 - Secondary Article - More Ways To Create Backlinks
Remember, these monthly updates are free with no additional cost to buyers of the product.
My 2008 System Seminar Video Presentation On Article Marketing (dont let the date scare you, this information is still current).
In 2007 I was invited to be a faculty member for the 2007 System Seminar. My presentation was voted by many attendees as one of the best and I spoke to a standing room only crowd.
I had the privilege of being invited back to be part of the 2008 System Seminar faculty. Based on 2007s performance I knew that I would need to raise the bar and reveal underground information that would blow the audience away. Everyone that saw my presentation was amazed at the information I revealed.
Now, you can receive that same information for a fraction of the cost.
Here Is What This Portion of Article Marketing Lifeline Contains!!!
* My entire Powerpoint slideshow narrated with the same information I gave at the 2008 System Seminar - Over 2 hours of video broken down into a part 1 and part 2. All aspects of article marketing from the basics to advanced concepts are discussed. Ignore this information at the peril of your article marketing efforts.
But of course, theres more.......
* Bonus Video Number 1 - Proof that the power or article marketing works. Watch as I login in to my account and show you how many views and URL clickthroughs I generated from 28 May 2008 (the day I finalized my System Seminar presentation) and 20 June 2008. I think the numbers will blow you away!!! This video is 3 minutes long, no fluff and straight to the point.
* Bonus Video Number 2 - In part 2 of my System Seminar presentation (the main video for this product) I tell you how I use for my keyword phrase research.........That alone is worth the price of this mind blowing product.
However, knowing that you are true warriors and deserve more, I made a video showing a live demonstration of one of my most guarded keyword research strategies.............I know you will be amazed when you see this and remember, I thrive on Caveman techniques that youll see why!!! This video is 5 minutes long.
* Bonus Video Number 3 - Deep linking, youve heard of it, probably think you understand it, but in the event you werent exactly sure what it was or how it works I pull back the shroud of mystery and walk you through a complete deep linking structure that starts with one of my submitted articles to and ends on my home page. Finally, a live example of deep linking!!! This video is 4 minutes long.
Bonus Report 1 - 15 Lessons Learned From 1500 Article Submissions.
A very special report that I wrote outlining 15 major things I learned while on my way to submitting over 1500 articles to
This highly informative report reveals precisely when and where to submit your articles for maximum traffic exposure, the single most crucial element to getting your articles ranked high on Google (get this right and youll create a traffic cyclone), how each article is like a mini-launch and how you can use them to revolutionize your income and much, much more!!
Bonus Report 2 - 6 Figures From Adsense Using Article Marketing.
Making money with adsense can be difficult unless you have the right mindset and know what youre doing. Fortunately, if you can write and submit articles than you have an excellent chance of making good money from adsense.
This innovative no-fluff special bonus report was initially only released to members of a monthly paid membership and it breaks down for you how anyone can achieve 6-figures a year from adsense using nothing but hard work and article marketing.
The takeaway from this report is the methodology I use to develop my baseline income that I wanted to achieve for 2009. Using those same techniques you can apply this thinking to not just adsense but any monetization model you currently use for your online business.
Bonus Product 3 - An Article Marketing Mindmap.
A seperate article marketing mindmap for traffic generation to help increase the amount of visitors your articles send to your websites.
Point Blank Article Marketing Lifeline Will Increase The Amount Of Money You Make From Every Article You Write!!!
So, by now you must be thinking... How much is this amazing cutting edge series of videos and information packed videos on profiting from article marketing actually going to cost, right?
Get Your Copy Now For Only