MP3 Pat Battstone & Richard Poole - Through an Open Door
This music is a refreshing breath of fresh air in improvising and it takes you on a journey into mind images. You can close your eyes and see with your inner eye a host of visionary adventures. Not much retrograde inversion here. The music may not be si
15 MP3 Songs in this album (48:53) !
Related styles: Avant Garde: Free Improvisation, Jazz: Free Jazz, Mood: Dreamy
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Through an Open Door
This has been the most involved of all my musical efforts. It was conceived over a year ago and has occupied both my, as well as my collaborator’s time and attention during the breadth of this project.
The idea of using percussionist Richard Poole on vibes came to me while revisiting a tape of a piano lesson; he was setting up for a concert during the lesson and at one point we started trading phrases. As I listened to the tape, I kept thinking that this would a great combination, and eventually I called him.
Emerson Studios offered a series of recording sessions during the summer months. Throughout these sessions, we explored many avenues, and opened many frontiers. What is presented on this latest CD is a synopsis of those musical adventures. Due to the denseness of this music, we felt it best to offer the listener a sample of the various colors on our musical palette, rather than inundate them with a large quantity of material
When we embarked on this journey, we understood that our audience would be limited. This material being performed is ethereal and requires both an intimate setting as well as an attentive audience. It could be thought of as “chamber jazz”, performed in artistic settings, parlors, and small concert halls.
The theme “Through an Open Door”, though it acknowledges the doors that opened to us, was more about the way we played. None of the themes were planned; all happened spontaneously. One never knows if a muse will take them and if one does, where it will lead. It is like wandering in a dark corridor, pushing on doors to see if one would open. When it does, you find yourself in a stranger place in the midst of sights that you haven’t imagined - in the company of magicians and assassins, watching worlds being created and others destroyed.
This music describes those experiences and impressions. It is both a conversation as well as a collection of monologues. At times the vibes and piano sound like one instrument, at other times their contrast is stark; and the personalities are very far apart, with each player describing a much different impression.
We would like to thank all that opened doors for us, both in the latest effort, as well as throughout our lives.
We hope that the listener will enjoy and appreciate the sounds presented herein.