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Traffic Hurricane V2.0

Traffic Hurricane V2.0

What Would You Say, If We Could Show You A Way To Literally Drive Thousands of Laser Targeted Visitors to Your Website Everyday... At No Cost To You...
And... Still Make A Boat Load Of Money Even If Not One Of Those Visitors Actually Bought Your Product!

We Can Tell You What Most Of Your Competitors Would Say If Theyre Smart...

Dear Friend,

Just because you built it... does not mean that they will come. Wouldnt it be nice if getting tons of high quality, highly targeted traffic to your website was that easy...

Sad But True.... Its Nowhere Close To That Easy...

Im here today hoping that I am not making a big mistake by telling you about this amazing new traffic generation discovery.

After struggling with the decision on whether or not to share this tool with anyone else, we find ourselves so overwhelmed with what our team of programmers have created that were quite honestly having a hard time keeping it to ourselves...

You see, the fact of the matter is... this new traffic generation system is so powerful, yet so easy to use that originally after creating it and using it with our websites for the past few months, we had decided There was absolutely no way we were going to share it on a large scale. (Were still not -- keep reading to see what we mean..)

Now dont get me wrong, Im not sharing this big secret because Im the type of person that just needs recognition from large numbers of people to feel good about what Ive done. I have just decided it would be selfish of me not to share this with a small group of fellow internet marketers. Not to mention.... Hey Im a capitalist... Yep, just like you..... You would not be reading this if that last statement was not true. I admit it, Im in this game to try to make a few bucks... ssshhh... thats our little secret...

When I first discovered this new traffic generation technology, I was so filled with anticipation of what was to come, my mouth was literally watering.

I first discussed this idea with a few of my internet marketing friends.

While most all of these people asked to not be named here, I can tell you some of them are the biggest internet marketers that you have never heard of......

You Have never heard of these guys because they are the kind of people that are making so much money on the net that they do not dare make themselves known.

They are smart enough to fly under the radar so to speak....

You wont find these guys speaking at all the big seminars or hanging out in the internet marketing forums, for fear of someone figuring out what they are doing and trying to duplicate it.

Heck, these are my friends and usually I dont even know most of what they have going on... I also know not to ask...

A few others are some of the big name internet marketing Gurus that already have huge email lists and tons of their own traffic generating ideas.

You know the type... a twice a month tele-seminar marketer with an email list that could sink a ship.

You would recognize most of their names if you have attended any of the big internet marketing seminars lately, or keep up on all the new internet marketing software and e-books that come out on a regular basis...

While both of these types of internet marketers have a lot of different ideas about marketing on the internet and would rarely agree with each others marketing ideas, if any of them were sharing theyre ideas.......

They All Agreed On This.....

Do Not tell anyone about this incredible traffic generation system. Its just way too powerful, lets just keep this one to ourselves...

Well after thinking about it long and hard, Ive decided...

Im spilling the beans....

Yep, your heard correctly...

At risk of pissing off a few of my big marketing buddies, people I highly respect, I am going against their advice and sharing this insanely powerful traffic generation system with a select few people...

but only if you qualify...

Once you put my system in place, it will start earning you money sometimes in as little as a few days. The best part is that once you turn it on... it absolutely runs on 100 percent auto-pilot!

YES... You can actually make money while you sleep,

you can make money while you are at the movies, while you are on vacation, you name it.... Youll be making money on a constant basis all without lifting a finger once you have taken the first initial steps to get this amazing discovery up and running!

So Whats The Big Secret?

Well up until now, this top traffic generation technology has been something that ONLY the top money earners on the internet knew about.

Now Im going to share the secret. But not only am I going to share the secret, I am going to automate the secret for you also.

I have created a system to put this secret traffic generation discovery into place on any of your domain names to not only promote your own products but also any affiliate programs you may wish to promote as well.

You will be able to drive such an insane amount of traffic to your websites that your product sales are going to jump by rates you never imagined possible! (assuming of course that you actually have a product that people want!!)

You can also use this system to sell affiliate products. The best part is, I have seen a few people use this system to promote affiliate products and quickly start outselling not only the creator of the product that they are promoting, but also a major portion of all the other affiliates for that product combined....

OK... OK... so what is this big secret?

Its Called.....

Traffic Hurricane FULL Version 2

nd believe me when I say, Traffic Hurricane will Literally Drive A Virtual Hurricane of Laser Targeted Visitors to Your Website Everyday... At No Cost To You...

And... Still Make You A Boat Load Of Money Even If Not One Of Those Visitors Actually Buy Your Product!

Let us explain a little bit about how it works.....

Traffic Hurricane is a system we created that will automatically search for every keyword possibility that has been searched for on the internet that includes your main keyword.....

As an example, if your product keyword is something like toner you would enter this keyword into the system and it will find all of the more specific sub-keyword terms ever searched for that included the word toner. In the search we did, we found 596 different keyword combinations for toner.

Traffic Hurricane will then automatically create a separate webpage for each of these laser targeted keywords.

So now instead of having to rely only on the few web pages currently in your site to bring you search engine traffic for only generalized keyword terms (the same terms everyone else is optimizing their pages for), you can now have Traffic Hurricane automatically create thousands of separate webpages, each highly optimized for only 1 specific targeted sub-keyword phrase!

You will have a separate Hurricane page for every sub-keyword possibility for what ever product you may be trying to sell....

Think That Will Bring You Some Extra Traffic?
You Can Bet The Farm On It....

Another option for you would be to spend thousands of dollars to have a Search Engine Optimization company try to set up a few pages on your site for your specific keywords.

The problem with this is that search engines change all the time and this could be money wasted before the pages are even indexed by the major search engines.

With our system you will be able to easily create thousands of different web pages, all automatically with only minutes of work, which our easy-to-use system will walk you through.

Each of these thousands of pages will be laser targeted for search engine placement under the special sub-keyword each individual page has been specially created to rank for.

If you are trying use Search Engine Optimization Techniques to set up pages that will rank well for the same terms that every other company in your related field are also setting up their pages for, its common sense that you cant all rank on the top of the search engine for the same keywords.

BUT... If you created thousands of pages for different, more targeted sub-keywords like, canon e-40 toner cartridge instead of just toner you will have a much better shot at having a large number of these pages rank in the top 10 than by using the broader keyword terms.

We all know that if you are not in the top 20, you may as well not even be in the search engine. With our system, you will have thousands of top ranking pages delivering you a Traffic Hurricane, in no time flat...

There are tons of programs on the market that create Doorway Pages, Smart Pages, Cloaking Pages, Flash Forwarding Pages... the list goes on and on....

You want to be very careful when using these types of programs though. With all of these systems, its only a matter of time until you will be permanently banned from the search engines...

What Makes Traffic Hurricane Different?

* Traffic Hurricane Creates Thousands Of Laser Targeted Pages In A Very Short Period Of Time. You will be able to create an amazing number of pages with our very easy to use interface with minimal effort on your part.

Before we discovered this system, we used to create these pages by hand. While that still sent us a ton of traffic, it took an enormous amount of time to create these pages. We now receive many thousand more targeted hits every day -- all due to this system.

* Traffic Hurricane Uses Top Quality Content On All The Pages It Creates! Our system is not just creating a bunch of keyword rich pages that are going to automatically forward the traffic that arrives at them to your main web or affiliate link. They will actually provide good quality content that will not be banned by search engines.

You will also have the ability to add RSS feeds for dynamic up-to-date content. This is content taken from other information service web pages and inserted into your web pages automatically. Search engines love this type of content because every time a search engine spider visits your site, There will always be new content.

* Traffic Hurricane Pages Are Fully Customizable! One of the big reasons the major search engines BAN most of the pages created by a lot of the other programs is that they all look and act the same. The search engines quickly pick up the pattern and ban them........... However, Traffic hurricane pages are fully customizable including the amount and type of content placed on them ensuring your hurricane pages will be unique.

* There Are 14 Templates You Can Choose From. And to go a few steps further, you can select the colors of those templates from a huge range of colors, plus you can easily add up to 3 images on each of the pages to ensure that your pages will be unique from anyone else using our system.

In Short, Traffic Hurricane Will Automatically Create Tens Of Thousands 0f High Ranking Web Pages For You, To Promote Your Own Products And Products You Sell As An Affiliate.

When a visitor first finds your Keyword Targeted Hurricane Page in a search engine, they will be presented with some content about your product, along with multiple links to be able to find out more information about your product (all of which go to your sites main page through a direct or affiliate link).

It will also give them multiple links to your competitors products! I know that sounds strange to be promoting your competitors products, but hang with me here. This is part of what makes your pages rank so well....

If your visitor clicks to go directly to your product, then great.. your objective has been completed...


One of the things your hurricane pages will do to ensure a high ranking is also promote the top search engine ranked pages of your competitors for every sub-keyword combination you are promoting.

The reason for this is... if you take just a little tiny bit of each of the top ranked pages for any given search term and place some of their content on your page with a link back to their page, guess what that does for your ranking!

You got it... it shoots you right to the top!

Now you may be thinking, what if they buy that other product and not mine.... Well thats always a possibility, but There is no chance that they will ever buy your product if they never find your page in the first place...

And believe me when I say, we have set our system in such a way that your Hurricane Pages are created in such a way that it is very unlikely they will buy another product over yours.

How do we do this? Well, your product is prominently placed on the top of the page, while all of these other products (the ones that help your page to rank well in the search engines!) are smaller and towards the bottom.

We have also set these pages up so that if a potential buyer does click one of these competitor links it will open in a new window thus allowing your content to still be clicked on...

Plus, if you prefer, you can set it up so the competitor links can not be clicked on at all!

Lastly, if your visitor just plain does not click on any of the links to go to your main product or affiliate product... guess what... they are still going to your intended page, whether they like it or not!

You see, you can set your intended page to automatically load either on the visitors entrance or exit of your Hurricane Page, so one way or another, regardless of if your visitor actually clicks on your pages main link or not, they are still going to see your page and hear your pitch!

And You Can Still Make You A Boat Load Of Money Even If Not One Of Those Visitors Actually Buy Your Product Or Your Affiliate Product!

We have built in the option to add Google AdSense links and PayPerClick links to your Hurricane pages --- featuring two different major players in the PPC industry.

Anytime one of your visitors clicks one on these links, you can make up to $5.00 per click depending on the type of product the page is promoting.

While most of these clicks will net you in the .10 to .20 cent range, some are much higher.

Now that may not sound like a lot, but in testing this system over the past few months, we have used this type of search engine marketing to create over 1 million laser targeted keyword pages.

While 75 percent of these pages are not even indexed in the search engines yet the pages that are listed have been generating between 50,000 and 60,000 hits per day which is creating a Google AdSense revenue that you could buy a house with!

And thats not even talking about the direct product and affiliate sales were getting all due to these super-targeted search engine pages and the Virtual Hurricane of Targeted Traffic those pages are creating....

Finally, a new system that actually works is available to give your website an incredible laser targeted Traffic Hurricane

The new income possibilities are endless....

If you dont have at least 5 new ideas on how Traffic Hurricane can make you money by now, then... you quite simply may be hopeless...

At this point you may be asking yourself..... How can I Buy it....

And how much does this incredible Traffic Generating Machine cost?

While you must be thinking right now that this incredibly powerful Traffic Generating Money Machine could easily be selling for $197.00, possibly even $297.00, we can tell you this...

Buy It Now for only $1.90!
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