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Member Site System - Having a membership site is one of the most lucrative online business models - MRR

"You Are About To Discover How To Benefit From A Membership Script That Is So Simple It Almost Sets Itself Up!"

* Simple Member has on screen documentation. Every page of the admin area has explanations of what the options do and how to set them up.

* Customize site name, meta description, and meta keywords.

* Customize Disclaimer, Terms of Use, and Privacy Policy from the admin area.

* Emails sent to admin and members on signup or payment are fully editable from the admin area.

* Mass mail system. Send broadcast emails out to all members who have agreed to receive emails from you. Works with or without cron jobs. If cron jobs are not available to you, there is a function available to send the emails out with just one click.

* Single user mail system. Admin can choose to send an email to any one member. Simple interface for email built right into the manage member page.

* Manage member details page allows admin to pull up information on any member. Members can be sorted by first name, last name, user name, email, or member id.

Another problem with most low cost scripts is that they have very little power in the member functions. Most of them have very basic signup only and just log members into a blank member area where you have to design what members see. Again you end up having to learn how to code the pages yourself or outsource it. Simple Member has powerful member functions that control your member area and every detail of what members can see and do.

Member Functions:

* Automated payment and signup. Once a new member pays he is returned to the signup page.

* Member receives an email on free or paid signup as well as on OTO purchase.

* Automatically logs member into members area after successful signup. No more making your members wait for an email to get their products.

* Simple Member has a template driven member area. You can change the header and footer html files to customize the look and feel of your site.

* Download pages are database driven for added security and can only be accessed from within the members area.

* Reset password feature. If a member loses his password he can have his password reset to a random password and it will be mailed to his email on file. Feature requires both username and email address to be correct in order to protect against members resetting others passwords.

* All passwords are encrypted for added security.

* Members have a profile area where they can change their password, email address, and choose to opt in or opt out of your script run mailing list.

* Members get clean affiliate links. Using a redirect system affiliate URL's are coded https://www.tradebit.com This allows affiliates to advertise links that are not ugly referral urls like most systems have.

* All html code is validated as proper code. Every page that outputs html has been tested using the W3C validator.




member site system, member site script, simple member system, membership site script
File Data

This file is sold by knector, an independent seller on Tradebit.

File Size 1 megabytes
File Type ZIP
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Rated 4 out of 05, based on 2 review(s)
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