Developing & Managing Your Ezine
Discover How to Develop, Manage & Advertise Your Own Profit-Generating Ezine!
Here is Your Chance to Establish Yourself as an Expert & Boost Your Business … in No Time at All!
Dear friend,
Email marketing is quite simply one of the most profitable businesses you can participate in on the web today.
In fact, if you do not have your own ezine yet, you could literally be missing out thousands upon thousands of dollars in pure cash profits!
It is true and Here is why:
In today’s technologically advanced world most people use their email even more than their phone – and this fact has changed the way people do business around the world.
Because email is global this means that through email marketing, or in other words by having your own ezine, you can profit from people everywhere and not just those in your immediate local area – with no increase in marketing costs whatsoever.
Here are some additional reasons why you should strongly consider publishing your own ezine:
* You can use it to quickly establish yourself as an expert in your field – studies show prospects are much more likely to buy from people they trust than someone they have never heard of before!
* Your ezine will allow you to attract more profit-producing joint venture partners!
* Your ezine will allow you to obtain top of mind awareness among your prospects through regular, consistent contact!
* Your ezine will help you build a loyal “fan base” that will be eager to buy whatever new product or service you offer
* Plus, It is never been easier to learn how to publish, manage and advertise your ezine thanks to my new, “Email Marketing 101: Developing and Managing Your Ezine,” ebook!
At Last! You Can Learn Everything You Need to Know to Develop Your Own Ezine & Make Money – Lots & Lots of Money – With It!
Here is just some of what you will learn by reading this comprehensive, yet easy-to-follow ebook:
* How to have your own profitable ezine or newsletter whether you are selling your own products or somebody else’s!
* The most important thing you need when publishing an ezine and why!
* How to get quality content for your ezine … even if your writing sucks and you failed high school English!
* How to quickly and easily find a hot niche market to target with your ezine!
* How to create an attractive, professional-looking ezine without having to know any Geeky technical stuff at all!
* How to develop your list and ensure you have a responsive, highly-targeted audience for your ezine!
* How to cross-market with other ezine publishers and grow your list like It is on steroids!
* 6 ways to manage your list and ensure that your subscribers feel respected and appreciated and are therefore even more likely to buy from you!
* What double opt-in is and whether you really need to do it with your ezine subscribers!
* How to create a website that will build upon your ezine and send your sales soaring through the roof!
* How to automate your ezine so that all you have to do is sit back and rake in the profits!
* How to develop the perfect advertising campaign for your ezine – including how to write ad copy that will have people subscribing to your ezine like crazy in no time!
* And much, much more!
100 Percent Money-Back Guarantee
Plus, You Cant Lose with My 100 Percent, Ironclad, Money-Back Guarantee!
Your satisfaction is assured through my no risk, you-cant-lose, 100 percent, no- questions-asked, iron-clad money-back guarantee. If for any reason, you are not thrilled and satisfied with your purchase, just contact me within 90 days and I will refund 100 percent of your purchase price.
That is Right, You Have Nothing to Lose!