MP3 Booth Jewett - Do Not Be Afraid
This debut album from Booth Jewett seems to have a little bit of everything, ranging from million part vocal harmonys to brass music to old rickedy piano licks. But at the top of the list are his thought provoking, beautiful, well written lyrics.
9 MP3 Songs in this album (48:34) !
Related styles: Folk: Modern Folk, Spiritual: Inspirational, Type: Lyrical
People who are interested in Bon Iver Delta Spirit Derek Webb should consider this download.
I remember when I was a little kid living in Lakeland, FL, sneaking in to my two older sisters rooms when they were gone to listen to their CD’s. As the youngest child, even when your older siblings are girls, you still manage to receive some hand-me-downs one way or another. So while both sisters got the all too cool CD players for Christmas, I inherited the old radio in the garage that played cassettes only. So while Sarah was off somewhere in the house neck deep in one of her books or Anna had snuck out of the house to go hang out with her friends in the neighborhood orange grove, I would find myself listening to The Beatles in the corner of one of my sisters rooms with headphones on. This is all to say that even at a young age I found music to be something I naturally gravitated to and identified with.
Another aspect to my upbringing that has certainly played a huge role in my music is that I grew up in the Church. My parents are pastors so I grew up singing the church hymns and was also taught basic music theory and how to play the cornet through classes every Wednesday night. Becoming a believer in Jesus Christ at a young age, I naturally listened to primarily Christian music in my early teenage years. Worship artists such as David Crowder, John Mark McMillan, Shawn McDonald, and Andrew Phillip had a great influence on me during that time. But as I grew older, and began to wrestle with questions about what it really meant to be a Christian, not only did my views towards God and the church change, but my views towards music also changed dramatically. I ended up rejecting in many ways the religious atmosphere I grew up in, and in my later teenage years, as a result was able to broaden my horizons as a music listener.
In the spring of 2007 I took off for Atlanta, GA to live with my friend Matt and to attempt really for the first time in my life to learn what it meant to live not only as a believer in Jesus, but as a follower of Jesus. This is something that I am continually struggling with and have the feeling will be learning how to do for the rest of my life. It was this time in Atlanta though that would prove to be incredibly impactful for me as a musician. If it wasn’t sitting around the house drinking beer and listening to Levon Helm, Hank Williams, and Bob Dylan on Vinyl, it was driving half way across the country with friends to hear Mason Jennings or to stay with friends in Kentucky who would introduce me to a rather unknown Album called “For Emma, Forever Ago”.
Many more artists other than those mentioned above helped shape my music during this time, some I believe to be noteworthy being Griffin House, The Swell Season, Bowerbirds, Elvis Perkins, Damien Jurado, and Delta Spirit. But perhaps none have been more influential to me as a songwriter than the former lead singer of Caedmons Call, now solo artist Derek Webb. Its been his ability to boldly and passionately convey the truth of the gospel and address tough issues with humility and love that has been inspirational and guiding to me as a musician, by speaking not only to the church but in taverns and bars across America. I now currently live in Tampa, FL, where for 2 years I have continued the journey of finding out what it means to follow Jesus. At 24 yrs old, if I’ve been able to gather anything of significance at all up to this point, it’s that my identity in Christ is in itself my identity with the suffering and the marginalized of this world. The idea that I could use my passion and love for music as a platform to share truth and identify with people in a communal, authentic, loving way is quite a humbling one, and I am thankful that I’ve been given that opportunity at least for the time being. I heard once that theres been a beautiful, rhythmic melody playing since the beginning of the world, and I really believe that. My goal is to find that tune and harmonize with it. :) rock.
-Booth Jewett