MP3 Hardtack & Harmony - Call To Arms
A collection of original and period songs that relects the wide variety of music that was popular duting the American Civil War period. Lots of harmonies supported by guitar, banjo, hammered dulcimer, button accordian and percussion.
14 MP3 Songs
FOLK: Traditional Folk, COUNTRY: Country Folk
The band was formed in the early 1990''s when a couple of Civil War re-enactors started to play some songs around the campfire for their personal entertainment. After a while, they decided to put a little effort behind the songs and arrangements launching their first CD, "Boys Of Ccompany C" whcih was recorded and released in 1995. Since then, there has been a few changes with Ollie, Leigh and Andy being original founding band members. The music has expanded outside of Civil War tunes and focuses on music of the 18th and 19th century. There is still a strong committment to writing arrangements with strong harmonies and driving instrumentals. With three recordings behind them, they are working on material for a fourth CD.
Oliver Claffey was born and raised in Manchester, England. Got my first 5 string banjo when I was14.
I have lived in Ontario since November 1969 and have worked in the Animal Care Department at the Toronto Zoo since 1974. Love to write songs on my Fender Villager 12 string guitar which I have had since 1973. Growing up in the Manchester Irish community, I was never far from music My Dad played the button accordion and was a strong musical influence on me.
Andy Desjardins was born in Ottawa, Ontario, Andy grew up in a musical family resulting in music being a large part of his life.
Playing in a number of bands as a teen and young
adult, he got his musical influences from Country, Rock,
Folk, and traditional styles of music. Some of his all time
favorite bands include the Beatles, Peter, Paul, and
Mary, The Kingston Trio, Rush, and Deep Purple just to
mention a few. Now Stan Rogers and Great Big Sea are
among his favorite performers.
Variety has always been important and Hardtack &
Harmony provides the opportunity to continually learn
and expand both musically and as a performer.
Andy now lives in Burlington, Onario, with his wife and
works in Sales and Marketing. He''s an active member of
the community, is involved with the Chamber of
Commerce, and a volunteer with Burlington''s Sound of
Music Festival.
Leigh Robinson is the band''s Hammered Dulcimer player
and vocal arranger, is a member of the founding class of
Humber College''s Music program and one of their first
five graduates in 1975.
Leigh spent the next 10 years of his life touring North
America and Europe with a variety of bands before
"giving up the road" and settling down to a "real job".
Leigh saw his first hammered dulcimer played at a "Blue
Gray Ball" held by the American Civil War Historical
Re-enactment Society, and as a percussionist thought
"Gee, a stringed instrument that you hit with sticks - I
could do that!"
Although he still considers himself to be a student of the
instrument, he has mastered the art of tuning the
hammered dulcimer - which he seems to do almost as
much as he plays the darn thing!
Dave Goddard was born and raised in the east end of Toronto, Dave
started playing bass when he was about 13. While in
high school (Riverdale Collegiate), he played bass with
the Stage band. Later infulences include Rush, Kiss,
Max Webster and Genesis.
During his early years as a member of various local
bands including "Praying for Rain", he played a number
of local venues such as "Larry''s Hideaway". A couple of
independant tapes and one Indy 45 release enjoyed
airplay on some of the smaller local radio stations.
Dave is now married, has one daugter and lives in East
end Toronto and is an ECE Child care teacher. He is
passionate about history and is an American Civil war,
War of 1812, and a WWII reenactor.