MP3 Andres Condon - Waves of Silence
This beautiful CD was recorded in Germany and combines the "classic guitar" with the "bansuri" (Bamboo Flute from India) played by Amaresh Seelig and the "tampura" played by Navino Szimath. A cd that takes listeners to the interior silence.
6 MP3 Songs
WORLD: World-wide Fusion, NEW AGE: New Age
Waves of Still Songs
Andrés Cóndon, musician, composer, producer and profound recordist, was born in Santiago, Chile and grew up in a family with a firm musical tradition.
His career is formed by a sensitive connection with nature. This has allowed him to take part in musical and audio- visual productions that have been fundamental in chilean education and environmental programs.
For more than 10 years, He has been serving as a music & artistic director in the "Bosqueduca Project", a pioneering Chilean education program. In the year 2000 he won the Chucao Award, conferred by the Chilean Ministry of Education to artists who have made important contributions to education and the environment.
His first concert was also his first musical production, incorporating from the beginning his special talents and expertise. This was followed by numerous concerts as a soloist and with his Music Ensemble.
For seven years he was part of the team of the award-winning TV series "Al Sur del Mundo", as a profound recordist and composer of incidental music. Throughout this period he composed, performed and recorded numerous scores for television documentary series.
After being involved for several years in the Chilean world culture, he realized how difficult it was for Chilean musicians to distribute their music. He assisted colleague Rodrigo Cepeda (Subhira) in forming a new Chilean independent label, Mundovivo (, which now produces and distributes the music of Chile, North American and European artists including Andrés' CD's "Caminos del Agua," "Nomad," and "Waves of Still".
Since its creation Mundovivo has been very important in the support of Chilean culture and the development of the country's art.
As a multi-instrumentalist and profound recordist, Andrés has experimented with mixing profounds that he records directly from nature with his emotional expression as produced by diverse instruments (guitars, bandurria, mandolina, viola caipira, tiple, cuatro, charango) and vocals.
For the past nine years, he has performed his music all over Europe, Canada and U.S.A.
Andres represented chilean music at the "Latin American Festival", in the Royal Albert Hall Theater, in London, England.
He has been performing or producing with:
Subhira (Chile)
Joakin Bello
Lenedra Carroll (USA)
Jewel (USA)
Sluka (USA)
Jaqueline Fuentes (Chile)
Dr. Hans Georg Hammerla (Germany)
Amaresh Seelig (Germany)
Atz Kilcher (USA)
Grupo Agua (Chile)
Antonio Restucci (Chile)
Alberto Cumplido (Chile)
Vicente Aguilera (Chile)