Sold by madeelsh on Tradebit The world's largest download marketplace 3,277,885 satisfied buyers
Internet Marketing For Newbies
Marketing has always been an exciting profession. There is the challenge of coming up with new and creative ways to catch the attention of the public, hold that attention long enough to build up enthusiasm for a product line, and then motivate consumers to take that final step and purchase the good or service.
Over the last decade, the concept of Internet marketing has taken on a new prominence in the scheme of promoting goods and services.
Originally seen as more or less an adjunct to traditional marketing methods, Internet marketing is now perceived as a legitimate and powerful form of marketing all its own. In many ways, Internet marketing has taken the old rules and rewritten them for a new age.
The first guide of the five in the Speed Series, Internet Marketing Basics for Newbies is a "must read" Special Report for anyone new to the field of E-Commerce. Today wealth is no longer reserved for an elite few and the power of the media is now de-centralized and distributed evenly to the ordinary individual to decide how rich and wealthy they can be!
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This file is sold by madeelsh, an independent seller on Tradebit.