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MP3 Tyger & Old Youth - Abrupt Endings

A FolkRock&Classical Vehicle to serve as an Audial Conveyance for Listeners seeking a Way From The WasteLand Ahead To Promise.

14 MP3 Songs in this album (46:25) !
Related styles: Folk: Folk-Rock, Rock: Americana, Type: Acoustic

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Tyger/Old Youth:abrupt endings, 46:32 Liner Notes written by Richard Carpenter, Copyright 2010.

This is a good point to write some notes on the songs.I already need to go back to that sentence,and it was the 1st one:“…to write some notes on the songs”is “to write some notes on the notes”-A necessarily perilous https://www.tradebit.comh that in mind,I will not“write notes on the notes”in a way so as to equate the act of riding a bicycle with reading a book entitled,“How to ride a bicycle”,i.e.,reading while https://www.tradebit.com’s just too dangerous. And so is writing about the songs on this album while thinking about a song called “Liner Notes”made up of notes (words) like those below,in a score that would be“played” by interpreting (playing) that “music”. But isn’t this what it means to interpret an idea,just as one “plays a song”? This music can be appreciated without reading any of https://www.tradebit.comt fact makes me https://www.tradebit.com notes below are intended to provide relevant information to the listener:

Tyger & Old Youth: A brief history & discography
Tyger was originally comprised of singers/song writers/guitarists Steve Hastie and William Carpenter who played together as Ridgeway Martin,circa 1966-70,becoming Tyger,or Tiger (we never completely settled on which)when Richard Carpenter joined them on violin in https://www.tradebit.comer was a part of the West Philadelphia/https://www.tradebit.com Pa./Powelton Village original 70’s FolkRock music scene. The band later evolved in the late 70’s as Steve and Bill “Made the switch to Rock & Roll”,(re:“Whole Wheat”,Hastie)to form Flambeau with Bogg Dorsey on Bass & Brian Shaw on Drums. Richard played violin briefly in Flambeau, but soon departed the band & Philadelphia to live in the Pine Barrens Of Southern New Jersey.
Tyger recorded their original acoustic studio LP,Tiger(the white album)at Sigma Sound Studios,https://www.tradebit.com 1970. Later,Flambeau,Live @ Kindred Spirits,New Years Eve 1979,a 2-disc CD documented the apex of the rock & roll period,after which Bill moved to Seattle in 1982.“Tyger live@the Grape Street Pub”,2-disc CD was recorded@a reunion concert,Jan.4,1986. Richard Carpenter moved to Seattle in August,1987,where he and Bill performed as “Old Youth” at NW Folklife,1989(see Abrupt Endings song credits). Following Bill’s death, August 31, 2001,“Tyger With A Why”,was produced in 2002 by Steve Hastie,Ted Fink,& Ken Morgan@ Kenwould Studios,Phil. Richard Carpenter produced the EP Blue Tarp:Demo Man,recorded 2003@Hype Schwarz Studios,Seattle. Ted Fink,Tyger’s manager,recorded “The Best of Teddy”,2008. Tyger/Old Youth: Abrupt Endings was recorded originally@ Ted Fink’s house in Philadelphia,Seattle Folklife,1990,& Short Sands,Oswald West https://www.tradebit.comgon, w/additional recording & mastering @ Bard’s Cathedral,Seattle,2010.(see Abrupt Endings lyrics/song credits).

Contextually Relevant & Not Unimportant Commentary:
Needless to say,it’s been a tumultuous time over the span of years,at least if you’ve been paying attention: Artistically,economically,sociologically,politically,culturally,you name the category. I am not writing here to get into all of that, but the songs do have a strong bearing,both lyrically and melody-wise as they arise from these contexts. Therefore,it is important to keep context in mind for an understanding of the music. Essential to this is the prospect of what New Thought might be as a way to describe music that is difficult to categorize,and I include this CD in that “difficult to categorize” category. All Original Music should be hard to categorize. If it is compelling,and hard to categorize,then a new way of thinking is required: New Thought… To experience truly original music, as distinguished from the “merely”new that clones“the latest thing”,requires a willingness to contextual de-construction on the part of the listener in order to encourage the chance that follows for a Resultant Re-construction and (Re)placement as gained through an attitude of Creative Expectation. The ideal is to “Hear it for the 1st time, every time it is played: A tall order. But there is practicality in it,even on the so-called “negative side of the‘feel-good ledger’: To explain- Say it’s a rainy day;there’s either actual rain falling or mentally it’s falling,or https://www.tradebit.com that’s the kind of day you’re having;you either purposefully or serendipitously happen to listen to a couple a’3 tracks or even the whole“Abrupt Endings”CD,and it brings you“Down”even further,at least immediately,but that’s where it’s happenin’,right-in the immediate?…Alas,but Do Not Despair! My friends,the dark light must shine,just as disclosure will surely purge the Cobwebs from the Living Room Attic,whatever that https://www.tradebit.comt I am positing here is the necessity for as many of us as is even unreasonably feasible,given that a certain degree of Persistently In-or-Prescribed-Ideality is left to grow in The Minds of the Remnant,those Die-Hards Ready,Willing,& yes,Able still to accept the At-Times harsh fact of living in such times as these;and Further-that there resides a Not-Ironic hope that contains enough of an attitude of Creative Expectation on the part of the-not-completely-starved-but-nonetheless-wistful-seekers-of-both-meaningful-and-enjoyable-music that we are not left incapable of dragging ourselves across the searing heat of scorching desert sands to reach the Oasis that awaits us in our search for the Delta of The As-Promised-Kix-Ass,Mind-Body wrenching forth that’s potent enough to encourage us to give It the Aulde College Try; So listen to the 14 tracks on this album; Even if you didn’t graduate yet from High School,you can still give it the Aulde High School Try,even if it happened so long ago that you don’t remember,All of us realizing meanwhile that The Kasbah at the Desert Edge Oasis in Algiers has 110VAC where we can recharge our iPods (w/appropriate Xfmrs)in expectation of further participatory listening and the chance to become a Tyger/Old Youth initiate ourselves,just like the rest of us in the band always were and always will be.
1)Just Come Around And See 4:38
“Will you still be here when I get home again?” is a lyrical question that many of us have asked from time to time, and Steve’s vocal gives this song a dimension that reaches back as well as forward. The primary studio track is an excellent canvas for sampling assorted Tyger Dream-Scapes…

2)Overture To Mount Angus 9:42
Overture is Tyger’s tour de force in the area of orchestral folk rock synthesis. I remember at the time the Who had recorded Tommy and then Quadraphenia so Steve thought it was a good idea to do an opera, and the songs emerged. Tyger did 2 performances of the opera,“Mount Angus”,the stage complete with a paper mache‘mountain’that served as an inspiringly ascendant,though physically diminutive peak to focus the visual attention of the listening audience in the basement of the https://www.tradebit.com https://www.tradebit.comdent Union https://www.tradebit.coml and Steve were students at the time,and I,with my wife Mary,were newly married college graduate interlopers in the Powelton Village music scene.
The arrangement of the Overture emerged through live performances of Steve’s component songs,but solidified during a specific gig we played @ the https://www.tradebit.com Pharmacy & Science in https://www.tradebit.comer was opening for another band and the respective managers were having a somewhat heated discussion/argument about the age-old question:“Who plays 1st?”Meanwhile,Steve & I retreated to a large room upstairs that had a Grand Piano and little https://www.tradebit.com played the Overture using piano & violin, solidifying the overall arrangement as it was later recorded in This Track.
I thought,both in talking to Steve then,& listening since the original studio recording,that the Overture would benefit from additional strings,a fuller,semi-orchestral sound. With that in mind,I recorded,along w/the Bass track,what I call“Violin Octavelo” with Thaddeus at the Bard’s Cathedral https://www.tradebit.com technique came from an overdub track that Brin Addison and I used in the Blue Tarp:Demo Man sessions,https://www.tradebit.com title track,“Demo Man”has credits for“1st”&“2nd violin”.A more accurate term for“2nd”,as used,is“Violin Octavelo”.The part is played on violin with the intention that the notes will be “Filed Electronically” at an octave lower pitch. Question: Is the instrument used a violin or some other(similar)instrument?W/the intented octave-lower-outcome,“Violin Octavelo” describes the process,even though physically a“Violin”is played=Electronic Techniques W/Traditional Instruments.

3)Someone Like Me 4:05
Someone Like Me is somewhat like This and the Other-an idea that can be applied both subjectively/simultaneously with “The World”and objectively/over-time;these aspects refer to the people we meet in that World,including oneself,as‘Another’. Once I understand what all that means,I will have met“Someone Like Me”,& know Him as Myself.
When Bill & I were kids,we shared a room–he had the lower bunk;I had the top.I thought the ladder was cool,& I liked the close-up view of the ceiling lying https://www.tradebit.com lived largely private lives as Brothers,even https://www.tradebit.com took our explicit communication learned through the prism of musical invention to express those nascently emergent visions that had their beginnings “Way back When”.In various performances of Someone Like Me,including this one,I am reminded of the term:“Controlled Desperation” to describe the experience of playing violin on this song,in which I pay an eternally grateful reference to Bill’s authorship and brotherly welcome to me as indicative of the fiercely composed lyricality,melody,and rhythme. All of us Tyger Old Youth know that Someone Like Me is necessarily Fearsome. I’ll tell you this: After already riding a wave on the top of a solo that was threatening to fall apart in my mind’s hands at any moment,I realized necessarily & instantly at 2:53 into the song that Bill was not ready to “give it up yet”; he kicked into a rhythmically extended excursion to the aforementioned outer reaches where I was also bound, and I was truly happy to arrive intact at 3:09 when we arrived back at both the origin and destination of Someone Like Me to end the track.
I’m also happy with adding the Bass track on Someone Like Me as recorded in the Narthex of Bard’s Cathedral with Thaddeus at the console. Bill and I would definitely have argued about it. Not so much about the notes played, but about me playing https://www.tradebit.combe it would help for me to explain to Bill now that Someone Like Me played the Bass track,years later. I think he understands, and reluctantly approves, even in the paradoxical necessity to compromise both notes and production toward ideality. That’s The Life Of Music.

4)Song For The Sioux 4:14
This song can be traced to the area in or near Interior, South https://www.tradebit.com Badlands impart a musical mystery on both the sparse inhabitants and travelers who fool themselves into thinking they can get through this area as quickly as possible on the road west. It’s best to realize that you’re going to be out there for awhile. This was a solo 1-way road trip from Philadelphia to Seattle in my ’77 Toyota SR5/5 https://www.tradebit.comual w/10 https://www.tradebit.come on the roofrack & PBJ on the hood.(see picture).Just outside Interior,I commenced 1 of numerous life experiences henceforth reflective of themes best categorized as “The Point of No Return”. Song For The Sioux is in honor of My Brother and Sister Warriors out there.

5,6)Here And Then 0:18,2:26
Here And Then takes the contemplative mind on a whirlwind tour of Youth and Age,as Bill introduces“Old Youth”as“Those of us who became old so young that we had no choice but to become younger with age.”This is why the older we are,the younger we get. Bill and I used to discuss who was“Old”and who was“Youth”on stage during https://www.tradebit.come Tyger and Tiger,it was never completely settled.“Am I the child the man no longer can pretend?”

7,8)Trying To Fly 0:27,2:22
The question: What is the relation between the addiction peddled by ‘Dream drug pushers” and “God Mongers”? It’s worth asking… “No matter what you do, it’ll end up doing you,yeah you can’t get through in time…” Yeah,I know it’s an Abrupt Ending; Tried a fade…but No Way. Besides,it’s the title of the CD…: “I may seek some Consul.”

9)Come My Way 2:50
“Ok? Ok”; follows quickly; no delay. After all, we don’t have (un)limited time. So,“Come My Way”…

10)Island Of Life 2:55
The stark solo melody violin voice of Island of Life is in turn answered with the broad sea-view of...

11)Out To See 3:49
What else can be asked of us but a stalwart reconciliation to the life that we must live?

12)Cinnamon Girl MetaJam 2:36
See notes on #14 for the origins of this track. During the mastering of track #14,Cinnamon Girl Jam,I became conscious of the possibility of looping 1 or more https://www.tradebit.com seemed to me that there were so many themes“going by at once”,that the listener was left wanting more time to assimilate the musical https://www.tradebit.com the same time,I didn’t want to disrupt continuity:“There is a reason it was played the way it was played.” The solution came after I wrote out the score and came up with a diagram that maps the 1-time loop of (2)4 sec. and (1)9 https://www.tradebit.comments,extending the original (2:16)by 17 sec.(2:33).I like the idea of “Jamming (electronically) with the Jam”,= “MetaJam”.Thaddeus implemented the loops into the original track mix…and it works! Anyway,the inclusion of “Bonus Track”#14 allows you to decide for yourself. See figure X.

13)I Know My Love Will Shine 3:28+0:17
This song expresses the Promise Of The Ancients. Now that Bill is officially one of the Ancients, and the other Tyger Old Youths are all well on our way, we can say,“I know my love will shine…Some day, not if, but when. By when, I hear you say, Some Day, not if, but when, why not today?” Thanks,Bill.

14)Cinnamon Girl Jam (Bonus Track) 2:17
Bill and I recorded this on a cassette while camping @Short Sands,Oswald https://www.tradebit.com.,Ore. Years Later,during the Bard’s Cathedral sessions,I added the Bass and Drum tracks,using brushes to slap out the rhythm on a dusty snare drum that Thaddeus pulled out of his cloister of instruments. The Original Drum is the Heart; Snare drums came next. This track was used to make Track #12,Cinnamon Girl MetaJam. See figure X.

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