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Affilliate Marketing PLR

"Be One Of The First 150 People To Get Your Hands On This New Business-In-A-Box... The Affiliate Marketing Blowout PLR Package That Will Score You Insane Paychecks!

From The Desk Of...
Joe https://www.tradebit.comnnetti

Sunday, March 13, 2011

RE: Affiliate Marketing Blowout PLR Package

Dear Valued Marketer,

Are you struggling from paycheck to paycheck? Or maybe you feel like just pulling your hair out every time you hear that alarm clock waking you up to go to your "ball and chain" 9-5 job? Or maybe your having problems trying to become the successful affiliate marketer that you really want to be.

In the past, we too have struggled from one paycheck to another and have felt all these ways, so we can relate with your thoughts of frustration and discouragement you are feeling.

You may have tried different systems in the past that were proven to be nothing other than theories that got you nowhere.

Well, today is your lucky day because we are going to be telling you about something that is going to change your life forever and will have you telling your boss to "shove it!"
"This All-In-One System Has All The Components You Need To Start Making Money Today And Squash Your Current Income!"
Ponder for a second and allow yourself to imagine going to work on your own schedule and being free from financial worries.

Picture in your head waking up and walking over to your computer to discover that you made hundreds, and even thousands of dollars while you were counting sheep in your sleep.

Try to envision your life where you have the freedom to spend more time with your family. What if you had the financial means of getting your kids through college?

Or maybe finally getting that well needed vacation that you always wanted to take, and certainly just living the life you've always wanted to.
"This Dream Can Be Accomplished And Isn't Far Fetched And We Are Going To Tell You Why!"
Let us explain a little bit about ourselves and give us just 5 minutes of your day. First off we are not your big name internet marketing guru's.

We are real life ordinary people who have developed an iron clad system that gives you everything you need to start up a successful online business with our amazing PLR package!

A few years ago, we were both on unemployment, broke, in debt up to our ears, and scared out of our wits. We had no clue what we were going to do. We were terrified and overwhelmed at where we were in life.

We decided that we could no longer rely on our jobs in today's time, and decided to take our future into our own hands.

With much testing and research we have discovered a rock solid pathway to get you out of the nightmare you think will never end.

We are sure many of you feel this way and can relate to what it's like. Maybe this is your first time attempting to try your hand at PLR products.

You may have also tried other people's methods in the past and where left with a dazed and confused look on your face, only to find out their system was B.S. and regurgitated garble that got you no where.

Let us be frank with you...

We don't beat around the bush and fill your head with fictitious concepts that are nothing more than "he said, she said" junk. Your going to get the cold hard truth with no sugar added!
"That's What You Want... THE TRUTH! And That's What We Are Going To Give You!"
Let's face the facts, many people want to start an online business but don't because they don't know enough about what components they need and all that "techy stuff." They just don't know about it, or try to learn only to become frustrated and overwhelmed.

What if we told you that you didn't need to know all that mumbo jumbo. You wouldn't need to know how to write sales letters, or how to set up and design a squeezepage and thank you page. There would be no need to worry about HTML code. You wouldn't have to worry about coming up with a product.

And the truth is...You Don't!

Announcing: The Affiliate Marketing Blowout PLR Package!

Here's what all you'll be getting inside this incredible PLR package:

"The No-Nonsense Guide To Affiliate Marketing"
This "No B.S." Guide we have constructed will break down affiliate marketing fundamentals and fill you in on the important details that the big time guru's don't want you to know!

That's why we put this book together. We got sick and tired of all of those bright and shiny marketing books that promised you the world, only to be crap that produced zero results and didn't even begin to break the surface of what you really need to know!

"Solved SEO Mysteries"

This SEO report is packed full of vital and crutial information that will have the traffic gates busting wide open! Let's be honest with ourselves, you can have the greatest product in the world, but without targeted traffic and optimization you will never succeed! This little jewel is packed with all the big timer's secrets that they don't want you to know about! But we're going to let you in on all of em'!

"The No-Nonsense Guide To Affiliate Marketing - Video Course"

10 Jam-Packed Videos With A Step-By-Step Guide To Show You How To Make Affiliate Marketing Successful For You!

Here Is Just A Little Of What's In These Vital Videos...

Video #1 - Getting Started! This is an introduction to affiliate marketing and will tell you what affiliate marketing is and how it really works!

Video #2 - Best Affiliate Marketing Programs! We'll be showing you some of the affiliate marketing programs that are out there that you can use to promote products and score some commission money on all the sales you make for the product.

Video #3 and #4 - Affiliate Programs Run-down! In these two videos we will be taking you straight out to the field of the affiliate marketing programs and showing you a step-by-step how to setup your affiliate programs and the right products to choose.

Video#5 - Niche Affiliate Marketing! You'll be finding out exactly what niche affiliate marketing is, how to find that profitable niche, and creating an affilaite marketing campaign.

Video #6 - Pick A Winner! We take you step-by-step of how we choose that "profitable" niche and how to choose those "important" keywords surrounding your niche.

Video #7 - Affiliate Marketing Traffic Tactics! Here we will be discussing all the many different traffic tactics - like list building, article marketing, forums, and viral marketing that you can use to pull that much needed "targeted" traffic.

Video #8 - Affiliate Marketing Websites! In this video we will be going over the types of affiliate marketing websites that are out there - like blogs, review sites, opt in pages, and what you will need to get the website going.

Video #9 - Websites 101! Here we will be showing you examples and key elements you need for each type of affiliate marketing website.

Video #10 - The ABC Tips Of Affiliate Marketing! We will be giving you some of our affiiate marketing tips that we always use and take in consideration on any project we are doing in the affiliate marketing business.

"10 Mind-Blowing Articles On Affiliate Marketing!"
You'll be getting a butt load of information out of these unique and detailed articles all featuring the top topics in affiliate marketing!

You'll be getting the source documents to these articles so you can do anything you would like with them.
Professionally Designed Product Covers & Minisite Graphics Package!
The product covers come in 3 different sizes. You also get the raw Photoshop Source Document (PSD) files to the product covers and minisite graphics that you can use to edit in your favorite Adobe Photoshop program!
Professional Sales Letter And Thank You Page With Bonus Squeeze Page
Put your name on the sales letter, insert your order button, upload it together with your thank you page, images and other files to your web host... and you're all set to start making money! You can also edit the sales copy and thank you page in anyway that you want.

The Private Label Rights License
This gives you the rights to edit all contents to this entire affiliate marketing PLR package, brand them as your own, and use them in anyway you want!

This Is A Action-Packed, Body-Slamming PLR Package That You Need To Get Your Hands On!
But Don't Just Take Our Word For It... Check Out What Liz Tomey Had To Say About Our Money Making PLR Package!


The package you have created is amazing. I mean from A-Z, you have it ALL!

It's really hard to find good quality content that you can take, slap your name on, plug it in, and start profiting, but you guys have done it.

Everything looks professional, the copy on the sales page and squeeze page is great, the graphics are amazing, and all the promotional tools you've included rock!

Great job guys. Please let me know as soon as you release another package!

Liz Tomey

Thats right folks! You get...

# 1 "The No-Nonsense Guide To Affiliate Marketing" ebook!
($400 Value)

# 2 The "Solved SEO Mysteries" report!
($100 Value)

# 3 "The No-Nonsense Guide To Affiliate Marketing" Video Course!
($497 Value)

# 4 "The No-Nonsense Guide To Affiliate Marketing" sales page and download page!
($1200 Value)

# 5 The "Solved SEO Mysteries" squeeze page and thank you page!
($700 Value)

# 6 Professionally designed product covers and minisite graphics!
($150 Value)

# 7 Professionally created articles that you can use to profit even more!
($100 Value)

And of course you can't forget....The Private Label Rights License! (Priceless)

That's A Total Value Of $3,147

Like we said, it's an entire "Business-In-A-Box!" All the work is done for you! You just have to sit back and watch your bank account grow!

Now, we are sure you know that some could charge hundreds or even a thousand dollars for what we are offering. You have to consider what the book, report, and articles cost to have written. No to mention the money, talent, and time spent in video productions. And let's not forget the graphics!

You also have to consider the amount of hours involved in building a sales page, squeezepage, and a thank you page.

This entire affiliate marketing PLR package is worth $3,147 as we said...

What is your future worth to you? Can you put a price tag on your future's success? What is it worth to you to become your own boss? How much do you desire the gratification of never having to worry financially again?

Today you have the opportunity, the choice is yours. You are just moments away from owning this entire package for a small investment of only...$37!
No we're not joking and your eyes are not playing tricks on you! You could be one of the few people to get your hands on this never before seen affiliate marketing PLR package for only $27!

Great PLR package, Great Value...!

You guys have put together an amazing PLR product. So comprehensive and I'm amazed you're making it available at such a value price.

Ebooks, articles, sales page, graphics, and the videos are killer. Everything is clearly presented and looks fantastic. It stands out above the crowd for sure.

Please let me know when you do more packs because I'll be back...!

Andy Machin

Only $27- Are you kidding me?!

You two have really raised the bar for quality PLR products. Seriously? You could doubled or triple the price and still be a bargain. Not only have you assembled a great bunch of complementary products, the Sales letter is well laid out and compelling, the Graphics are very high quality and the Videos are top notch.

Put me on the list when your next product is ready!

Robin Lee

"Doing The Same Thing Over And Over And Expecting Different Results Is Insanity! Don't Let This Once In A Lifetime Opportunity Slip Away!"
Nothing is going to change unless you decide to do something about it and make that move to release yourself from the chains of confusion and frustration you are facing right now... and what better way to do that than with this killer PLR package!

This PLR package we are offering you will be your lifeline to success you so much crave. Time is wasting for you to end all the issues you are experiencing with getting the REAL results you want!

Okay, so let's look at your options.

You could keep throwing hundreds of dollars down the drain trying other programs that offer you a library load of books, but lack the very ONE thing our system has....Quality! That far outweighs quanity any day in our book.

You could meet with a internet marketing consultant....if you got anywhere between $1,000.00-$10,000.00 per day. Yes, that's right... per day!

Maybe you just give up and live with the regret of quitting on yourself and your dreams, and go back to that job you are buried under.

But why do all that? Don't you want a desirable change in life? Is what your doing now working for you?

We are asking you today to take this rare opportunity to make this one time, small investment and change your life forever!

What have you got to lose? The whole business is right here and has everything thing you need to start a successful online business right now!

Whatever you do though, don't delay! You don't want to miss out on this great $37 offer! They won't last forever, so secure your future by clicking the Add To Cart button, to get your instant access!

P.S. Act Now to get this incredible offer for only $27 today! Start making money online the fast and easy way!

P.S.S. End your troubles starting now with this complete "Business-In-A-Box!" But remember you've got to hurry... only 50 copies will be sold! They won't last long and we really want you to have the success you have so longed for!
Tags: plr, buy
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