MP3 Red Door Exchange - ROCK: Psychedelic
" it back-porch space rock with a dose of rainy-day Martian cathedral music." [James Heflin - Valley Advocate]
12 MP3 Songs
ROCK: Psychedelic, ROCK: Roots Rock
On Red Door Exchange, The Album:
"It''s a gargantuan task to make indie rock sounds that haven''t been made before. And since Radiohead blew the usual pop conventions on their heads with Kid A , the task is even harder. Red Door Exchange pulls it off as well as many better known bands, mixing disparate sounds--a touch of early Pink Floyd, a Beatles-esque arrangement, a strange but hard-hitting explosion of guitar that might nod toward Modest Mouse, Yo La Tengo or The Pixies--into a savvy, appealing whole."
[James Heflin - Valley Advocate]
On Red Door Exchange, The Band:
in a quest for the supra-filtered essence of untouched shimmerings of invisible virgin glory, the randomly coagulated forms of rackety-clack bio-spiritual entities referred to as "red door exchange" have, saturated in synchronically interchannelled transcendant muse vibrations, and intrinsically charged with the cosmic supervision of timeless benificent and infinitely providential love, intraveinously pumped with wisdom beyond their years, pulsating with lightning quick extemporaneous renaissance human meta-realism and diamond like beatification of the overlooked divine nonsense of common life, managed to grasp within the steely talons of an intinsically unbridled and persistent predatory creativity, an unrefutably relevant remedy for the soul rotting boredom of 21st century psuedo-sophistication and spoon fed cloned cultural toxin commonly known as accesible and disposable entertainment.
if you have ever faced the ruthless blast of primordial salt spray whipped up by the ocean''s wild dancing heart as screeching gulls prohecized with apacolyptic ecstasy a truth dancing shaman-like, beyond all humanly fabricated law, you will liken the sound of these four to what you remember as the supreme life altering moment of awakening, in which all you knew is revealed to be no more than an empty shell tumbling into the oblivion of a gargantuan tsunamic tide of eternal change.
welcome to a new dimension.
there is no turning back.
surrender is your only option.
[Signor Poverello - Commentator]