MP3 George Cahill - Hero
Ten Dramatic and relevant Americana Originals. Heartfelt storytelling about Hero Fallen Firefighters, A Pro Quarterback''s Comeback of the Year, The Struggle and Cure of Addictions, Lost Love and Forgiving, Revenge, and the Bed Bug Invasion.
10 MP3 Songs in this album (30:33) !
Related styles: Blues: Acoustic Blues, Country: Americana, Featuring Piano
People who are interested in Bob Dylan Rolling Stones Tom Petty should consider this download.
The artist, George Cahill, is a songwriter from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
This is George''s first full length album release and consists of ten original songs, three of which are musical collaborations with Dan Michael, the creative Philadelphia Producer, musician and songwriter. Dan also hails from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. (Dan wrote the music for "Don''t Ask Don''t Tell", "Lesson Learned", and "Sick of Myself".*
George and Dan Michael have been close friends since childhood. Ironically, after almost a twenty year hiatus, George and Dan decided in the winter of 2010 to begin working on a Christmas E.P. titled " Dark Christmas ". After the success of "Dark Christmas", George and Dan recognized that they had something special and wanted to " strike while the iron was hot". They decided to immediately begin working on their next project, the "Hero" album. Cahill''s first full length album reflects relevant songs that were obviously written from the heart.
The Story Behind each Song
The Album title and second album track is a tribute song written for a firefighter who loses his life in the course of his duty. Since George himself is a retired Philadelphia firefighter, sadly, George has experienced first hand the loss of many of his brother firefighters while performing their duty. The National Fallen Firefighter''s Foundation and George have agreed to a fundraising partnership whereby George will make a donation to the Foundation on each sale of the "Hero" song.
Don''t Ask Don''t Tell
The first track on the Album was written about the controversial subject of Gays in the Armed Forces.
Lesson Learned
A woman has fallen in love with another women and leaves her then man lover. After the man''s wounds heal from the breakup he sees his former lover on the street and the old feelings return.
In the end, he wishes his former lover best wishes.
A down and out professional quarterback makes the biggest comeback in recent history. After serving time in prison, the quarterback is given a second chance to play. This results in a championship season for the team.
MVP tells the story that, in the writer''s opinion, each and every man should get a second chance.
Natural Hair
I was walking into a Wawa convenience store one morning a saw a girl with beautiful, burning, red, curly hair . I said to myself, "Can that be her natural hair?" I got back into my car and wrote "Natural Hair" on the spot.
Sick of Myself
An associate of George''s, Christine Giordano, walked into his office one morning and said, "You know, I''m sick of myself today." George replied to Christine , "Wow, what a great title for a song." George wrote "Sick of Myself" on the spot that morning.
A song about a group of caring friends who together urge a dear friend to go into rehabilitation.
By getting help, the addict can win back their family and friends and start life over again.
My mother was an alcoholic, and looking back, I wish there were " interventions" during her addiction.
Back on the Wagon Again
About the emotional roller coster of dealing with all types of addiction.
My deceased mother was an alcoholic so I grew up witnessing first hand the struggles addicts go through on a daily basis.
(No pun intended that this song follows " Intervention" on the album.)
Let It Be Known
George, after getting ripped off on a business deal gone wrong, fantasizes that one day he will finally get even with that low down dirty s.o.b. who ripped him off . The lyric and music of this song has a deep rooted Americana Vibe.
Bed Bug Song
George''s erie vocal , lyrics, and "biting" slide guitar on this track will surely send a chill down your spine.
Thanks for reading and hopefully listening.
* Music co-written by George Cahill