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ConversionEqualizer MRR2839.zip

Finally... A Foolproof Method That Will Automatically Boost All Your Google AdWords Conversion Ratios To The HIGHEST Possible Level!

Here's one hard fact that no one is likely to dispute...

There's a LOT riding on your AdWords campaigns. And right at the top of the list? The cold hard cash it takes just to keep your campaigns afloat!

That being the case, it's no wonder you're constantly seeking out methods which will increase the amount of profit you ultimately gain.

And most likely, new and innovative methods will continue to surface, offering you additional ways in which to improve your AdWords campaigns.

That's great. That's exactly what you need in order to fine-tune your advertising efforts.

But here's even better news...

You don't have to wait for some new and innovative method to come along. Why? Because the ultimate method for improving your Adwords campaigns is already here!

From: Your Name

Dear Friend,

Maybe you're one of the lucky ones... maybe you've got SO much money rolling in as a result of your AdWords campaigns that there's just no need for improvement.

Yeah, right. And I navigate a starship through the galaxies in my spare time!

Let's get real here. No matter HOW good your AdWords campaigns are, no matter how satisfying a result they happen to be producing, there's one factor that will ALWAYS exist...

Those of us who utilize AdWords will NEVER assume we've achieved the highest possible ROI (return on investment) - no matter how impressive the results might be.

No siree...
...regardless of how much income our AdWords campaigns bring in

...regardless of how many mailing list sign-ups we get

...regardless of how much targeted and qualified traffic we generate
...there's always that nagging voice inside our heads that just keeps repeating - silently shouting - over and over again...

You KNOW you can do even better!

Yep. With just the right tweak, just the right word change, just the right keyword, or just the right ad title... you're certain you can shoot that AdWords campaign right through the stratosphere!

Well, maybe not the stratosphere. But you're certain (at the very least) that you can drive that old conversion ratio up another notch or two.

The point is, we're always trying to improve what we've got. If an AdWords campaign is doing well, you can rest assured we'll do everything in our power to make it even better.

Of course, that's basically the name of the game... getting something to work well and then improving on it. And that could mean tweaking what's already there or finding new improvement methods.

Either way, making it better is the primary ongoing objective.

Improve The Most Neglected Aspect Of AdWords Campaigns
And You're "Guaranteed" To Increase Your Conversion Ratio!

Unfortunately, when it comes to working with AdWords, there's one important aspect that most people neglect. And not just those who are new to AdWords. Even veteran marketers are guilty of giving less attention to one particular area of their campaign.

So what is this important aspect? It's the landing page... that all-important place viewers are directly taken to when they click on your AdWords link.

Get the landing page wrong and you've pretty much wasted your entire AdWords campaign (and of course, your hard-earned money).

Get the landing page right and you can count on a decent conversion ratio. That means lots of targeted traffic, considerable income generated, a large number of mailing list sign-ups... etc., etc.

Granted, most of us who are familiar with AdWords campaigns have already figured out the basics. Like what type of landing page works best for a certain product or program. Or what information should be included on the landing page.

Then, once that's determined - once it's established in any given AdWords campaign - the landing page is most often forgotten. Or, at the very least, it winds up taking a back seat to all the testing and fine-tuning that's generally involved with improving the ads.

On one hand, that's perfectly understandable. Especially since the quality and effectiveness of the ads themselves are directly related to the level of success you achieve.

But from now on, what if you tried something different...

Rather than allow them to take a back seat, why not turn landing pages into one of the most solid and effective methods of raising conversion ratios.

No doubt about it... giving the landing page more power would definitely be a smart move.

Of course, now the only question is, how on earth do you accomplish that? (Bear with me because this is where it gets REALLY exciting.)

No Matter What Kind Of Search Your Viewers Conduct They'll
Find Just What They're Looking For On YOUR Landing Page!


What's the most common reason viewers back out of a landing page?

If you said it's because the page they were taken to doesn't appear to be directly associated with their search... you would be absolutely correct!

So there they are, conducting a specific keyword search and they come to a page that displays everything BUT their keyword. Naturally, they assume they've come to the wrong place and immediately back out of there, ultimately clicking on someone else's ad.

Bad, bad, BAD deal...

All that work you invested in creating the *perfect* AdWords campaign only to lose the viewer to one of your competitors.
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File Size 6 megabytes
File Type ZIP
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