MP3 Simonette Vaja - Essential Sleep- Guided Meditation
Essential sleep - guided meditation. Simonette''s entrancing voice will guide you into a most sensual and sacred bedroom, where you can drift into a peaceful sleep. Great for shift workers and any one wanting to improve your sleeping!
1 MP3 Songs in this album (18:17) !
Related styles: New Age: Self-Help, Spoken Word: Inspirational, Mood: Dreamy
People who are interested in Deepak Chopra ENYA Simonette Vaja should consider this download.
creativity facilitator and consulting psychologist,
Self development and inspirational guided meditations help direct your attention to create an inner world that is supportive and encouraging to you in your everyday life. When you are in a relaxed physical state you are more susceptible to suggestions. Guided meditations provide a similar internal experience as hypnotherapy. This approach works for a wide range of issues and difficulties that we can all experience at some time in our lives. All hypnosis is self-hypnosis as it is entirely self-governed. This makes it a remarkably safe procedure which is in no way harmful. Acceptance of the suggestions presented to you whilst under hypnosis is under the control of your wishes.
All the content of my guided meditations and inner journey work, have developed from extensive personal experience and research taken from my psychology practice and the creativity and self expression courses. Since 1991 I have been collecting feedback forms and client testimonials and integrating this knowledge to design meditations and visualisations that work at a deep level, assisting listeners to deal with particular issues or situations.
I have continued to be astounded by my clients and students and how inner work taps into the amazing potential and opportunities that exist within the mind, in particular your imagination. When you start to inquire into the images and beliefs that you hold for yourself and life, you may be surprised. The power of the sensory images, the dreams we create and how the fascinating process of making these reality brings merit to the saying: dreams really can come true. You can’t always control or know what life will bring your way, though you can direct your internal thoughts and images. A picture tells more than a thousand words. By re-creating empowering and supportive images you can start to change the way the world interacts with you.
Each of us has a unique human experience, your inner World is what guides your actions and the meanings you give to things. Meditation helps you to get to know what already exists within your mind - the constant chatter, images of self and others. When you meditate there are specific pictures, feelings, sounds, words and feelings that come to your awareness: these archetypes are embodied subjective experiences. You can learn a lot about the quality of your inner world through the practice of meditation. Meditation is not always an easy practice and often clients tell me they find it easier to meditate when they are guided by a CD or listen to someone guide them inwards.
To further explain the effectiveness of guided meditation CDs I have included in this article further information about the range of guided meditation CDs along with stories from people who have listened to them and found great relief. Further testimonials can be found in individual listings via * Client names have been changed to protect privacy.
Pain Free - description of the hypnotic techniques
There are three different hypnotic techniques that Simonette presents: simply listen to them all and judge for yourself which one works the best for you. Listen to that track as often as you can, because each time you listen the effects will be quicker and longer lasting. If you have chronic pain you must consult your doctor on a regular basis. This CD works as a complimentary treatment with all other treatments.
Techniques for hypnotic pain reduction present a number of interesting similarities to familiar psychological defense mechanisms normally used as coping mechanisms. These are amnesia (repression), substitution, denial, displacement and retreat into fantasy. Thus symptoms may be substituted (the pain can become a tingling sensation or painless sensation or displaced (for example, from the abdomen to the finger.) Symptoms may even be denied. To the person they simply do not exist. Amnesia can be used to blur or reactivate memories of a previous experience while selective awareness allows you to divide your attention for example, you may be asked to imagine leaving your painful body behind and taking a rest in a beautiful warm tropical island. The results can often lead to dramatic improvement.
Gary’s story, age, 36 IT consultant.
"Last year I faced that dreaded ''dentist visit''. Not just a routine one... A wisdom teeth extraction. I was concerned with the reaction of my body having had chronic fatigue syndrome for some years and a weakened immune system. I utilised Simonette''s wonderful and powerful ''Pain Free'' CD for a few weeks before the procedure. I was amazed at the result. Not only was I ''free'' of any anxiety attending a dentist I had practically NO PAIN *AFTER* the procedure when the anesthetic wore off. In fact, the dentist was quite amazed that I spoke to him with light conversation through the needles he injected before the extraction. Equal or better was his amazement with my next checkup; the wounds healed so quickly you couldn''t tell the procedure had even been performed. One word: AMAZING! This is a powerful tool for healing & transformation."
Will hypnosis work for you?
Some of the factors that can predict the outcome of hypnotic pain control include the following:
The nature and origin of the pain and whether it is organically or mainly psychologically caused.
Whether you believe in hypnosis or not and if you expect it will bring you pain relief
The presence of a secondary gain. That is when there may be the presence of social or financial rewards for the continuance of your pain problem.
Your motivation to improve
The development of a positive and trusting relationship between you and your therapist
Your willingness to practice self-hypnosis. The ability to produce a deep state of hypnotic trance is not always important and good results can still occur in the presence of light hypnotic or slight sleep like states...
Suggestion, suggestibility and relaxed state of mind-body
The repetition of empowering and reassuring suggestions helps you to reframe the quality of your thoughts. By listening to the guided meditations on a regular basis, the sensory stimulating suggestions become familiar, predictable and you experience this as a positive orientation and corresponding imaginings within your psyche. An example is Simonette''s guided meditation for sleep CD and Mother Nurture Her CD. Suggestions that follow become your true experience:
"You will find that your sleep will be calm, peaceful with pleasant dreams. on waking you will feel well, bright, alert and eager for the day’s tasks. You will wake feeling that each day is getting better and better in all the ways you want it to be. Should you at any time feel tense or worried, you can calm your mind and relax your body by taking five deep breaths. and as you breathe out, you will feel yourself letting go of the tensions, unwinding, feeling the calmness and relaxation flowing all through your mind and body...."
"I found this CD incredibly relaxing and so soothing it was as if a great emotional burden had been lifted from my shoulders. I slept easily and deeply, enjoying the experience and finding the music and meditation both very beneficial. If you have difficulty sleeping or want to improve the quality of the sleep you are currently getting then this is for you."
Power of suggestion: Mind-body-emotion-spirit works automatically toward integrity... Chakra Caress CD there is a guided meditation to connect with your heart and to let love be your experience, the suggestions are all about feeling safe and open to love and loving.
Personal development and powerful shifts in long standing beliefs can shift spontaneously from the positive suggestions. The psyche wants to make the suggestions true, so it shifts and dispels anything that may be standing in the path of an inner peace and open heart. A wonderful example of this came to me from this email.
"Dear Simonette
I have had such a profound experience that I thought I should let you know. I was doing your ''opening your heart'' meditation, the one after the Chakras. Suddenly from being in a very peaceful mode of relaxation I started sobbing uncontrollably with tears running down my cheeks. It was totally spontaneous and not brought on by any conscious will. It was a most cleansing and healing moment for me and just totally remarkable.
Just very briefly. I was rejected by my parents and even though I had 3 beautiful sons, they were indifferent to them, and never ever took them out, had them for a dinner or gave them a birthday present. So of course I was hurt and disliked them immensely. Anyway they are no longer alive and I have hated them and could not forgive them for depriving my children of grandparents.
Why I was so shaken during the meditation, was because when I began welcoming people into my heart, they came in, uninvited, and since then I have let go of all my anger against them and have found a new peace in acknowledging to myself that like most children, I suppose, I do not know what experiences they had been through in their lives to make them as they were, or much about them at all as they never spoke about themselves to us.
Thanks once again.
CD titled: Anxiety Free: and self confidence
I have been suffering from anxiety for most of my life, though I didn’t know there was any other way to be. Last year I started to have panic attacks over nothing, and I got them at odd times when I was about to go out, or on the way home from work. A friend had told me about the benefits of meditation and so I searched the web and came up with your website and scrolled down the list of titles. I choose “Anxiety free”.
When I listened I immediately felt calm by your words and confirmation of the power of my mind to effect my physiology. I felt myself let go and drift along to find a beautiful lake within myself, still waters run deep! Anyway I have been listening to the CD each day and I am feeling more confident in myself and getting out more. I can now easily visualise myself as beautiful and happy with a big smile.
Thank you Simonette for giving me the inner peace and confidence I had been looking for.
JJ 28y
Will guided meditation CD’s work for you?
Generally these conditions need to be present for a CD to be of benefit to you:
1. Whether you believe in hypnosis or not and if you expect it will bring you relief
2. Your motivation to improve
3. The development of a positive and trusting relationship between you and your therapist - the voice and professional status of the speaker on the CD
4. Your willingness to listen and practice visualisation and affirming suggestions.
People have different capacity for visualisation and trance-like states, even those who don’t have strong or detailed visuals can still get good results from listening to CDs because the suggestions can still be relaxing and induce light or sleep like states. Your suggestibility is increased when you are relaxed or in a hypnotic like state.
Remember you cannot be influenced to do anything that you don’t already want to do. If you feel uncomfortable in anyway listening to a CD then don’t listen to it. If your experience is distressing in anyway, please make a face to face appointment with a counsellor or health professional to talk to them about what is happening for you. Guided meditation CDs are ideal to use at home and often complement other face to face support.
Pain free:
Chakra Caress
Anxiety Free
Sleep Easy
creativity facilitator and consulting psychologist,
Self development and inspirational guided meditations help direct your attention to create an inner world that is supportive and encouraging to you in your everyday life. When you are in a relaxed physical state you are more susceptible to suggestions. Guided meditations provide a similar internal experience as hypnotherapy. This approach works for a wide range of issues and difficulties that we can all experience at some time in our lives. All hypnosis is self-hypnosis as it is entirely self-governed. This makes it a remarkably safe procedure which is in no way harmful. Acceptance of the suggestions presented to you whilst under hypnosis is under the control of your wishes.
All the content of my guided meditations and inner journey work, have developed from extensive personal experience and research taken from my psychology practice and the creativity and self expression courses. Since 1991 I have been collecting feedback forms and client testimonials and integrating this knowledge to design meditations and visualisations that work at a deep level, assisting listeners to deal with particular issues or situations.
I have continued to be astounded by my clients and students and how inner work taps into the amazing potential and opportunities that exist within the mind, in particular your imagination. When you start to inquire into the images and beliefs that you hold for yourself and life, you may be surprised. The power of the sensory images, the dreams we create and how the fascinating process of making these reality brings merit to the saying: dreams really can come true. You can’t always control or know what life will bring your way, though you can direct your internal thoughts and images. A picture tells more than a thousand words. By re-creating empowering and supportive images you can start to change the way the world interacts with you.
Each of us has a unique human experience, your inner World is what guides your actions and the meanings you give to things. Meditation helps you to get to know what already exists within your mind - the constant chatter, images of self and others. When you meditate there are specific pictures, feelings, sounds, words and feelings that come to your awareness: these archetypes are embodied subjective experiences. You can learn a lot about the quality of your inner world through the practice of meditation. Meditation is not always an easy practice and often clients tell me they find it easier to meditate when they are guided by a CD or listen to someone guide them inwards.
To further explain the effectiveness of guided meditation CDs I have included in this article further information about the range of guided meditation CDs along with stories from people who have listened to them and found great relief. Further testimonials can be found in individual listings via * Client names have been changed to protect privacy.