MP3 Tranz4mer - Captive
Deep, Dark, Lush, Ambient, Downtempo Electronica to suit your mellow moods...Headphone Magic...
6 MP3 Songs
"Captive" is the fifth CD project by Tranz4mer. This disc weaves various forms of electronica into lush ambient soundscapes. Mainly Downtempo, this is great background music, music for driving, for making love, or just for chillin'' after hours. The songs are continuous - the song times were left off of the cd so the listener just flows with the music without interruption. The music is quite effective with headphones. The full version of "Past Release" can be heard at the Tranz4mer website, along with sound clips of the other songs on this disc.
The music has many influences - Kraftwerk, Art of Noise, Front Line Assembly''s Delerium, Cabaret Voltaire, Tangerine Dream, Nine Inch Nails, and Thomas Dolby. All instrumental, some would call this "Dreamy." Bpms are all 90 or less.