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Wordpress Lockdown - Lock the doors into your empire TIGHT!

Wordpress Lockdown

Security Expert Teaches Step-By-Step How To Bulletproof Any Wordpress Site

Protect Your Own Wordpress Empire From Hackers or Sell This Package Yourself For 100% Profit!

Web security is one of the most prominent online topics of today.

Everyone is scared of losing their sites that they have poured their soul into, to some low-life hacker. And they should be. People get hacked more than they have lunches these days.

Be the hero and put a unique, high quality guide that explains just how to secure Wordpress (the most widely used platform online!) right in front of scared buyers - and reap the REWARDS!

Written by a security expert, there is nothing else on the market like this!


The only guide of its kind that teaches you, step-by-step, how to secure your Wordpress 3.x Empire from hackers and how to recover from web diasters.

Inside you’ll discover

* Why you need to secure your blog.

* How to secure your own computer and how that contributes to your blog’s security.

* What makes an appropriate web host.

* The secure way to install a WordPress blog.

* How to securely update a live blog.

* What information you need to keep private.

* How to secure your MySQL database.

* Common sense security measures people take for granted.

* How to back up your security efforts.

* Ways to prevent your blog from comment spam.

* What to do when you’ve been hacked.

* Resources for additional help.

This book targets Wordpress 3.x specifically, however the general principles and practices are applicable to all versions of Wordpress. Besides, as you will learn from this book, why the heck would you be running an older version of Wordpress anyway?

Packed with critical security information and strategies, this guide provides you with the information you need to secure your blog and keep it secured.

It contains a no-bones-about-it approach to securing a WordPress blog with specific tools and some damn good reasons for using them. I decided to publish this information in an effort to answer some hard questions about what WordPress security means, with it requires, what it looks like, and how it functions.

Were now witnessing an increase of abuse with this particular blog platform at a phenomenal level, which is annoyingly frustrating because we know this abuse could be prevented. It is therefore, my sincerest hope that you will read this guide, follow its suggestions, and essentially do your part to improve the quality of blogging that we all seek from the Internet.

As Internet Marketers we spend a lot of time worrying about search engine rankings, link building and traffic. Unfortunately, there is not often time to think about the security aspects of operating in one of the most hostile business environments on the planet. Often times, our minds only turn to these topics when we have actually been hacked and our precious income earning sites have been hijacked or destroyed.

Worst of all, compromised websites are quickly noticed by search engines and are either de-indexed or have their ranking severely penalised - dont let this happen to you!

This book is for those who already know blogging basics, but want to make their blog(s) a secure and spam free Internet phenomenon.

It is true that this guide does not cover every conceivable aspect of Wordpress security nor does it cover everything there is to know about cyber security in general - in order to cover this subject in depth I would need many millions of pages indeed!

This guide does, however, pick out those security principles and practices related to the Wordpress platform that provide the best bang for the buck, or the best security and piece of mind for your blogging empire for the least application of effort and time, and explain them in a direct and no-nonsense way so that they can be applied most readily. The techniques discussed in this guide are tried and true, used by countless professionals around the planet - and used by myself as well - to improve the security of their Wordpress sites.

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