MP3 Dan Axelrod - Shelter of my Home- A John Lennon Tribute
A John Lennon Tribute song, written on the night he was assasinated- December 8th, 1980. It wasn''t released until the 30th anniversary after his passing. The lyrics by composer Dan Axelrod speak to the downside of fame.
1 MP3 Songs in this album (5:22) !
Related styles: Rock: Rock & Roll, Pop: Beatles-pop, Type: Vocal
People who are interested in Billy Joel John Lennon The Beatles should consider this download.
AUTHOR''S NOTES by Dan Axelrod
I wrote "Shelter of my Home" - a song tribute to John Lennon, on the night of December 8th, 1980. As news of his assassination flashed on tv, crowds gathered in Central Park and a sadness as deep as anything I''d known came over me. In a heartbeat, the hope and idealism of the Beatle era was gone for good.
As I sat numb that evening not knowing how to deal with the loss, a small miracle occurred. A fan that was sitting atop my piano, suddenly blew a piece of sheet music onto my lap. The song was "Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas" with Giselle Mackenzie on its cover.
As the Central Park crowd sang "Revolution", I looked at that music sheet and recalled a time in history before America had lost its innocence. I then picked up a pen and scribbled the following lyric
"We were never up in arms about our old school marms with hair of grey
We were never in a frenzy ''bout Giselle Mackenzie, or Doris Day"
Those lyrics didn''t last long, but led to a song being born that evening that spoke about the downside of celebrity. It also contained an admonition to those wishing to bring their talents to the world:
"Go and play the game
Go out and stake your claim
But there''s a price you pay, when people know your name"
This is the first song I''m making available to the public. Though I wrote prolifically for a long period, I only shared my work with close friends. But on this website, what I believe to be a song catalog of significance will slowly emerge.