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Pumping Out Your First Email List

Think Mailing Lists Are Obsolete?

Without A Mailing List Youre An Online Disaster!

They Will Never Get That Credit Card Out to Buy!

Dont waste time with trendy theories about the new SEO and Web 2.0!

Get back to basics and create your own double opt-in mailing list and do it in less than one month!

Increase Conversions, Sales and Affiliate Income Using Tried and True Email Marketing Methods!


Create an avalanche of profits using the PROVEN email marketing methods that are still secretly used by the best marketing gurus in the business!

Pumping Out Your First Email List

These email strategies put your message right in front of the nose of your customers that WANT to hear from you and increase your chances of making a first or second sale!

Learn how to grab their attention without being obnoxious! They will offer you their email address on a silver platter!

Make maximum profits from every single customer who visits your website even just once!

These email marketing strategies can cause your site to become so busy that your server will to shut you down so make sure that BEFORE deploy the techniques in Pumping Out Your First Email List you warn your webhost you are about to go on a big email outreach campaign!

Dear Beginning (and Advanced Marketers Who Are Looking for a Great Reference Book about List Creation) -

If you are involved in just about any type of internet commerce then one of the first rules of the game is to build an email list. If you dont have one and are an inspiring internet entrepreneur then you are drifting in a canoe without a paddle.

Every single marketing expert who has ever been worth anything has always said the very same thing about internet business success and that is --

The money is in the list!

The reason some internet gurus are telling you the opposite lately is quite simply because it is a way of selling you information about other ways of drawing traffic to a site.

Not that these are not great ways to attract customers or conversions to your site but you need to realize that things like SEO or Google Ads should augment the efforts you are putting into your email list.

The secret to getting thousands of free buying or converting visitors to your website each month actually has more to do with building a great list than it does any other single thing you might have been taught as a beginning email marketer.

Although automated URL and article submitters, meta-tags, keyword optimized paragraphs and Google Adwords campaigns can help drive traffic to your website there is practically nothing more effective than a well conceived, cleverly targeted email list for getting website traffic.

What good is having a crowd on your website without the payoff of having those people pull out their credit card and actually buy something from you?

You need those visits to convert to a membership, subscribe or buy what you are selling or else you are simply wasting your time and money.

If the above scenarios apply to you then you need to stop everything that you are doing right now and take a few minutes to keep on reading this letter ...

You may have been trying these techniques again and again and then sitting there waiting for them to work and but they never do ...

Does the following apply to you?

* You get a wonderful idea for an online business that could not fail to succeed!

* You spend hours and hours doing market research on your business to attract the right targeted customers!

* You spend a lot of time developing a web site you are certain will reel the traffic in ...

And then...

You wait and you wait and you wait ...

And no customers show up, no revenue comes in and you have spent a lot of time, effort and cash on nothing!

You then stop working on the site and let it sit like an abandoned spaceship in cyberspace fully convinced that the world was not ready for your great idea when the reality is ...

All you really had to do was build an effective opt-in email list and you could have had more business than you could handle!

Does this situation sound familiar?

Now more than ever online business success relies completely on traffic. It is the fuel that keeps any type of online enterprise running and it is what keeps you alive!

This is why I wrote this eBook. It is my objective to show you how to build your first mailing list and to construct it in the most profitable way.

This is not some hypothetical, trendy marketing book written by some self-created mythological guru trying to pawn off information you can find anywhere on the Internet as new and unique!

Pumping Out Your First Email List is based on the exact replica of a plan that I personally used to build a list of 2500 new subscribers from absolute scratch in just one month!

In Pumping Out Your First Email List you will learn the very basics of building a list including:

* Where to find the internet users that are your potential market

* How to offer information that your buyers might be looking for and offer it for free so that they are lured immediately to your site

* How to understand the original intention and purpose of email marketing

* How to truly understand what a niche market is and make it work for you

* How to create a free eBook or report to offer your customers to lure them to your site so they will give you their email address

* How to set up a website so jam packed with information that you will lure those 2500 visitors to your site in no time because you have become an invaluable library and resource to them

* How to determine if the idea you are thinking of may actually attract users who have money to spend or if your target market is actually poor! (For example there are millions of people out there who love to cook but they dont buy the food they cook with online - they buy it in grocery stores!)

* How to determine whether or not your target market has the ability or inclination to use a credit card online

* How to research the market you are thinking of targeting using Google search to find forums and notice boards that are focused on your niche

* An explanation of what is spamming and what is advertising

* How to avoid being accused of spamming

* How to brainstorm the internet so you can find new prospects

* How to conceptualize a message for customers who may have already bought from you once to get them to buy from you again

* How to make sure that your message is seen by customers who prequalify as buyers for what you are selling

* How to make your site into a moneymaking center using a targeted promotional email campaign

* Why so many marketers and online business people actually manage to mess up a concept as simple as sending a message to people who want to buy from you.

...And a lot more information about how you can make this work for you.

Although all of the how-to information that I have described above might sound theoretical I assure you that it is not.

In fact I wrote this Pumping Out Your First Email List so that you do not have to know a single thing about marketing to make the principles in it really work for you.

Build Your Business Plus Email List From Scratch Without Knowing a Single Thing About Internet Marketing!

In Pumping Out Your First Email List I got through the basics of building a website that really works to attract subscribers to your list including:

* Creating an appropriate professional image for your website

* Why it is absolutely crucial for you to have your own domain name for your website

* How to figure out how much you should spend for a domain name and make your site look professional

* How to use the services of a domain name registration website and how to find the very best one to use if you are just starting out

* How to choose a name that is relevant and appropriate to the market in which you are operating

* What to do if the domain name that you want has already been taken!

* Where to get an inexpensive but great web hosting account

* How to build a website in half the time others spend building them

* How to use Word Press to build your business

* How to make sure that your website has that small subscription form so you can get their email address

* What is a squeeze page and how you create one!

* How to convince potential subscribers to put themselves on your list

* How to compose a clear call to action so that subscribers will agree to be on your emailing list

* The value of a good, well set-up autoresponder and why it is at the very heart of your business technically

* How to create and operate a double-opt in list so you will never be accused of spamming

* How to use popular autoresponder systems such as Aweber and GetResponse to your advantage

* How to create an entire eBook using other peoples free ezine articles without getting into trouble for plagiarism!

And much, much more!

So why have you not been hearing all about email marketing much these days?

Here is a collection of reasons that internet marketing gurus have been using discourage you from becoming an email marketer (the shortest route to success) and encouraging you to use methods like SEO and Google Ads to attract traffic.

* Research shows that people dont read emails anymore (WHAT RESEARCH?)

* Firewalls on many peoples computers prevent them from seeing your emails so it is futile to send any in the first place!

* It is much more effective to spend thousands sprucing up your website so that people will like you (rather than spend just a few bucks putting together a cheap but effective autoresponder list)

* People need to be manipulated through search engine optimization techniques to buy from you because they are too dumb to think for themselves and hate the direct, honest approach! NOT!

* You need to send six or more emails before a prospect or existing customer will even read it! (Who has the facts on this one?)

...And the ultimate reason for discouraging you from creating an opt-in list - If you are an email marketer you are spamming!

Well I am here to tell you that nothing could be further from the truth!

Although it is certainly true that the nature of email marketing has changed in the past year or two it is not at all a method of marketing that you should ignore.

In fact, so many online business people have been dismissing email marketing as a method of promotion that the time is better than ever to adopt it as a marketing technique in order to undermine your competition that is busy fussing around with web 2.0, White Hat SEO and all sorts of distracting stuff.

I put this book together partly out of a need to be help beginners understand how easy it is to get targeted traffic using an email list. It is straightforward, simple and above all TRUE!

Pumping Out Your First Email List is also a good reference guide for more advanced marketers because as I wrote it, I realized I was culling the methods that dont work for me anymore from its pages.

This is important because shortcuts to success in internet marketing are a dime a dozen. Why devote all of your time to a strategy that may or may not work when the advice in Pumping Out Your First Email List prevents you from making terrible newbie mistakes in the first place!

The thing I find is that most beginners in the business forget that their own time and effort equals money. The beginner always has some kind of plan NOT to pay him or herself. This is a lose-lose mentality, not a prosperous one.

If you use the strategies in Pumping Out Your First Email List you will do fantastically well in the paycheck department. You will get that business you need within a month or two and it will show up in your accumulated revenues too!

However when you use shortcuts to success that are based on wishful thinking somehow or on part measure then you will simply not be as successful!

You Wont Find a Better Way to Drive Free, Paying Targeted Traffic to Your Site Than By Building A Great Double Opt-In Email List!

The Information in the eBook is right up to the minute in terms of being hot content and exposes the secrets of real marketing gurus who know as well as I do that a responsive email ist is crucial to your online success!

In this Special How-To Manual About Building a List You Will Also Learn:

* How the wrong domain name can cost you thousands of dollars

* How to develop a domain name that contains keywords that are likely to be picked up by the search engines

* Where to find the absolutely best free tool for maximizing your keywords. The answer may surprise you!

* How the experts use article marketing to bring hundreds of visitors per day to their websites.

* How to create a title for your article that makes your copy irresistible to click on!

* The very best places to submit your articles before you submit them anywhere else - including the absolute must have...

* How to use forums and information based sites to lure people to your site

* How to use videos to drive droves of interested buyers to your site

* What the three best programs are for making quick videos even if you only have still images from which to create your sales pitch ...

* How to embed your video on YouTube and use the exposure as a marketing tool

* How to get potential customers from social networking sites like Facebook

* How to use the old fashioned newsletter in an email to get people interested in what you have to say or sell!

... and everything else you need to learn about how to optimize your emailing list!

Pumping Out Your First Email List is over twelve thousand words in length and easy to follow. It is filled with strategies and tips that are helpful and not plagiarized from free information you can get anywhere on the internet.

This does not mean that the wisdom of well known trusted gurus is ignored but I did my best to get rid of anything in this book that would detract from the simple clarity of telling you what you need to know to succeed at drawing traffic to your site.

It will only take you just a few hours to create the website you need from WordPress, create a few squeeze pages and start building that email list.

The eBook also includes many screenshots and step by step instructions that clearly and concisely tell you exactly what to do to achieve your goals.

So it is time for you to decide ...

Are you ready to profit from your website by building a massive targeted emailing list?
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