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Mobile/PDA version of the site; just add m. prefix in domain
Youtube Video
Ability to define multiple cities/platforms, so the user can switch between the cities with active deals count next to city names.
Ability to have city in subdomain or as directory (e.g., https://www.tradebit.com or https://www.tradebit.com SEO
Generation of the coupon for successful bids (on email and in your account if you set it up).
Coupon will have Auto-Generated HTML email, included:
a. Logo, text of deal
b. Valid time to use coupon
c. Unique code
d. Barcode (especially with default QR Code support)
Ability to set maximum number of units that can be sold upon one deal. If the limit is reached before the deal runs out, the deal closes and no one can buy it anymore.
Every coupon should have a start date when the offer is opened to the public and an end date, when the deal closes (incl. time).
If a deal is on (falls in between start and end date, and has not reached its maximum buyers), it is promoted to the main page of the city/platform in its specific category
Site needs to have the ability to create an HTML email, which is sent to all buyers of a coupon, that includes the full name of the buyer. The email will be used to print it out and show to the shop owner to get the discount.
Site allows to save all buyer info into a CSV file for both admin and company.
Auto-Generated Email with stylized graphics-included coupon upon purchase completion.
Translation of front end with multilingual support
City specific language support (say, for Moscow, it can be in Russian and for California, it can be in English)
Sharing on Facebook, Twitter and email
Mailing system (Daily Deal mail to Subscribers for each city)
Referral system (allow user to invite friends and get a reward when invited friends buy a deal)
Inside user profile, Users can deposit money on his/her account
Users and companies can have his/her deposit and can ask for withdraw to the admin. Feature can be turned off
Wallet system for users and company
Social networking feature with friends module which can be turned off
IP tracking so that users will be automatically redirected to their city page if available (no geoip installation required)
Quick buy without registration (through Credit Card, PayPal later payment)
Google static map with Google mapplet linking to Google map site (so that page will load faster than the embedded google map)
Ability to set different background images for each city page, as in https://www.tradebit.com


Scheduled deal will be shown at Todays deal page on provided date
Ability to post new deals (by the administrator) with following info:
deal info (photo, short text below photo, long text below with place for address)
end date/time countdown
min/max order per user
minimum required order per deal (if reached, deal is on)
maximum number of order
discount in percentage
Original price/price after discount
Option to switch between cities
Option to send coupon as a gift
Option to post comments about deal. For admin to give clear feedback to companies
Facilitate users to sign-up for a daily e-mail alert
Daily newsletter for each city to notify users about the daily deal going on (an HTML mail showing the deal as if they are on the website)
Basic information pages: About Us, Contact Us, FAQ, Terms & Conditions etc
Page for Recent Deals with info: price, $ discount, price after discount, number of bought, photo, short text
Facilitate secure payment option with PayPal support


Admin can log in to admin area
Admin can manage users and companies
Admin can view complete list of users, can delete, disable/enable users
Admin can view complete list of companies, can delete, disable/enable companies
Admin can schedule a deal
Admin can manage static pages (like about us, terms etc.,)
Admin can manage transactions
Admin can evaluate and manage withdraw fund request
Admin can create deal by filling starting date, duration of the deal, number of buyers required, original price, minimal number of coupons

Profit calculator for admin when adding a deal
Ability to define multiple cities/platforms
Admin can manage list of deals, cancel, scheduled or active deals
Admin can view a printable list of purchased coupons for specific deal
Admin can also download buyer data into a CSV file for any deal
Ban IP mod to impose IP based ban on problematic users

Company Profile:

On Company profile page there is a possibility to submit a new deal (that will be authorized by the admin)

Commission calculator for company when adding a deal
Company can manage his deal (Upcoming, Canceled, Expired, Closed, Pending Approval)
Company can have a printed list of buyers of deals
Company can also export the buyers list of deals, into a CSV file
Ability for company to validate a coupon and set as used
Ask for Withdrawal
Ability to have offline company accounts that can be managed by admin alone

User Profile:

On user profile page there are avatar image, name, password and PayPal accounts
Invite Contacts from your GMAIL Account
Invite Contacts from your Windows Live Messenger Account
Referral system credits user account upon referral
User can view/manage his profile
User can view/manage his coupons
User can view/manage his Gift Cards
User is presented list of coupons, with Title, Price, Status fields
User can sort list by any field in coupons list
User can print coupon associated with specific purchased coupon from sites account or from email
User can pay with his/her Credit card or PayPal

Server Requirements

PHP Version 5.x (preferably 5.2+ and
File Data

This file is sold by webworkz, an independent seller on Tradebit.

File Size 9 megabytes
File Type ZIP
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