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Internet Basics 101

NEWBIES EXCLUSIVE: Because a newbie has the right to reach Success too!

Why Creating Your First Website Doesnt Have To Scare You To Death, Cost You A Fortune - Or Take More Than Half An Afternoon!

Dear Business Owner,

You love to surf the internet. Youve dreamed of creating your own site. You ask your kids for help, but theyre impatient. After all, they grew up with technology, and now they download iPod tunes, chat on Windows Messenger, and chatter to school friends on their cell phones - all while arguing with you about cleaning their rooms.

They rattle off terms that make you feel like a dummy. You shove your dream to the back burner - again. Youve tried researching the subject - maybe youve even bought a couple of books - but it always ends up the same way: You fling the books aside in despair.

But after a while, you get your hopes up and make another attempt to figure it out again , because you know you really need to have a presence on the web - especially if youve got a business.

With the same disappointing results.

Whos Got The Magic Key - And How Will You Know It Really Works?

Hey, what if you found an enchanted key? Plug it in, and everything becomes magically simple. In less time than it takes to shower, youve got your new site up and running - your chosen design, your words, your message - YOUR WEBSITE.

Youre right. Theres no such thing as a magic key. (At least, not yet!)

But what if you discovered:

A simple way to get your dream website up and running in no time - completely customized, all by yourself?

AND - what if you understood:

* Everything you did

* What it was

* How you did it

In fact, you could sit down anytime and do it all over again.

Youre shaking your head, because you know its not that easy. Your past experience tells you that even if you did by some miracle get a website up and running... you wouldnt have a clue what to do with it - let alone get the results you want.

The more you learn, the more you realize you dont know.

But if you own a business, you really do have to make it available globally. Why do business locally when you can attract targeted, highly-motivated customers from around the globe?

For the millionth time, you ask yourself...

How Can I Turn The Internet Into My Best Friend & Ally - So I Can Get My Website Created, Uploaded, Running - And Manage It Like A Pro?

Let me introduce you to Internet Basics 101 In 10 Easy Steps.

By The Time Youve Finished Reading And Applying The 10 Easy Steps

* Paying for services you dont need, dont want - and perhaps dont even know about!

* Picking the wrong domain name out of blind ignorance.

* Still intimidated by the most feared task of all - a vital everyday task that almost. every person who didnt learn about computers during childhood are still likely to find most confusing, even though theyve grown competent in other areas.

* Paying huge fees to a web designer or buying web design software you find too complex to use.

By The Time Youve Finished Reading And Applying The 10 Easy Steps You WILL Be

* Savvy and comfortable with the internet, able to perform all the standard everyday functions most commonly used and needed.

* Admiring your new intelligently planned and optimized website.

* Ready to do business and attract other internet users to your site.

* Ready for the Search Engine spider bots to find and index your site.

* Able to explain to others what FTP is, how it works, and show them how to easily use it.

* Basking in the satisfaction of having done it all yourself, like a pro.

And speaking of getting your new site up and running you wont have to be a web design genius, either. Nor will you have to pay astronomical fees to a web designer. Yet youll have your site up on the net, perfectly planned and functioning in just a couple of hours (perhaps less!)

And you will have no problem uploading files yourself.

How is this possible?

Internet Basics 101 In 10 Easy Steps Teaches You Exactly What You Need To Know - And Doesnt Overwhelm You With Jargon & Assumptions

By the time youve finished reading it, youll have the exact facts you need to advance yourself easily to competent novice level. Youll understand acronyms like FTP and HTML.

Youll have a list of web skills such as:

* How to pick a strong domain name - and more important, youll know what a domain IS and how it works, and what you can do with it.

* How to pick the right hosting service - and more important, what a hosting service IS.

* How to find out the differences between companies - and pinpoint which one is right for your needs.

* How to set up an email account especially for your website - and use it without compromising your personal email.

* Youll know how to upload files, and what programs you can use to easily achieve this.

* How to plan your web pages and create a basic, effective website. Each one has a special purpose, and youll know what to include to make your site effective and sticky.
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