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Body Language (Private Label Rights)
Is a handshake really just a mere handshake, or does it express so much more?
Discover Body Language and How it Can Benefit You!
Dear Friend,
Have you often wondered why some people make you feel inferior, or how some people are able to communicate so completely, often times without uttering a word? In those situations and so many more, the people with the power have learned how to use body language to their advantage, from landing that sweet job to the perfect partner.
Have you wished you could read body signals better, notice those subtle cues that could offer you a wealth of information about the person with whom you are conversing?
Often times subtle body language signals are missed because we are either not paying close enough attention to the person we are engaged in conversation with, or we simply do not know how to read them. Body Language: Discover and Learn How to Read Body Language can give you the inside track on the numerous different types of body language people use everyday. Effective people use 50 body language and 50 verbal language to express themselves.
Communicate with Body Language Effectively
1) Learn to be a great listener through reading body language.
When you can see how the person to you is feeling through their body language, regardless of the words that are coming from their mouth, you are more apt to be able to get to what the real problem is and fix it before it gets out of control.
2) Learn to understand the reasons behind certain body language.
People who use closed body language as well as defensive body language do not always do so consciously. Curling in ones body is a way of self preservation and much more.
Here is what you will learn inside this guide....
Table of Contents
Chapter 1 Introduction 3
Chapter 2 Aggressive Body Language 4
Chapter 3 Attentive Body Language 6
Chapter 4 Closed Body Language 7
Chapter 5 Deceptive Body Language 9
Chapter 6 Defensive Body Language 11
Chapter 7 Dominant Body Language 12
Chapter 8 Emotional Body Language 13
Chapter 9 Evaluating Body Language 15
Chapter 10 Greeting Body Language 16
Chapter 11 Open Body Language 18
Chapter 12 Relaxed Body Language 19
Chapter 13 Power Body Language 20
Chapter 14 Ready Body Language 22
Chapter 15 Romantic Body Language 23
Chapter 16 Submissive Body Language 25
Chapter 17 Conclusion 26
Everyone can benefit from learning how to read and identify body language.
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