*New 2011* 7 Habits In Holistic Personal Development
Dear Friend,
You and I both know that it is very important to live a balanced life. For no one wants to live a mediocre one.
You have only one life to live and squandering your potential is just a very lame way to live your life.
Personal growth is a very challenging field.
It is very, very hard and you can't expect to change all your habits overnight just because you've read a good book or attended a motivational seminar.
You need to count the cost or else...
"Most People Who Do Not Spend Proper Time And Effort On Learning About The Subject Of Personal Development Will Fall Flat On Their Face!"
Let's be cut to the chase…
If you want to get results in your life, you must do whatever it takes!
There is a huge difference between doing your best and doing whatever it takes.
Most people 'try' their best but their best is not good enough. There is a subtle difference. They do what they do but it just doesn't 'fit the requirements'!
They whine and blame the market, the economy, the difficulty, the world and other people, but they don't realize that they are not putting in effective effort into getting their results.
Simply put, doing whatever it takes means that...
- You must be prepared to change your habits... are you ready to do it?
- Like a university education, it takes 3 or more years... what more self-help?
- This life long journey is costly... are you prepared to pay the price?
- What about money? Is it something you can spare?
- Are you willing to devote time and energy in spite of what people say?
Look, I'm not trying to scare you...
This IS the price one must pay if they want to get whatever they want in life!
Make no mistake about it...
"It Is Not Enough To Practice Personal Growth! Some People Work Hard In Only ONE or TWO Areas All Their Lives But Find That They Are Climbing The WRONG Ladder Of Success!"
I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but most people who get involved with personal growth do succeed, but they do not succeed in every area of their lives.
Consider that we need to work on our:
- Habits
- Career
- Financial skills
- Emotions and relationships
- Fitness
- Personal spirituality
- Many more!
Just conquering one or two areas is just like exercising only one muscle in the body - it will never work! You are just a one leg strong table and you will collapse any minute if the pressure of life is forced upon you.
That is why people often climb the ladder of success all their lives only to realize that it is leaning against the wrong wall!
You can avoid all this because...
"If You Understand The Importance Of Personal Growth In The Areas Of Holistic Personal Development, You Will Not 'Climb The Wrong Ladder' Like Many Others Who Failed"
Make no mistake about it, my friend.
If you want to master every area of your life, you have to learn from the right coach.
Imagine... if you have everything you'll ever need to jumpstart your understanding on this important subject.
Do you think you can save you tons of heartache and trouble? Do you think you will be able to save tons of money on motivational seminars and get enlightened as quickly as possible?
I've walked through this lonely road. I've tried 'everything'.
I know what works and what doesn't.
To be frank, I've poured in hundreds of hours and thousands of dollars to put this personal development roadmap together for you.
I know it will work for you because I've walked down this lonely road before without a guide or a mentor.
But you won't have to go through all the problems and experience my pain because I intend to help you avoid them.
You deserve every bit of success in your life so get ready to open your eyes!
"Introducing… The Complete Guide To Applying The 7 Habits In Holistic Personal Development!"
The Big Book Of Network Marketing Survival Guide
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This powerful personal development encyclopedia is really essential for people from all over the world who desires a better life.
With this powerful tool at your disposal, you will not lack a single thing when it comes to holistic personal development.
Who Is This Book Suitable For?
- Business owners
- Internet marketers
- Network marketers
- Life Coaches
- Personal Development Enthusiasts
- Self Improvement Bloggers
- Web Publishers
- Writers and Content Creators
And Many More!
In This Book, You Will Learn:
tick All about the basics of how to apply the 7 habits taught by Stephen Covey! Gone are the days of trial and error. It is time to be effective to get the goals you've always dreamed of!
tick How to survive in the knowledge worker's era... You don't have to life a 'blurry' life drenched in ignorance!
tick What it means to be balanced when it comes to holistic personal development. Do not underestimate your personal power!
tick How to use the 7 habits to apply it to your wealth, career, relationships and many other critical areas.
tick Creative ways to improve the way you live your life. Do not be content with mediocrity - learn how the gurus achieve strength and power without compromising who they truly are!
tick What are the best ways to understand yourself, how you can live authentically!
tick Powerful tips and strategies on managing your time in order to prioritize effectively
tick The most critical thing you must change if you want to survive in this life and be in this for the long run!
tick And so much more!
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What's really important now is NOT the pittance you'll invest in this book but how much you'll LOSE OUT if you don't!
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