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Refinishing Your Wood Furniture - Turn Trash Into Treasure

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Picture this. You're finally getting around to cleaning out your garage or attic. Buried under years of dust and debris you run across that old wooden table that served you well as a desk years ago in your college dorm room.

Complete with gouges, scratches, dings and dents it brings back memories of good friends and good times. If it weren't in such bad shape, it would look great in the family room. Well, now there is no reason why you can't do just that!

"Refinishing Your Wood Furniture" will take you by the hand and lead you step by easy step toward turning that old eyesore into a work of art that you can display proudly!

You won't find a more fulfilling hobby. Heck, you may find that you enjoy it so much that you can make a part-time vocation out of an avocation.

Worried about having no experience? Doesn't matter. "Refinishing Your Wood Furniture" has 98 jam-packed pages that anyone can follow and turn out beautifully refinished furniture.

Here's a sample of what you will learn:

How to select good candidates for refinishing

What are the steps to properly refinishing

Preparation for refinishing

Material and supplies required

Prepping your project

How to clean and test your materials

Steps to strip old finish

What tools are needed to strip your project

How to make simple repairs

The importance of sanding

Selecting finishing materials

How to set up your work space

Specifics of safety

Detailed section on stripping different types of materials

Sanding or stripping

Working with veneers

How to preserve wood grains

Repairing cracks, holes, nicks and chips

What about staining

How to stain your project

Do you need a sealer

Repairing wood surfaces

Using varnish

Steps to taking care of your wood furniture

Nothing is more satisfying than working with your own hands, especially when the finished product is beautiful.

In just a few minutes you can have your very own copy of "Refinishing Your Wood Furniture" and be ready to tackle that project that's been buried in the basement or the attic.

Sure, you could take it to a professional refinisher, but why do that when you can now learn how to do it yourself.

Don't wait, grab your copy right now and be ready to create treasures out of your trash this weekend! Your own copy of "Refinishing Your Wood Furniture" will get you there!

P.S. Hey, whatcha doin' down here? Get your copy and start your first project this weekend!

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markchang, TW, Member since 03/13/2011


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