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The Time Of Your Life (1948)
Stars: James Cagney, William Bendix and Wayne Morris.
In this adaptation of William Saroyans award-winning play The Time of Your Life, James Cagney plays a gentle barfly named Joe who settles in Nicks (William Bendix) Bar with various colorful characters like an imaginative old cowboy or a tap dancing comic who cant get laughs. His sister Jeanne plays Kitty Duval, a woman who claims to once have been in burlesque. She and her brother have some of the most touching scenes in the movie. The pace takes a while to get used to but if youre in the mood for something optimistically offbeat, The Time of Your Life should be up your alley.
Director: H.C. Potter
Producer: William Cagney
Production Company: William Cagney Productions
Audio/Visual: sound, black & white
Language: English
Runtime: 109 minutes
Filetype: MP4
Filesize: 461.8 MB
File Data
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