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MP3 Patrick Marsolek - Hypnosis and Suggestion for Pain Control

Practical and effective hypnotic strategies for alleviating pain. Developed in a Clinical Hypnotherapy practice and used for medical proceedures, dental work, dealing with chronic physical pain and emotional healing.

3 MP3 Songs
NEW AGE: Healing, SPOKEN WORD: Instructional

Take charge of your life and feel better!

Hypnosis and Suggestion for Pain Control can help you take control of your body mind and heart again.

This CD contains an introduction to hypnosis and self-hypnosis along with two complete hypnotic inductions to guide you into a pain free experience. These tracks include techniques for inducing a safe, effective state of hypnosis with counting, using an anchor, and pacing and leading. Then you will learn how to image and transform the sensations of pain, release emotions associated with pain and release secondary gains. Using this CD you will learn how to put yourself into a self-hypnotic state to manage your pain anywhere, anytime!

“Patrick Marsolek is a master practitioner of the art and science of hypnosis who understands that self-hypnosis is an essential tool for all human beings wishing to fulfill their full potential on all levels - physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually.”
- Will Michael, Ph.D., Founder and Director of the Institute of Holistic Living.

Read on and Learn more about hypnosis...

People are Using Their Brains for a Change

Men and women are using their mind power to beat back pain and headaches, to lose weight, to improve performance and a wide range of other uses. Current research is showing how the mind-body connection can be used as a powerful healing tool. A study from the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine revealed that over 36% of adults are using some form of alternative, mind-body therapy. When prayer, affirmation, and positive suggestion are included, the numbers rise to 60%.
“Mind-body therapies such as hypnosis, EMDR, and yoga will continue to grow in popularity because they empower people to transform themselves,” says Patrick Marsolek, author of Transform Yourself: a self-hypnosis manual. “People are taking back their ability to change themselves from within. An affirmative, calming thought held in the mind has a physical effect on the body. Studies are showing how simple self-hypnosis techniques ease pain of surgery, reduce time of proceedures and quicken recovery time. People are combining mind-body techniques with traditional healing modalities and taking charge of their own healing and transformation.”
Marsolek contends that everyone can learn simple, easy to use techinques to begin changing their lives. Self-hypnosis is a natural, unused skill that all people have. Permanant changes can be experienced using positive affirmations and suggestions .

About the Author: Patrick Marsolek is the director of Inner Workings Resources and the author of Transform Yourself: a self-hypnosis manual. He has been researching consciousness, spirituality and personal transformation for over twenty years. He has a clinical hypnotherapy practice in Helena, MT, and has written many articles exploring the mind and awareness. He has produced a series of audio CDs on self-help and transformation. He teaches and lectures across the United States on self-hypnosis, intuition, setting intention, and cultivating extended human capacities.

Pain Relief with hypnosis
(Excerpt from Transform Yourself by Patrick Marsolek.)

Trance alters the way you interact with your body and can be very effective for relieving pain and discomfort. You will often experience relief from minor discomfort simply by going into trance. This is partly because you are shifting your way of attending, which causes relief. You also are calming and relaxing your body which tends to ease any muscular discomfort you have.
You can go farther with pain relief by intentionally creating analgesia and anesthesia in specific parts of the body. Analgesia is an insensitivity to pain and anesthesia is an insensitivity to all sensation. Analgesia is most always preferred over anesthesia since you still have contact with your body. In this section, I will show you a few basic techniques for creating analgesia and anaesthesia for working with pain.
Self-hypnosis also enhances other treatments and healing processes. If you are taking medications, they work better when you’re relaxed and comfortable. If you’re going through a surgery, you can recover faster using self-hypnosis and you will feel better throughout the whole procedure. Hypnotic intervention for pain can create very positive, tangible results without negative side-effects.
Here’s an example from a student of mine:

Dear Patrick,

I have nothing but positive words to share regarding your work with me in hypnotherapy. Before taking your self-hypnosis class, I had been experiencing progressive back and hip pain for nearly two years. I required pain medication or muscle relaxants to sleep and there was not a moment in the day that I was not in pain. I had changed many of my behaviors in lifting and exercising. I adjusted my posture, joined a health club, and had tried a variety of nontraditional treatments for relief. I finally turned back to traditional medicine and met with an orthopedist. An MRI revealed I have spinal stenosis and a herniated disc. Steroid shots and surgery were my options if the pain did not subside. My office workstation was lowered 5 inches and I received a new chair, which undoubtedly assisted in my recovery, but it was not until I learned about self-hypnosis and the healing that can come from within that I experienced significant pain relief.

In your self-hypnosis class I first experienced complete pain relief during a guided hypnosis session. Just knowing that a state of relief could be achieved under hypnosis gave me hope that I could eventually reach a pain-free state under normal alertness. I first worked on improving my quality of sleep through self-hypnosis before bed. With your assistance, I then learned to envision a healing energy that may actually repair the damage to my spine.

I am pain free now, and have been for nearly 6 months. I sleep well and I do not take any pain medication for back or hip pain. I am exercising fully, taking care to protect my lower back, and have begun skiing again. I practice self-hypnosis still, especially when I have an occasional flare up of pain. It’s good for an overall sense of well-being.

I’ve become an advocate for self-hypnosis, recognizing how many aspects of our lives can be improved by focusing our attention inward. Hypnotherapy, and teaching people the technique for themselves, should be part of every medical treatment.

Thank you for showing me some of the possibilities for self-improvement.



Whatever discomfort you are experiencing, be sure to see a qualified medical professional to diagnose the nature of the pain. Your sensations may be an important message from your body. You may have physical problems that can be addressed and treated by a physician. Self-hypnosis is not a replacement for qualified medical treatment.
Also, if you feel there are strong emotional components to your pain, you may want to seek the help of a therapist or hypnotherapist. Working with a person you trust in a safe environment can allow you to work through deeper emotional issues safely and can be a tremendous help with physical issues. If you already know what is causing your pain, and normal, allopathic methods of treatment have proven ineffective, then self-hypnosis can be very beneficial.

Take charge of your life and feel better!

Sleep Trance Exploration will allow you to sleep deeply and profoundly again. Sleep

This CD contains one single track that is 75 minutes long. This single induction leads you through a guided hypnotic journey into a deep sleep state using suggestion, relaxation techniques, nature sounds and binaural beat frequencies. (See below.) You will simply drift off to sleep when you are ready, ignoring the rest of the CD. You can fall to sleep easily, with no pressure - and enjoy yourself!

“I like going inside and letting everything else go. Voices and things from the day go away and it feels like I’m transported to another place. I feel like I’m a different person. I think it’s the relaxation that comes and goes through my whole body. I don’t even have to think about each place to relax. The feeling just comes by itself, it happens.”

“Patrick Marsolek is a master practitioner of the art and science of hypnosis who understands that self-hypnosis is an essential tool for all human beings wishing to fulfill their full potential on all levels - physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually.”
- Will Michael, Ph.D., Founder and Director of the Institute of Holistic Living.

Learn more about hypnosis...

People are Using Their Brains for a Change

Men and women are using their mind power to beat back pain and headaches, to lose weight, to improve performance and a wide range of other uses. Current research is showing how the mind-body connection can be used as a powerful healing tool. A study from the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine revealed that over 36% of adults are using some form of alternative, mind-body therapy. When prayer, affirmation, and positive suggestion are included, the numbers rise to 60%.
“Mind-body therapies such as hypnosis, EMDR, and yoga will continue to grow in popularity because they empower people to transform themselves,” says Patrick Marsolek, author of Transform Yourself: a self-hypnosis manual. “People are taking back their ability to change themselves from within. An affirmative, calming thought held in the mind has a physical effect on the body. Studies are showing how simple self-hypnosis techniques ease pain of surgery, reduce time of proceedures and quicken recovery time. People are combining mind-body techniques with traditional healing modalities and taking charge of their own healing and transformation.”
Everyone can learn simple, easy to use techinques to begin changing their lives. Self-hypnosis is a natural, unused skill that all people have. Permanant changes can be experienced using positive affirmations and suggestions .

About the Author: Patrick Marsolek is the director of Inner Workings Resources and the author of Transform Yourself: a self-hypnosis manual. He has been researching consciousness, spirituality and personal transformation for over twenty years. He has a clinical hypnotherapy practice in Helena, MT, and has written many articles exploring the mind and awareness. He has produced a series of audio CDs on self-help and transformation. He teaches and lectures across the United States on self-hypnosis, intuition, setting intention, and cultivating extended human capacities.

This CD uses binaural beat frequencies. Binaural beats are internal auditory responses which result from the interaction of two different sounds in opposite ears. For example, if a tone of 400 Hz is heard in the right ear and a tone of 410 Hz is heard simultaneously in the left ear, the difference between the two tones, 10 hz, is perceived in the brain.
Binaural beats were discovered in 1839 by a German experimenter, H. W. Dove. Due to the distance between each ear, we hear incoming sounds slightly out of sync. Our brains have learned how to process this subtle information and tell us where the sound is coming from. This allows us to locate the sources of sounds very accurately. Though we aren’t sound locating when listening on headphones, the brain still entrains to the frequencies.
The reason binaural beat frequencies are used in this recording is because the low end of our hearing is around 30 HZ; humans are not able to hear lower than about 30 HZ. There are low tones on each track of the CD generating binaural beat frequencies between 5 and 15 HZ. These are the frequencies associated with the alpha and theta brain wave states. While you listen to the CD, your brain follows the auditory stimulus and generates the same lower frequencies in your brain. The alpha and theta brain wave states are conducive to relaxation, accessing inner creative states and working with the subconscious.
As these tones help you have the experience of these altered states of consciousness, you will find it easier to recreate them in your own practice. You will never become reliant on the binaural tones to create these frequencies in your brain, because they are a natural part of your physiology and consciousness. Also, whether or not you enter into the lower brain wave states is always up to you. The sound frequencies never force you to do anything. They only make it easier for you to go where you want to go.

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