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Learn To Study Speed Read & Boost Memory

These Simple Tricks Will Show You How…
"In Only 5 Minutes You Can Quickly And Easily Double Your Reading Speed, Develop A Tape Recorder Memory, Breeze Through Any Test, Develop Total Concentration, Skyrocket Your Power To Handle Figures And Read A Speakers Thoughts... All Without Deep Study! In Only 5 Minutes Or Less Guaranteed!"

Starting In As Little As 5 Short Minutes After You Pick Up This Program - Or Simply Delete It.... Throw It Away.... And I'll Send You Every Cent Of Your Money Back!

Yes! Here at last is your chance to liberate the UNDISCOVERED BRILLIANCE inside you.... Dazzle your friends and fellow workers with your ability to absorb facts like a sponge, and remember them, almost word by word, years later.... and do it all so quickly and easily that you'll be astounded!

Let me explain! I don't care whether your nine years old or ninety... man or woman... no matter how poor your education may be today!

It makes no difference how badly you did in school as a child... how difficult it is for you to concentrate today... how poor your memory may be... how much a prisoner you are of crippling mental habits... how impossible it may seem to you today that YOU could read an entire book in as little as half an hour -

That YOU could flash through business and financial problems that leave your friends stopped cold - that YOU could hold an entire roomful of people ABSOLUTELY SPELLBOUND BY THE POWER OF YOUR IMAGINATION, YOUR UNDERSTANDING, YOUR ABILITY TO TRANSMIT THE SPOKEN WORD!

What's The Secret? It's As Simple As This -

I believe that you can perform every one of these accomplishments - and more - far easier and faster than you've ever dreamed - because of this one simple fact:

I believe that your mind is working today at only HALF of its true power - simply because no one has ever shown you the right way to make every book, evey article, every subject you ever wish to learn HALF TEACH ITSELF!


To gain its wonder-working benefits in every area of your life - immediately, within five short minutes after you pick it up - there is absolutely no need to STUDY this revolutionary new program, or read it from cover to cover, or even to expend any conspicuous effort on your part other than to browse through it at your leisure for five to ten thrilling minutes every day!

This is NOT a textbook! NOT a study manual! There are no lectures - not a single "blue-sky" theory to ponder over or memorize in this program!

Instead, for the first time, here is a revolutionary new system of AUTOMATICALLY BRINGING TO LIFE YOUR YOUR HIDDEN POWER TO LEARN, through the incredibly potent suggestion of the writtern word!

We do NOT want you to treat this amazing volume as you would an ordinary book! Instead, all we ask you to do is this:

Browse through just a few pages every night before you retire! Skip around if you like!

But make absolutely no conscious effort to "study" this program, "work" on it, or even memorize a single one of the thrilling techniques you will find on every one of its pages!

Instead, in these very first ten days alone, the startling discovery you will make is this: Instantly - simply by leading through its pages - your mind will automatically absorb the wonder working procedures laid out for you in this program!

Effortlessly, you will respond to its convention-shattering breakthrough! Without premeditation, you will find yourself automatically applying its methods!

Inevitably - hour after hour - day after day... week after week - you will find yourself in command of ever-increasing powers of Rapid Learning, Vocabulary Building, Problem Solving, Clear-thinking. Friend-Making and much more -

All brought at last to the surface of your mind and ready to automatically spring into action for you at the blink of an eyelash!

All this - for just a few short moments of your time every day! Spent with one of the most fascinating, completely absorbing books it has ever been your pleasure to glance through.

Prove it yourself, entirely at our risk! You gamble nothing but your time! We bear the full cost!

Simply because no one has ever shown you the few simple secrets of Speed Reading - that will have you flashing through the printed page TWICE AS FAST as you can read today - with absolute understanding of every word you read!

Simply because no one has ever shown you how to take the mathematical problems you run up against in business, finance, the stock market, installment buying, keeping down expenses in your home and office - and feed those problems to your mind so clearly and logically that they HALF SOLVE themselves before you even touch them!

Power-Learning Is A Trick! You Can Teach It To Yourself In As Little As Five Short Minutes A Day!

Yes, Problem-solving is a trick! Speed-Reading is a trick! Concentration is a trick! Burning facts, figures, even whole articles and books into your memory IS A TRICK! Computer-like, brilliance can be MADE TO ORDER - you don't have to be born with it!

The real secret of coaxing TOP PERFORMANCE out of your mind is as simple as tying your shoelace! You can master it in five minutes a day - simply by being shown the right learning techniques!

Learning Techniques you probably never even dreamed existed! Learning Techniques so incredibly powerful that I'm willing to prove them to you, in your own home, without you risking a penny!

Here's how-

The Very First Hour After You Pick Up This Program, You May Marvel At Your New Ability To Master Facts!

All I ask from you is this. Let me send you, at my risk, one of the most fascinating programs you have ever read. When this arrives, set aside a few minutes each day from the following weekend.

Glance through a few of its pages. Get ready to see for yourself the incredible performance your mind can give you overnight. ONCE YOU GIVE IT THE PROPER MENTAL TOOLS TO WORK WITH!

What you are going to do in this very first weekend, is this: You are going to make three simple tests with your mind, each one of which will take only five minutes of your time!

But each one of which will show you such a thrilling spurt in your ability to bring out the true power of your brain, that you may actually catch your breath in astonishment!

Here they are! As simple as this-

Proof Number One - Skyrocket Your Reading Speed - In Minutes!

First, turn to page 69. Read this page alone nothing more. Then, pick up another book and read one page in it. Time yourself - find out exactly how long it took you to read that page, before you tried out this simple trick:

Now, simply follow instructions we give you to take an ordinary pencil and place it between your teeth! And NOW read another page of that same book, following the one rule we give you! Time yourself again!


But this is only the beginning!

Proof Number Two - Skyrocket Your Vocabulary - In Minutes!

Now turn to to page 114. Glance over the fascinating word game you find out this and the following few pages. Try this game for five minutes. See for yourself how much FUN it is.

And then turn to page 30/31. Look over the list without ever seeing them before, and without going to the dictionary - of FIVE DIFFERENT FOUR SYLLABLE WORDS. THAT WOULD STUMP MOST COLLEGE GRADUATES!, and watch the excitement grow inside you as you find yourself reeling off the exact meaning of those previously "impossible" words - JUST AS EASILY AND QUICKLY AS IF THEY WERE PRINTED ON A WALL IN FRONT OF YOU!

And this is still just the beginning! Because now you turn to page 148 - and you break mathematics wide open!

Proof Number Three - Skyrocket Your Power To Handle Figures - In Minutes!


And then take any math problem that's stumped you before - in business, mark-up, stock market, installment payments, interest charges, keeping down household expenses - and now do that problem again!

See for yourself that the answer to that problem practically springs off the paper at you! That errors that plagued your figuring before now virtually disappeared! That a whole new world of math-mastery... business-mastery... financial-mastery has now opened up for you-all from one simple change in your work habits that's so easy to do it's almost unbelievable!

Which Fields Do You Want To Shine In? Business! Reading! Culture! Science! Social Leadership!

Think of it! From this moment on, in as little as five short minutes a day, you begin applying these wonder-working techniques of Power Learning to every untrained cover of your mind! You begin breaking through mental barriers - mental limitations that have been blocking your progress for years!

You begin tapping the buried powers of your mind! Powers that you have glimpsed before in brief flashes - now brought to the surface - strengthened with simple formulas to double their potency and placed forever at your beck and call, ready to go to work for you at the blink of an eyelash!

For example-

Do You Want To Develop "Total Concentration!"

Then turn to page 29... master one simple routine... and thrill to your ability to get down to work instantly... to absorb huge amounts of information easily and swiftly - even in a room filled with half a dozen howling children!

Do You Want To Develop a "Tape Recorder Memory" For The Spoken Word!

Then turn to page 63/64... read the four simple questions taught to you there... and see how those questions automatically rivet your attention to the other person's words... keep your mind from wondering... lets you store up his thoughts as though they were engraved on your memory.

Actually amaze him by quoting, almost word for word, from conversations you had with him months before!

Do You Want To Develop The Ability To Make Other People "Hang On Your Every Word!"

Then turn to page 109/110... read every word... and see how incredibly easy it is overcome shyness and uncertainly... to make your conversations sparkle... to think instantly on your feet... reason logically... build thought upon thought correctly and dramatically... persuade others to your point of view... stand out head and shoulder above the rest of the group, every time you wish to make a point!

Yes! And Do You Want To Develop The Ability To Zoom Ahead In The Advancement Tests, The Promotion Tests That Are Your Gateway To The Big Money!

THEN GET READY FOR THE REVELATION OF YOUR LIFE STARTING ON PAGE 189! When you put this "Test Solver" Action to work!

When you're shown a five minute ritual, before you take a personality or advancement test, that breaks that test wide open! That drains fear and nervousness out of your body like magic!

That puts every fact you need right at the tips of your fingers - ready to go to work for you or an instant's notice - ready to give you promotion scores so high that you move ahead faster than you have dreamed!

And This Is Still Just The Beginning!

What I've described to you on this page is only a small sampling of the information packed into this revolutionary new program, THE 5 MINUTE LEARNING MACHINE - now available only through this website!
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