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HD 2D and 3D Fractal zoom animation multipack 002
A second collection of works from teamfresh, These fractal animations are all HD and this pack contains a nice mixture of two dimensional Mandelbrot fractal set magnifications and three dimensional Mandelbrot fractal zooms and explorations.
This collection contains the following products:
3d folded mandelbox zoom (2min edit)
Black Box Mandelbox zoom
e214 remastered
Last Lights On - Mandelbrot fractal zoom to 6.066 e228
last lights on acid
mandala 1
Return to Split Point.
Spiked - Deep Mandelbrot Fractal Zoom
Trip FROM e214
trip from e228 reverse Mandelbrot fractal zoom.
Travel deeper than a thousand universes
courtesy of teamfresh
lower quality copies can be previewed at