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Firesoft Firesale Manager MRR

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Learn To Influence, Persuade And
Captivate Your Audience In Such A
Way That They Buy From You..
What You Tell Them To
When You Tell Them To

Split Payment Capabilities – No longer is there a need for writing affiliate checks, using unreliable snail mail or relying on a third parties to pay your affiliates for a cut of your profit. With split payments the affiliate is paid directly and you are paid directly. Instant profit for both parties, not to mention promoters love to be paid instantly making them miles easier to attract.

Fully Protected Members Area – I’ve put up many sites in my time as an online marketing, and no job is more time consuming and frustrating than integrating payment processors, access management and affiliate tracking scripts at the same time. With FireSoft 1.2, there’s no need. It tracks your affiliates and keeps your membership area for your member’s eyes only.

Multiple Members Levels – Firesoft 1.2 gives you the flexibility to offer enhanced product downloads or a different package entirely to separate groups of members. Capture the full profit potential of your sale by offering your joint ventures something special and provide your big spenders with expensive packages without having to cut out the little guys who can’t afford a high ticket item. How many products you let them download and how much they have to pay you to get them is entirely controlled by you. You also have the power to promote or demote them automatically or manually at any time.

One Time Offer Support – With back end one time offer upgrade rates reported as being in excess of 70, why waste the opportunity to get your big spenders to spend even more with you? You can potentially double your profit from a single sale with this feature alone.

You Decide Who To Pay First – Inspire confidence in your products for your affiliates and pay them the first cut, or make sure you catch any potential sale breaking problems early on by paying yourself the first cut. It’s entirely your choice.

Unlimited Sale Length & Custom Pricing – Add an unlimited number of products to your sale of an unlimited length. Whether you want to run your sale for twelve years or twelve hours, it can be done with FireSoft 1.2. You could even make a full-blown membership site out of it by adding additional products and making use of your customers and affiliates to buy and promote follow-up products at a later date, all with a few clicks of your mouse, all under one domain. The only limit is your imagination.

Contact Your Members When You Want – E-mail your members, affiliates or joint ventures updates and special offers at any time. Which member level you e-mail is entirely your choice, and you don’t need to worry about annoying your personal joint venture contacts either. They can automatically or manually be placed in a high priority category and mailed only when you want to contact them specifically.

Customizable Automated E-mail – Nothing beats the feeling of getting congratulatory e-mails every time you make a sale or a special unexpected bonus for customers when they sign up. Get your affiliates to promote for longer and get your customers to buy from you over and over on complete autopilot by customizing automated e-mails for signups, referrals and commission announcements for each member level and even individuals.

Full Sale Statistics – Keep track of your top promoters, your top money- makers and big spenders while improving your sales material to boost conversion rates keeping both affiliates, JV’s and your pocket very happy indeed. Everything you need to run a razor sharp and refined fire sale.

Sleek User Friendly Design Means Quick Setup & Integration – Simply follow the five quick start steps in the user manual and you can be set up and running your own fire sale in mere minutes. No complicated integration issues; just upload, install, set up, launch and profit. Whether you change the layout and graphics, or use the stock set, you customers will look at you like a pro right from get-go.

- (OPTIONAL) New feature additions! Don't think for a moment we're just going to give you this script and leave it at that. We'll be adding new features for you in the future too, so check back regularly, and keep your contact details up to date. This comes free of charge too, you won't have to pay a penny for updates to the script.

- Quick and easy installation, even if you've never installed scripts on your server before. All you have to do is upload the files, and follow the detailed user manual to set the script up. You can be up and running in under 20 minutes from now, with your own dynamically managed, automated membership site.

“My personal 100 “I challenge you, the risk is all mine” 30 day, no questions asked money back guarantee”

I am so confident that this product will give your online business a huge head-start over those who miss out or decide to pass up this offer, that I’m going to take all the risk away from you by offering you my 100 money back, ‘I challenge you’ guarantee.

Here’s the deal. You take this product away with you today and apply the advantage it gives your online business, and in return, if you haven’t seen profitable results after using it for 30 days, (results that must exceed your expectations) I’m going to put your money right back in your pocket, and we’ll part ways, leaving you with your original investment, plus I’ll let you keep the product anyway.

It’s impossible to do business like this without having a quality product that works, and works well. If it didn’t, everyone would just claim refunds and get my product for free, and I’d make no money to cover my costs, and this site would have been gone months ago. One more reason to be sure that this is the real deal.

“In Fact, I’m so confident in this, I’m going to take things even further this time around. Here’s how..”

My time is a precious thing. There’s only so many hours in the day, and I use as many of those as I can in developing my business. I’m going to change that now though. If you don’t feel 100 confident about anything you find in this product within your first 30 days, call me and I’ll personally help you out. (You’ll find my phone number and support desk on the contact us page as always). Any questions you have about not just this product, but how it fits in with your business, how to execute the included strategies, just let me know. I’ll spend my time, helping you to develop your business with this product.

Now there’s an assurance you don’t see every day.

Order now before the price returns to normal!
Tags: plr, mrr
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