Keyword Cash Generator
Who Else Wants to Discover an Amazing Tool That Turns Any Keyword You Select into Money-Making Affiliate
Links & Anchor Text?
Imagine Being Able to INSTANTLY Create
Passive Revenue Streams in Your Website Content That Will Send Money Flooding into Your Bank Account 24/7!
Now STOP Imagining & Find Out
How to Make It All a Wonderful
Reality Below!
You might be sitting on a hidden goldmine and not even know it!
It's true. If you have been struggling to discover a surefire, guaranteed tool that you can easily use to generate profits in today's competitive Internet marketplace, I have two things to say to you:
You're not alone
And you've definitely come to the right place!
Here's why:
I'm about to reveal an amazing software program that you can use to quickly and easily MONETIZE your web content!
But First, Allow Me to Introduce Myself a€¦
My name is Jeffrey Levesque and I'm sure I don't have to tell you how important content is to an Internet Marketer's success.
Providing your website visitors with good content is the best way to increase your traffic and sales and improve your search engine rankings.
But what if you could also turn the content itself into a passive income generator wouldn't that be the best of both worlds?
Well, now you can! And you can do it without any hard work or serious effort on your part, too.
In fact, you can do it with just a few clicks of your mouse thanks
to my new software
Keyword Cash Generator!
This amazing software program is specially designed to monetize any web content whether it is regular web page content, an article, a blog or numerous other types of content all with a few simple clicks of your mouse.
That's right, it's never been easier to create money-making links or anchor text links to other pages on your site or other sites you own!
Start using the Keyword Cash Generator today and you will:
Open new passive income streams that generate cold hard cash profits even while you sleep!
Boost your click-through rates as text links historically receive higher click-through rates than regular PPC ads!
Send your online revenues soaring through the roof by using the program along with AdSense and/or other PPC programs!
And much, much more!
Here's How the Keyword Cash
Generator Works:
Keyword Cash Generator is extremely easy to use! You simply:
Enter your keywords
Enter your URLs
Choose the source folder
Choose a destination folder
Make a few custom choices
Click the Start Conversion button
It's that easy!
After you click the conversion button,Keyword Cash Generator will scan your existing content for the keywords you indicated and convert them into profit-grabbing affiliate links and powerfully effective anchor text.
With Keyword Cash Generator You Can Place
Money-Making Links on Hundreds
of Web Pages in Mere Seconds!
And what could possibly be better than that?
This could be just the tool you need to explode your online income or at the very least create new revenue streams that will provide you with the extra income you need to pay off your debts or buy those little extras that youa'e always wanted!
And If You Have Your Own Blog Or Are Thinking About Starting One This Could Be Just the Tool
You Need to Turn It Into a Real Money-Maker!
Keyword Cash Generator will allow you to maximize your blog's profit potential and it works seamlessly with XsitePro!
So What Are You Waiting For?
And remember, since this program is available as an instant download you will be able to begin benefiting from its profit generating potential and ease of use immediately!
This is the Profit-Generating Tool You Need
To Get on the Fast Track to Success!
The Keyword Cash Generator is the ultimate keyword link creation tool. No other program offers you all of this:
Converts keywords in your .html, .php, or .txt documents into money-making affiliate links a€“ with a few simple clicks of your mouse!
Also will convert keywords in your .html, .php or .txt documents into powerfully effective anchor text again with just a few clicks of your mouse!
Automatically converts text files into html to make the links clickable a€“ saving you hours of hard work and frustration!
Works seamlessly with XsitePro sites, Article Site Generators, and other Site/Page builders that create static .htm and .html pages!
Boasts a user-friendly interface that makes it extremely simple to use!
Provides you with the option of having links open in a new window so visitors will never have to leave your site!
It is a windows-based program so it is easy to install on your computer and you will be able to begin using it right away!
Creates "hard links," which search engines love!
Can automatically "cloak" affiliate links created on your pages!
And much, much more!
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