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Pack combo 6 Video Tutorial plr

"Find Out NOW How YOU, Too Can Have Your Very Own Instant Collection Of Fresh NEW, Smoking Hot "Viral" Products... without Having To Spend Hundreds Of Dollars Or Weeks Of Writing!"

Read On To Learn How You Can DO ABSOLUTELY ANYTHING YOU WANT With SIX (6) Brand Spanking *NEW* Video Products, And Bring In Great Earnings Selling These Products As Your Own!

When You Reach The End Of This Letter, You Will Also Discover How YOU Can Jump Start Your Way Into Profits With These Products Almost Immediately!

From: Insert Your Name Here
Date: Friday, October 21, 2011

Dear Friend,

You absolutely know that there is much importance placed on having your own product if you want to succeed BIG time... and earn BIG bucks in this inldustry.

One of the absolute advantages of having your own Video Product is that you are able to bring in your earnings instantly rather than wait for somebody else to pay you your affiliate checks, and only a very small percentage of the sale on top of that.

Additionally if you have your own products you are able to have FULL rights and FULL flexibility, giving you the license to decide your own profit potential and what you will do with the product.

Which is perfect, of course,be cause besides all of this you may also brand yourself in the process.

If you choose to, you can even publish the prolducts offline, too, simply by transfering the videos to disc - which will blow up your income further.

"And Here Are Even More Reasons Why You Should Have Your Very Own Video Product..."

You can promote more than one thing of your choice from your own Video Product,like a One Time Offer, back-end offers, and affiliate links within the product.

Because you own the full rights to your own Video(s), you can offer a "special" version and either charge a smaller price for those who can't afford a larger investment, or even give it away as a "bonus" and build your opt-in mailing list.

You may as well offer the product in your own paid membership site or as a bonus to another product you are promoting.

You may as well bring in more cash by selling the Resell Rights or Private Label Rights to your product,

And so much more! These are some suggestions but you get the idea.

As you can see, having your own Video Product or line of Video Products is one of the Smartest choices you can ever make in your Marketing career!

"But There's An Issue..."

... and you'll recognize it as product development or product creation.

However, selling your own Video Product is too lucrative to pass up just because this sounds scary.

So let's evaluate what your options are:

Option #1: Make Your Video Product(s)

You know that coming up with your own Video Product requires crazy amounts of skill, expertise, niche marketing research, and knowledge on your part on how viral videos work.

And if you don't have all this or you absolutely detest it, you will do well to skip this option.

Option #2: Employ A Multi-media Specialist

People think this is the "secret weapon" of gurus. Employing multi-media specialists may be one of your best optionss... only if you can foot the huge bill.

And if you don't have at least a few hundred bucks lying around to trust someone else to do the video production for you, you will have to skip this option too.

Option #3: Buy PLR To Assemble Products

This can be a good and fast way to have instant products to resell and pocket 100 of the profits. The downside, however, is that you don't own the product.

In other words, you can only do so much with the product as the ultimate copyright holder is the product author.

"And If None Of The First 3 Options Work For You, Then..."

... may I suggest that you drop your video product development worries and get your hands on...

Not One Or Two, But 6 Fresh, Smoking Hot Viral Video Products - All Targeted At Hungry Niches - Complete With *No Restriction* Private Label Rights!

Yes, you heard me right.

Different than most products out there where product authors are offering limited rights to their Private Label Rights, I am offering you absolutely NO RESTRICTIONS on how you use the Video Products.

In a real essence, YOU can do anything you want with them - the sky is the limit!

"First, Let Me Tell You About The Products You Will Be Adding To Your Arsenal In The Next Click..."

And Remember...
When You Get To The End Of This Letter, You Will Also Discover How YOU Can Jump Start Your Way To Earnings With These Products Right Away!

Post 9/11 Comeback!
No Restriction Viral Video!

A Tribute To Feeling Better About Yourself And Your World

Target Market/Demand:

People who are looking for a way to feel better about the world with the 10 year anniversary of 9/11 on their minds.

Product Description:

A touching and beautiful reminder that we must take steps to better our world and

You Receive The No Restriction Private Label Rights To This Video In AVI and FLV Format, MP3, Raw Word (DOC) File, PDF And Editable Photoshop Source Document To The E-Cover!

Glee Positive!
No Restriction Viral Video!

Get A Grip On Your Positive Power!

Target Market/Demand:

People who wish to have a positive and winning attitude no matter what happens or people who just love Glee.

Product Description:

This fun and upbemat viral video explains how the Glee kids remain positive and has great techniques for yoou to stay that way too!

You Receive The No Restriction Private Label Rights To This Video In AVI and FLV Format, MP3, Raw Word (DOC) File, PDF And Editable Photoshop Source Document To The E-Cover!

Planet Perfecto!
No Restriction Viral Video!

Uniting The World By Helping Others And Giving Value!

Target Market/Demand:

The target market is a no-brainer... anyone who wishes to better ther life and help others!

Product Description:

A beautiful and uplifting viral video with a message of how to unite as humans and provide value in the world.

You Receive The No Restriction Private Label Rights To This Video In AVI and FLV Format, MP3, Raw Word (DOC) File, PDF And Editable Photoshop Source Document To The E-Cover!

The Unstoppable Google Marketer!
No Restriction Viral Video!

Use Google Keyword Tools To Tap Into A Wealth Of Demand

Target Market/Demand:

In this industry,there will be masses of highly competitive entrepreneurs. Learn how to beat them with the best Google keywords topics!
Product Description:

This video is designed to equip you with the tools to
succeed in any niche and is
destined for viral sharing.

You Receive The No Restriction Private Label Rights To This Video In AVI and FLV Format, MP3, Raw Word (DOC) File, PDF And Editable Photoshop Source Document To The E-Cover!

Harry Potter Business Magic!
No Restriction Video!

The Marketing Magic You Never Knew

Target Market/Demand:

Anyone who desires to break out of the duldrums of traditional traditional marketing and be a success.

Product Description:

Today, people that are successful with marketing use some innovative techniques. This viral video will show you how to do it!

You Receive The No Restriction Private Label Rights To This Video In AVI and FLV Format, MP3, Raw Word (DOC) File, PDF And Editable Photoshop Source Document To The E-Cover!

Terrific Tube Traffic!
No Restriction Video!

Target Your Customers By Engaging Them Through Video

Target Market/Demand:

Any person who desires to build a large business!

Product Description:

Business is getting more and more competitive as the days go by. This viral video is the latest in business survival techniques by using video.

You Receive The No Restriction Private Label Rights To This Video In AVI and FLV Format, MP3, Raw Word (DOC) File, PDF And Editable Photoshop Source Document To The E-Cover!

"What Can You Do With The NO RESTRICTION Private Label Rights To These Products?"

Viral videos succeed because the audience likes them and spreads them on to others. And with these, you can do VIRTUALLY ANYTHING YOU WANT with them!

Let me provide you some cash-pulling ideas:

You can use the products for personal use.

You can put your name on the products as the author!

You can edit the contents, change the E-Cover, re-title the products, and include your very own back-end affiliate links!

You can break the contents down to smaller clips, use the document for articles or use the MP3 alone.

You can sell the products, individually or in a package at any price you wish! The profit potential is yours to decide!

You can add the products into your (free/paid) membership site for your members to enjoy and increase the perceived value of your membership content!

You can use the products as a bonus to another product you are selling!

You can include these products into a paid package and sell at a higher price!

You can sell the products through auction sites!

You can offer the (Master) Resell Rights - together or separately - to the products - and sell at a higher price!

You can resell the Private Label Rights to the products at an even higher price!

You can give the products away - with or without Private Label Rights - and use them as lead collectors to build your mailing list!

You can change and publish the products offline!

And so much more!

As there are no restrictions imposed on these products, you decide how you want to use them in your favor to make an avalanche of sales and build your online business empire!
No need for product development from scratch nor paying expensive ghostwriting fees... these products are yours to swap in the next mouse click!

And I've purposely saved the BEST bit for the last...
Tags: money cash business
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This file is sold by onlinebusiness1, an independent seller on Tradebit.

File Size 587 megabytes
File Type TAR
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