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This Document Is To Be Distributed With Every Copy Of Easy PDF Maker Software
Run the software Click on the “Ebooks” tab
Click the “New” icon and wait for a new window to load.
Now, just begin typing your EBook.
Click the “Style” tab to view all the editing functions similar to Word to edit your
document as you wish. If you have already typed some text you want to edit, just
highlight the text and choose your function.
If you can use Word or similar Word Processors, you can use Easy PDF Maker!
If you want to insert a page break, images, hyperlinks, header, footer etc just click on
the “Insert” tab.
To save your EBook:
You can save your EBook in these formats: .rtf, .htm, .doc, .txt
To do so, click the “File” tab Click the “Save” icon Save As and save
To make your PDF:
Just click the PDF Icon and follow the prompts and choose where you would like to
save it (somewhere easy to find) ...Easy as 1-2-3!
Then click Save, then enter the next batch of info you will see and click OK
Dont be afraid to just try it out...youve already saved your work so you will not lose
Quick Tips
Working with the Grids
Sorting Grid Rows.
Grids can be sorted ascending or descending on all columns
1. Click on the column header you want sorted alphabetically ascending
2. By clicking on the column head again it will sort the column descending
Removing Columns
Columns can be added and removed from the Grids
1. Click on the column you want to remove.
2. While clicking on the column, drag it off the column header
Adding Columns
1. Right click anywhere on the column header and choose Column Chooser
2. The Column Chooser will appear
3. Drag the column that you want to add from the column chooser
window to the grid’s column header
Grouping Columns
1. Drag the column or columns you want to group by to the top of the grid
2. To remove the groupings by dragging the column back to the grid’s column header
Adding Niche
1. Type in the Niche or select from a list by clicking the button on the text field
2. Select the Niche you want to add and click Select button
Adding Niche Category
1. Type in the category or select from a list by clicking the button on the text field
2. Select the Category you want to add and click Select button
Adding usage rights
1. On the purchased item detail window click the Rights tab
2. Click the Add button
3. Select the Right you want to add and click Select button
Backing up data
It is strongly recommended you back up your data regularly. The backup utility will
backup everything that is loaded into Easy PDF Maker Manager. This means all
projects, outsourcing contacts, reminders, books, articles and purchased items.
Everything is backed up into a zip file.
1. Click the Home tab
2. Select the Backup All button
Restoring data
Restoring a back up is similar to the backup process. All data that including purchased
items, books and articles will be deleted that were added after the backup occurred.
Restoring to previous backup.
1. Click the Home tab
2. Select the Restore All
3. Verify that you understand that all data added after the backup will be deleted by
clicking OK
4. Select the backup
5. Click Open
Updating document information
1. Click the Document Tab on the top
2. Click the Information button within the document group
3. Update the information and click OK
4. Click File tab on the top
5. Click Save drop down then Save to update all changes
Changing fonts
1. Click Style Tab on the top
2. In the Font group, click the Properties
3. Select the changes and click OK
Headers and Footers
The headers and footers will appear on every page of the document except the first
page. The first page will have a separate header and footer. The process to add, edit
and delete are the same for all headers and footers.
Adding a Header and Footer
1. Go to the Insert tab at the top
2. Click the Header or Footer button
3. Type in the text you want and click OK
Editing Header and Footers
1. Double clicking the header and footer will allow you to edit
2. Edit the content like you would any other text
3. Click off the header or footer to end editing
1. Go to the Insert Tab
2. Click the Hyperlink button
3. Type in the text you want displayed in the Link Text field
4. Type in the website address you want to the text to link to
5. Select the box to make the link blue highlighted
6. Click Ok when finished
Add Image
1. Click the Insert Tab
2. Click The Image button
3. Find the appropriate image and select Open
4. Resize Image and drag image to the size and location wanted
Editing Image Properties
1. Select the image you want to edit
2. Click the Style Tab
3. Click the Image button
4. Edit the properties and click OK
Text Frames
Text frames are individual text areas that different font styles and colors can be used
without affecting the rest of the document. These text frames can be moved to any
portion of the document by clicking and dragging the text frame.
Adding New Text Frame
1. Click on the Insert tab
2. Click the Text Frame button
3. Drag and resize the new text frame by clicking on it
Editing Text Frame Properties
1. Select the Text Frame you want to edit
2. Click the Style Tab
3. Click the Text Frame
4. Edit the properties and click Ok
Generating PDF
Easy PDF Maker can generate PDF’s without having any additional software installed.
You can specify any security settings when generating your PDF. All security options for
your PDF are saved.
Create a PDF
1. Click the PDF button.
2. Select the PDF Security options and passwords you want
3. Click Ok
4. Type in the File Name and location you want to save to
5. Click Save
Saving documents
There are two ways to save your documents. Easy PDF Maker keeps its own version
that you can edit. For distribution, you can also save the document as a Word, RTF,
Text or HTML formats.
To Distribute Your Content
1. Click Save drop down
2. Select Save As
3. Enter in a file name
4. Select a file type
5. Click Save
File Data

This file is sold by richardkoh, an independent seller on Tradebit.

File Size 11 megabytes
File Type EXE
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