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Outdoor Camping for Newbies (PLR)
This is Your Ultimate Guide to Family Camping!
Are the kids bugging you about another trip to a pricey theme park? Is your wife dropping hints every time an advertisement for a cruise appears on TV? Do you require resuscitation each time you visit the gas station?
Well, if you can relate maybe it’s time to consider something different for your next family vacation. If that’s the case then “Outdoor Camping for Newbies” is just for you!
Wanting to eliminate the sticker shock that comes along with a family vacation needn’t be just a pipe dream. “Outdoor Camping for Newbies” will help you achieve that dream.
It doesn’t matter whether you were an “Eagle Scout” as a kid or if the closest you’ve ever come to the great outdoors is walking your pet in a dog park, you can create lasting memories on a family campout.
“Outdoor Camping for Newbies” will show you just how easy and expensive your family camping trip can be. Create years of lasting memories without having to take out a second mortgage on your home!
Find out everything you need to know to turn this into the best family vacation you have ever had. You don’t need a lot. Take a look at what we divulge in “Outdoor Camping for Newbies:”
What’s your camping style – Yep there’s a difference
Summer, Winter, Spring or Fall
How to pick the best tent
How to pick the best backpack
How to pick the best sleeping bag
Dressing for the occasion
Campfires and setting up camp
All About Gourmet Camping Food (Just kidding - general food basics)
Fun Activities While Camping
Play it Safe - Packing a First Aid Kit
Staying in Touch
Getting There Can Be Fun - Keeping Kids Happy
Destination Suggestions
10 Fun Things for Kids To Do
What About the dog?
Written in plain English “Outdoor Camping for Newbies” will help answer all the questions you may have in order to make an intelligent decision about whether to hide your wallet and pursue a vacation with lasting memories!
The purpose of our guide is to give you an over view of camping as well as provide you with information about the different steps you need to take to hit the road and get started.
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